▼ src | |
▶ aurora | |
▶ actionscript | |
array.cpp | Implementation for an actionscript Array class |
array.h | Implementation for an actionscript Array class |
asbuffer.cpp | Buffer for handling actionscript byte code |
asbuffer.h | Buffer for handling actionscript byte code |
avm.cpp | Context for executing ActionScript |
avm.h | Context for executing ActionScript |
function.cpp | Function objects for ActionScript |
function.h | Function objects for ActionScript |
movieclip.cpp | MovieClip implementation for actionscript |
movieclip.h | MovieClip implementation for actionscript |
object.cpp | Abstract object which is inherited by every other class |
object.h | Abstract object which is inherited by every other class |
string.cpp | String implementation for actionscript |
string.h | String implementation for actionscript |
textfield.cpp | TextField implementation for actionscript |
textfield.h | TextField implementation for actionscript |
types.h | Types for ActionScript |
variable.cpp | A variable used in the execution context |
variable.h | A variable used in the execution context |
▶ lua | |
function.cpp | A reference to a Lua function |
function.h | A reference to a Lua function |
scriptman.cpp | Lua script manager |
scriptman.h | Lua script manager |
stack.cpp | A Lua stack wrapper |
stack.h | A Lua stack wrapper |
stackguard.cpp | Lua stack guard |
stackguard.h | Lua stack guard |
table.cpp | A reference to a Lua table |
table.h | A reference to a Lua table |
types.h | Lua types |
util.cpp | Lua helpers |
util.h | Lua helpers |
variable.cpp | Lua variable |
variable.h | Lua variable |
▶ nwscript | |
enginetype.h | An NWScript engine type |
functioncontext.cpp | Context of an NWScript function |
functioncontext.h | Context of an NWScript function |
functionman.cpp | The NWScript function manager |
functionman.h | The NWScript function manager |
ncsfile.cpp | Handling BioWare's NWN Compiled Scripts |
ncsfile.h | Handling BioWare's NWN Compiled Scripts |
object.h | An NWScript object |
objectcontainer.cpp | An NWScript object container |
objectcontainer.h | An NWScript object container |
objectman.cpp | NWScript object manager |
objectman.h | NWScript object manager |
objectref.cpp | Reference to an NWScript object |
objectref.h | Reference to an NWScript object |
types.h | NWScript types |
util.cpp | NWScript utility functions |
util.h | NWScript utility functions |
variable.cpp | NWScript variable |
variable.h | NWScript variable |
variablecontainer.cpp | An NWScript variable container |
variablecontainer.h | An NWScript variable container |
2dafile.cpp | Handling BioWare's 2DAs (two-dimensional array) |
2dafile.h | Handling BioWare's 2DAs (two-dimensional array) |
2dareg.cpp | The global 2DA registry |
2dareg.h | The global 2DA registry |
archive.cpp | Handling various archive files |
archive.h | Handling various archive files |
aurorafile.cpp | Base for BioWare's Aurora engine files |
aurorafile.h | Base for BioWare's Aurora engine files |
biffile.cpp | Handling BioWare's BIFs (resource data files) |
biffile.h | Handling BioWare's BIFs (resource data files) |
bzffile.cpp | Handling BioWare's BZFs (resource data files), used in the iOS version of Knights of the Old Republic |
bzffile.h | Handling BioWare's BZFs (resource data files), used in the iOS version of Knights of the Old Republic |
cdpth.cpp | Compressed DePTH, found in Sonic, holding image depth values |
cdpth.h | Compressed DePTH, found in Sonic, holding image depth values |
dlgfile.cpp | Handling BioWare's DLGs (dialog / conversation files) |
dlgfile.h | Handling BioWare's DLGs (dialog / conversation files) |
erffile.cpp | Handling BioWare's ERFs (encapsulated resource file) |
erffile.h | Handling BioWare's ERFs (encapsulated resource file) |
erfwriter.cpp | Writing BioWare's ERFs (encapsulated resource file) |
erfwriter.h | Writing BioWare's ERFs (encapsulated resource file) |
fevfile.cpp | A loader for FEV (FMOD Event) files |
fevfile.h | A loader for FEV (FMOD Event) files |
gdafile.cpp | Handling BioWare's GDAs (2DAs, two-dimensional array, within V4.0 GFFs) |
gdafile.h | Handling BioWare's GDAs (2DAs, two-dimensional array, within V4.0 GFFs) |
gdaheaders.cpp | Resolve a GDA column header hash back to its string |
gdaheaders.h | Resolve a GDA column header hash back to its string |
gff3file.cpp | Handling version V3.2/V3.3 of BioWare's GFFs (generic file format) |
gff3file.h | Handling version V3.2/V3.3 of BioWare's GFFs (generic file format) |
gff3writer.cpp | Writer for writing version V3.2/V3.3 of BioWare's GFFs (generic file format) |
gff3writer.h | Writer for writing version V3.2/V3.3 of BioWare's GFFs (generic file format) |
gff4fields.h | All currently known fields in V4.0/V4.1 GFFs |
gff4file.cpp | Handling version V4.0/V4.1 of BioWare's GFFs (generic file format) |
gff4file.h | Handling version V4.0/V4.1 of BioWare's GFFs (generic file format) |
gfxfile.cpp | GFX files are used for the dragonage and dragonage2 guis |
gfxfile.h | GFX files are used for the dragonage and dragonage2 guis |
herffile.cpp | BioWare's HERF (hashed ERF) file parsing |
herffile.h | BioWare's HERF (hashed ERF) file parsing |
ifofile.cpp | Loader for the module.ifo file |
ifofile.h | Loader for the module.ifo file |
keydatafile.h | An abstract KEY data file (BIF or BZF) |
keyfile.cpp | Handling BioWare's KEYs (resource index files) |
keyfile.h | Handling BioWare's KEYs (resource index files) |
language.cpp | Types and functions related to language |
language.h | Types and functions related to language |
language_strings.h | Language <-> Language name mappings |
locstring.cpp | Handling BioWare's localized strings |
locstring.h | Handling BioWare's localized strings |
ltrfile.cpp | File for creating random names in the character generation |
ltrfile.h | File for creating random names in the character generation |
lytfile.cpp | Handling BioWare's LYTs (Layout files) |
lytfile.h | Handling BioWare's LYTs (Layout files) |
ndsrom.cpp | Nintendo DS ROM parsing |
ndsrom.h | Nintendo DS ROM parsing |
nfofile.cpp | Loader for the savenfo.res file, storing savegame metadata for kotor 1 and 2 |
nfofile.h | Loader for the savenfo.res file, storing savegame metadata for kotor 1 and 2 |
nitrofile.cpp | Base class for Nitro (Nintendo DS) files |
nitrofile.h | Base class for Nitro (Nintendo DS) files |
nsbtxfile.cpp | Treat Nintendo NSBTX files, which contain multiple textures as an archive of intermediate textures |
nsbtxfile.h | Treat Nintendo NSBTX files, which contain multiple textures as an archive of intermediate textures |
obbfile.cpp | Handling Aspyr's OBB virtual filesystems |
obbfile.h | Handling Aspyr's OBB virtual filesystems |
pefile.cpp | A portable executable archive |
pefile.h | A portable executable archive |
resman.cpp | The global resource manager for Aurora resources |
resman.h | The global resource manager for Aurora resources |
rimfile.cpp | Handling BioWare's RIMs (resource archives) |
rimfile.h | Handling BioWare's RIMs (resource archives) |
sacfile.cpp | Handling GFF3 files with SAC header |
sacfile.h | Handling GFF3 files with SAC header |
smallfile.cpp | Decompressing "small" files, Nintendo DS LZSS (types 0x00 and 0x10), found in Sonic |
smallfile.h | Decompressing "small" files, Nintendo DS LZSS (types 0x00 and 0x10), found in Sonic |
ssffile.cpp | Handling BioWare's SSFs (sound set file) |
ssffile.h | Handling BioWare's SSFs (sound set file) |
talkman.cpp | The global talk manager for Aurora strings |
talkman.h | The global talk manager for Aurora strings |
talktable.cpp | Base class for BioWare's talk tables |
talktable.h | Base class for BioWare's talk tables |
talktable_gff.cpp | Handling BioWare's GFF'd talk tables |
talktable_gff.h | Handling BioWare's GFF'd talk tables |
talktable_tlk.cpp | Handling BioWare's TLK talk tables |
talktable_tlk.h | Handling BioWare's TLK talk tables |
textureatlasfile.cpp | A loader class for texture atlas XML files for Dragon Age: Origins and Dragon Age 2 |
textureatlasfile.h | A loader class for texture atlas XML files for Dragon Age: Origins and Dragon Age 2 |
thewitchersavefile.cpp | Handling TheWitcherSave Archives |
thewitchersavefile.h | Handling TheWitcherSave Archives |
thewitchersavewriter.cpp | Writer for writing TheWitcherSave files |
thewitchersavewriter.h | Writer for writing TheWitcherSave files |
types.h | Basic type definitions to handle files used in BioWare's Aurora engine |
util.cpp | Utility functions to handle files used in BioWare's Aurora engine |
util.h | Utility functions to handle files used in BioWare's Aurora engine |
visfile.cpp | Handling BioWare's VISs (Visibility files) |
visfile.h | Handling BioWare's VISs (Visibility files) |
zipfile.cpp | A ZIP archive |
zipfile.h | A ZIP archive |
▶ common | |
algorithm.h | Supplemental algorithms |
atomic.h | Helper header to include boost::atomic |
binsearch.h | Simple utility template for searching through static const maps |
bitstream.h | A bit stream |
bitstreamwriter.h | A bit stream writer |
blowfish.cpp | Encryption / decryption using Bruce Schneier's Blowfish algorithm |
blowfish.h | Encryption / decryption using Bruce Schneier's Blowfish algorithm |
boundingbox.cpp | A bounding box |
boundingbox.h | A bounding box |
changeid.cpp | Helper class to represent an undoable change |
changeid.h | Helper class to represent an undoable change |
configfile.cpp | A class storing a basic configuration file |
configfile.h | A class storing a basic configuration file |
configman.cpp | The global config manager |
configman.h | The global config manager |
cosinetables.cpp | Static cosine tables |
cosinetables.h | Static cosine tables |
datetime.cpp | Utility functions for manipulating date and time |
datetime.h | Utility functions for manipulating date and time |
dct.cpp | (Inverse) Discrete Cosine Transforms |
dct.h | (Inverse) Discrete Cosine Transforms |
deallocator.h | Simple deallocator concept |
debug.cpp | Utility functions for debug output |
debug.h | Utility functions for debug output |
debugman.cpp | The debug manager, managing debug channels |
debugman.h | The debug manager, managing debug channels |
deflate.cpp | Compress (deflate) and decompress (inflate) using zlib's DEFLATE algorithm |
deflate.h | Compress (deflate) and decompress (inflate) using zlib's DEFLATE algorithm |
disposableptr.h | A smart pointer with a deletion flag |
encoding.cpp | Utility functions for working with differing string encodings |
encoding.h | Utility functions for working with differing string encodings |
endianness.h | Low-level macros and functions to handle different endianness portably |
error.cpp | Basic exceptions to throw |
error.h | Basic exceptions to throw |
fallthrough.h | Compiler-specific defines to mark an implicit switch-case fallthrough |
fft.cpp | (Inverse) Fast Fourier Transform |
fft.h | (Inverse) Fast Fourier Transform |
filelist.cpp | A list of files |
filelist.h | A list of files |
filepath.cpp | Utility class for manipulating file paths |
filepath.h | Utility class for manipulating file paths |
foxpro.cpp | A database in FoxPro format |
foxpro.h | A database in FoxPro format |
hash.h | Utility hash functions |
huffman.cpp | Decompressing Huffman codes |
huffman.h | Decompressing Huffman codes |
lzma.cpp | Decompress LZMA, using liblzma |
lzma.h | Decompress LZMA, using liblzma |
maths.cpp | Mathematical helpers |
maths.h | Mathematical helpers |
md5.cpp | Hashing/digesting using the MD5 algorithm |
md5.h | Hashing/digesting using the MD5 algorithm |
mdct.cpp | (Inverse) Modified Discrete Cosine Transforms |
mdct.h | (Inverse) Modified Discrete Cosine Transforms |
memreadstream.cpp | Implementing the reading stream interfaces for plain memory blocks |
memreadstream.h | Implementing the reading stream interfaces for plain memory blocks |
memwritestream.cpp | Implementing the writing stream interfaces for memory blocks |
memwritestream.h | Implementing the writing stream interfaces for memory blocks |
mutex.cpp | Thread mutex classes |
mutex.h | Thread mutex classes |
noreturn.h | Compiler-specific defines to declare a function non-returning |
pe_exe.cpp | Portable executable parsing |
pe_exe.h | Portable executable parsing |
platform.cpp | Platform-dependant functions, mostly for internal use in the Common namespace |
platform.h | Platform-dependant functions, mostly for internal use in the Common namespace |
ptrlist.h | A list storing pointer to objects, with automatic deletion |
ptrmap.h | A map storing pointer to objects, with automatic deletion |
ptrvector.h | A vector storing pointer to objects, with automatic deletion |
rational.cpp | Rational number implementation |
rational.h | Rational number implementation |
rdft.cpp | (Inverse) Real Discrete Fourier Transform |
rdft.h | (Inverse) Real Discrete Fourier Transform |
readfile.cpp | Implementing the stream reading interfaces for files |
readfile.h | Implementing the stream reading interfaces for files |
readline.cpp | A class providing (limited) readline-like capabilities |
readline.h | A class providing (limited) readline-like capabilities |
readstream.cpp | Basic reading stream interfaces |
readstream.h | Basic reading stream interfaces |
rect.cpp | A simple rectangle helper class |
rect.h | A simple rectangle helper class |
scopedptr.h | A simple scoped smart pointer template |
sinetables.cpp | Static sine tables |
sinetables.h | Static sine tables |
sinewindows.cpp | Static sine windows |
sinewindows.h | Static sine windows |
singleton.h | Class and macro for implementing singletons |
streamtokenizer.cpp | Parse tokens out of a stream |
streamtokenizer.h | Parse tokens out of a stream |
stringmap.cpp | A map to quickly match strings from a list |
stringmap.h | A map to quickly match strings from a list |
strutil.cpp | Utility templates and functions for working with strings and streams |
strutil.h | Utility templates and functions for working with strings and streams |
system.h | Low-level detection of architecture/system properties |
systemfonts.cpp | Built-in system fonts |
systemfonts.h | Built-in system fonts |
thread.cpp | Threading helpers |
thread.h | Threading helpers |
threads.cpp | Threading system helpers |
threads.h | Threading system helpers |
timestamp.cpp | Lossless timestamping |
timestamp.h | Lossless timestamping |
types.h | Low-level type definitions to handle fixed width types portably |
ustring.cpp | Unicode string handling |
ustring.h | Unicode string handling |
util.cpp | Utility templates and functions |
util.h | Utility templates and functions |
uuid.cpp | Utility functions for generating unique IDs |
uuid.h | Utility functions for generating unique IDs |
writefile.cpp | Implementing the stream writing interfaces for files |
writefile.h | Implementing the stream writing interfaces for files |
writestream.cpp | Basic writing stream interfaces |
writestream.h | Basic writing stream interfaces |
xml.cpp | XML parsing helpers, using libxml2 |
xml.h | XML parsing helpers, using libxml2 |
zipfile.cpp | ZIP file decompression |
zipfile.h | ZIP file decompression |
▶ engines | |
▶ aurora | |
▶ kotorjadegui | |
button.cpp | A button widget for Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic and Jade Empire |
button.h | A button widget for Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic and Jade Empire |
checkbox.cpp | A checkbox widget for Star Wars: Knights of the Old Repulic and Jade Empire |
checkbox.h | A checkbox widget for Star Wars: Knights of the Old Repulic and Jade Empire |
kotorinventoryitem.cpp | An inventory item widget for Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic |
kotorinventoryitem.h | An inventory item widget for Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic |
kotorjadewidget.cpp | Common base for Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic and Jade Empire widgets |
kotorjadewidget.h | Common base for Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic and Jade Empire widgets |
label.cpp | A label widget for Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic and Jade Empire |
label.h | A label widget for Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic and Jade Empire |
listbox.cpp | A list box widget for Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic and Jade Empire |
listbox.h | A list box widget for Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic and Jade Empire |
panel.cpp | A panel widget for Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic and Jade Empire |
panel.h | A panel widget for Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic and Jade Empire |
progressbar.cpp | A progressbar widget for Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic and Jade Empire |
progressbar.h | A progressbar widget for Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic and Jade Empire |
protoitem.cpp | A protoitem widget for Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic and Jade Empire |
protoitem.h | A protoitem widget for Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic and Jade Empire |
scrollbar.cpp | A scrollbar widget for Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic and Jade Empire |
scrollbar.h | A scrollbar widget for Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic and Jade Empire |
slider.cpp | A slider widget for Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic and Jade Empire |
slider.h | A slider widget for Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic and Jade Empire |
console.cpp | Generic Aurora engines (debug) console |
console.h | Generic Aurora engines (debug) console |
freeroamcamera.cpp | Engine utility class for free-roam camera handling |
freeroamcamera.h | Engine utility class for free-roam camera handling |
gui.cpp | A GUI |
gui.h | A GUI |
loadprogress.cpp | Displaying the progress in loading a game |
loadprogress.h | Displaying the progress in loading a game |
model.cpp | Generic Aurora engines model functions |
model.h | Generic Aurora engines model functions |
modelloader.cpp | An abstract Aurora model loader |
modelloader.h | An abstract Aurora model loader |
resources.cpp | Generic Aurora engines resource utility functions |
resources.h | Generic Aurora engines resource utility functions |
satellitecamera.cpp | Engine utility class for camera handling where camera rotates around PC |
satellitecamera.h | Engine utility class for camera handling where camera rotates around PC |
tokenman.cpp | Manager for tokens in Aurora engines text strings |
tokenman.h | Manager for tokens in Aurora engines text strings |
trigger.cpp | Generic trigger |
trigger.h | Generic trigger |
util.cpp | Generic Aurora engines utility functions |
util.h | Generic Aurora engines utility functions |
widget.cpp | A widget in a GUI |
widget.h | A widget in a GUI |
▶ dragonage | |
▶ script | |
container.cpp | An object containing scripts |
container.h | An object containing scripts |
function_tables.h | Tables defining the engine functions in Dragon Age: Origins |
functions.cpp | Dragon Age: Origins engine functions |
functions.h | Dragon Age: Origins engine functions |
functions_creature.cpp | Dragon Age: Origins engine functions messing with creatures |
functions_event.cpp | Dragon Age: Origins engine functions handling events |
functions_math.cpp | Dragon Age: Origins engine functions doing mathematical operations |
functions_module.cpp | Dragon Age: Origins engine functions operating on the current module/campaign |
functions_object.cpp | Dragon Age: Origins engine functions messing with objects |
functions_string.cpp | Dragon Age: Origins engine functions operating on strings |
area.cpp | The context holding a Dragon Age: Origins area |
area.h | The context holding a Dragon Age: Origins area |
campaign.cpp | The context holding a Dragon Age: Origins campaign |
campaign.h | The context holding a Dragon Age: Origins campaign |
campaigns.cpp | The context managing and running the Dragon Age: Origins campaigns |
campaigns.h | The context managing and running the Dragon Age: Origins campaigns |
console.cpp | Dragon Age: Origins (debug) console |
console.h | Dragon Age: Origins (debug) console |
creature.cpp | A creature in a Dragon Age: Origins area |
creature.h | A creature in a Dragon Age: Origins area |
dragonage.cpp | Engine class handling Dragon Age: Origins |
dragonage.h | Engine class handling Dragon Age: Origins |
event.cpp | A scripting event |
event.h | A scripting event |
game.cpp | The context handling the gameplay in Dragon Age: Origins |
game.h | The context handling the gameplay in Dragon Age: Origins |
modelloader.cpp | Dragon Age: Origins model loader |
modelloader.h | Dragon Age: Origins model loader |
object.cpp | An object in a Dragon Age: Origins area |
object.h | An object in a Dragon Age: Origins area |
objectcontainer.cpp | A container of Dragon Age: Origins objects |
objectcontainer.h | A container of Dragon Age: Origins objects |
placeable.cpp | A placeable object in a Dragon Age: Origins area |
placeable.h | A placeable object in a Dragon Age: Origins area |
probes.cpp | Probing for an installation of Dragon Age: Origins |
probes.h | Probing for an installation of Dragon Age: Origins |
room.cpp | A room in a Dragon Age: Origins area |
room.h | A room in a Dragon Age: Origins area |
types.h | Basic Dragon Age: Origins type definitions |
util.cpp | Dragon Age: Origins utility functions |
util.h | Dragon Age: Origins utility functions |
waypoint.cpp | A waypoint in a Dragon Age: Origins area |
waypoint.h | A waypoint in a Dragon Age: Origins area |
▶ dragonage2 | |
▶ script | |
container.cpp | An object containing scripts |
container.h | An object containing scripts |
function_tables.h | Tables defining the engine functions in Dragon Age II |
functions.cpp | Dragon Age II engine functions |
functions.h | Dragon Age II engine functions |
functions_creature.cpp | Dragon Age II functions messing with creatures |
functions_event.cpp | Dragon Age II engine functions handling events |
functions_math.cpp | Dragon Age II engine functions doing mathematical operations |
functions_module.cpp | Dragon Age II engine functions operating on the current module/campaign |
functions_object.cpp | Dragon Age II engine functions messing with objects |
functions_string.cpp | Dragon Age II engine functions operating on strings |
area.cpp | The context holding a Dragon Age II area |
area.h | The context holding a Dragon Age II area |
campaign.cpp | The context holding a Dragon Age II campaign |
campaign.h | The context holding a Dragon Age II campaign |
campaigns.cpp | The context managing and running the Dragon Age II campaigns |
campaigns.h | The context managing and running the Dragon Age II campaigns |
console.cpp | Dragon Age II (debug) console |
console.h | Dragon Age II (debug) console |
creature.cpp | A creature in a Dragon Age II area |
creature.h | A creature in a Dragon Age II area |
dragonage2.cpp | Engine class handling Dragon Age II |
dragonage2.h | Engine class handling Dragon Age II |
event.cpp | A scripting event |
event.h | A scripting event |
game.cpp | The context handling the gameplay in Dragon Age: Origins |
game.h | The context handling the gameplay in Dragon Age II |
modelloader.cpp | Dragon Age II model loader |
modelloader.h | Dragon Age II model loader |
object.cpp | An object in a Dragon Age II area |
object.h | An object in a Dragon Age II area |
objectcontainer.cpp | A container of Dragon Age II objects |
objectcontainer.h | A container of Dragon Age II objects |
placeable.cpp | A placeable object in a Dragon Age II area |
placeable.h | A placeable object in a Dragon Age II area |
probes.cpp | Probing for an installation of Dragon Age II |
probes.h | Probing for an installation of Dragon Age II |
room.cpp | A room in a Dragon Age II area |
room.h | A room in a Dragon Age II area |
types.h | Basic Dragon Age II type definitions |
util.cpp | Dragon Age II utility functions |
util.h | Dragon Age II utility functions |
waypoint.cpp | A waypoint in a Dragon Age II area |
waypoint.h | A waypoint in a Dragon Age II area |
▶ jade | |
▶ gui | |
▶ main | |
main.cpp | The Jade Empire main menu |
main.h | The Jade Empire main menu |
options.cpp | The Jade Empire main options menu |
options.h | The Jade Empire main options menu |
▶ options | |
audio.cpp | The Jade Empire audio options menu |
audio.h | The Jade Empire audio options menu |
control.cpp | The Jade Empire control options menu |
control.h | The Jade Empire control options menu |
diff.cpp | The Jade Empire difficulty options menu |
diff.h | The Jade Empire difficulty options menu |
feed.cpp | The Jade Empire game info options menu |
feed.h | The Jade Empire game info options menu |
video.cpp | The Jade Empire video options menu |
video.h | The Jade Empire video options menu |
gui.cpp | A Jade Empire GUI |
gui.h | A Jade Empire GUI |
guibackground.cpp | The menu background |
guibackground.h | The menu background |
▶ script | |
container.cpp | An object containing scripts |
container.h | An object containing scripts |
function_tables.h | Tables defining the engine functions in Jade Empire |
functions.cpp | Jade Empire engine functions |
functions.h | Jade Empire engine functions |
functions_2da.cpp | Jade Empire engine functions reading 2DA values |
functions_action.cpp | Jade Empire engine functions assigning actions to objects |
functions_creature.cpp | Jade Empire engine functions messing with creatures |
functions_event.cpp | Jade Empire engine functions handling events |
functions_game.cpp | Jade Empire engine functions operating on the current game |
functions_math.cpp | Jade Empire engine functions doing mathematical operations |
functions_module.cpp | Jade Empire engine functions operating on the current module |
functions_object.cpp | Jade Empire engine functions messing with objects |
functions_string.cpp | Jade Empire engine functions operating on strings |
area.cpp | An area |
area.h | An area |
arealayout.cpp | A rooms layout for an area |
arealayout.h | A layout for an area |
console.cpp | Jade (debug) console |
console.h | Jade (debug) console |
creature.cpp | A creature in a Jade Empire area |
creature.h | A creature in a Jade Empire area |
event.cpp | A scripting event |
event.h | A scripting event |
game.cpp | The context handling the gameplay in Jade Empire |
game.h | The context handling the gameplay in Jade Empire |
jade.cpp | Engine class handling Jade Empire |
jade.h | Engine class handling Jade Empire |
location.cpp | A location within a Jade Empire area |
location.h | A location within a Jade Empire area |
modelloader.cpp | Jade Empire model loader |
modelloader.h | Jade Empire model loader |
module.cpp | A module |
module.h | A module |
object.cpp | An object within a Jade Empire area |
object.h | An object within a Jade Empire area |
objectcontainer.cpp | A container of Jade Empire objects |
objectcontainer.h | A container of Jade Empire objects |
placeable.cpp | A placeable in a Jade Empire area |
placeable.h | A placeable in a Jade Empire area |
probes.cpp | Probing for an installation of Jade Empire |
probes.h | Probing for an installation of Jade Empire |
room.cpp | A room within a Jade Empire area |
room.h | A room within a Jade Empire area |
trigger.cpp | A trigger in a Jade Empire area |
trigger.h | A trigger in a Jade Empire area |
types.h | Basic Jade Empire type definitions |
waypoint.cpp | A waypoint in a Jade Empire area |
waypoint.h | A waypoint in a Jade Empire area |
▶ kotor | |
▶ gui | |
▶ chargen | |
charactergeneration.cpp | The primary character generation menu |
charactergeneration.h | The primary character generation menu |
chargenbase.cpp | A base class for all character creation menus |
chargenbase.h | A base class for all character creation menus |
chargeninfo.cpp | The class for storing character information for generation |
chargeninfo.h | The class for storing character information for generation |
chargenname.cpp | The menu for modifying the name of the character |
chargenname.h | The menu for modifying the name of the character |
chargenportrait.cpp | The menu for modifying the portrait of the |
chargenportrait.h | The menu for modifying the portrait of the |
classselection.cpp | The class selection menu |
classselection.h | The class selection menu |
customchar.cpp | The panel to customize a quick character |
customchar.h | The panel to customize a quick character |
quickchar.cpp | The panel to customize a custom character |
quickchar.h | The panel to customize a custom character |
quickorcustom.cpp | The panel to choose between quick or custom characters |
quickorcustom.h | The panel to choose between quick or custom characters |
▶ dialogs | |
confirm.cpp | Confirmation dialog |
confirm.h | Confirmation dialog |
▶ ingame | |
container.cpp | The ingame container inventory menu |
container.h | The ingame container inventory menu |
hud.cpp | The ingame HUD |
hud.h | The ingame HUD |
ingame.cpp | The ingame GUI |
ingame.h | The ingame GUI |
menu.cpp | The ingame menu |
menu.h | The ingame menu |
menu_abi.cpp | The ingame abilities menu |
menu_abi.h | The ingame abilities menu |
menu_char.cpp | The ingame character menu |
menu_char.h | The ingame character menu |
menu_equ.cpp | The ingame equipment menu |
menu_equ.h | The ingame equipment menu |
menu_inv.cpp | The ingame inventar menu |
menu_inv.h | The ingame inventar menu |
menu_jou.cpp | The ingame journal menu |
menu_jou.h | The ingame journal menu |
menu_map.cpp | The ingame map menu |
menu_map.h | The ingame map menu |
menu_msg.cpp | The ingame messages menu |
menu_msg.h | The ingame messages menu |
menu_opt.cpp | The ingame options menu |
menu_opt.h | The ingame options menu |
minimap.cpp | The ingame minimap |
minimap.h | The ingame minimap |
partyselection.cpp | Party selection GUI for Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic |
partyselection.h | Party selection GUI for Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic |
▶ loadscreen | |
loadscreen.cpp | The loading screen gui |
loadscreen.h | The loading screen gui |
▶ main | |
main.cpp | The KotOR main menu |
main.h | The KotOR main menu |
movies.cpp | The movies menu |
movies.h | The movies menu |
options.cpp | The options menu |
options.h | The options menu |
▶ options | |
autopause.cpp | The auto pause menu |
autopause.h | The auto pause menu |
feedback.cpp | The feedback menu |
feedback.h | The feedback menu |
gameplay.cpp | The gameplay menu |
gameplay.h | The gameplay menu |
graphics.cpp | The graphics menu |
graphics.h | The graphics menu |
graphicsadv.cpp | The advanced graphics menu |
graphicsadv.h | The advanced graphics menu |
keyboardconfig.cpp | The keyboard mapping menu |
keyboardconfig.h | The keyboard mapping menu |
mousesettings.cpp | The mouse settings menu |
mousesettings.h | The mouse settings menu |
resolution.cpp | The graphics resolution menu |
resolution.h | The graphics resolution menu |
sound.cpp | The sound menu |
sound.h | The sound menu |
soundadv.cpp | The advanced sound menu |
soundadv.h | The advanced sound menu |
dialog.cpp | Conversation/cutscene GUI for Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic |
dialog.h | Conversation/cutscene GUI for Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic |
gui.cpp | A KotOR GUI |
gui.h | A KotOR GUI |
guibackground.cpp | The menu background |
guibackground.h | The menu background |
saveload.cpp | Load/save game menu |
saveload.h | Load/save game menu |
▶ script | |
container.cpp | An object containing scripts |
container.h | An object containing scripts |
event.cpp | Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic event engine type |
event.h | Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic event engine type |
function_tables.h | Tables defining the engine functions in Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic |
functions.cpp | Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic engine functions |
functions.h | Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic engine functions |
functions_action.cpp | Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic engine functions assigning actions to objects |
functions_creatures.cpp | Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic engine functions managing creatures |
functions_events.cpp | Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic engine functions for handling events |
functions_global.cpp | Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic engine functions managing global variables |
functions_local.cpp | Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic engine functions managing local variables |
functions_math.cpp | Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic engine functions doing mathematical operations |
functions_module.cpp | Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic engine functions operating on the current module |
functions_movie.cpp | Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic engine functions handling movies |
functions_object.cpp | Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic engine functions messing with objects |
functions_party.cpp | Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic engine functions handling the party |
functions_situated.cpp | Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic engine functions messing with situated objects |
functions_sound.cpp | Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic engine functions handling sound |
functions_string.cpp | Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic engine functions operating on strings |
action.cpp | Creature action in Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic |
action.h | Creature action in Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic |
actionexecutor.cpp | Creature action executor for Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic |
actionexecutor.h | Creature action executor for Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic |
area.cpp | The context holding a Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic area |
area.h | The context holding a Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic area |
console.cpp | Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic (debug) console |
console.h | Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic (debug) console |
creature.cpp | A creature in a Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic area |
creature.h | A creature in a Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic area |
door.cpp | A door in a Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic area |
door.h | A door in a Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic area |
game.cpp | The context handling the gameplay in Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic |
game.h | The context handling the gameplay in Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic |
inventory.cpp | Collection of items |
inventory.h | Collection of items |
item.cpp | An item in a Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic area |
item.h | An item in a Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic area |
kotor.cpp | Engine class handling Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic |
kotor.h | Engine class handling Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic |
modelloader.cpp | Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic model loader |
modelloader.h | Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic model loader |
module.cpp | The context needed to run a Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic module |
module.h | The context needed to run a Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic module |
object.cpp | An object in a Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic area |
object.h | An object in a Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic area |
objectcontainer.cpp | A container of Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic objects |
objectcontainer.h | A container of Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic objects |
partyconfig.cpp | Party configuration for Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic |
partyconfig.h | Party configuration for Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic |
placeable.cpp | A placeable in a Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic area |
placeable.h | A placeable in a Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic area |
probes.cpp | Probing for an installation of Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic |
probes.h | Probing for an installation of Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic |
room.cpp | A room within a Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic area |
room.h | A room within a Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic area |
savedgame.cpp | Creation and loading of KotOR saved games |
savedgame.h | Creation and loading of KotOR saved games |
situated.cpp | A situated object in a Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic area |
situated.h | A situated object in a Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic area |
sound.cpp | An ingame sound in kotor |
sound.h | An ingame sound in kotor |
trigger.cpp | Trigger in a Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic area |
trigger.h | Trigger in a Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic area |
types.h | Basic Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic type definitions |
version.cpp | Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic installation version detection |
version.h | Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic installation version detection |
walkmesh.cpp | KotOR walkmesh (BWM) |
walkmesh.h | KotOR walkmesh (BWM) |
waypoint.cpp | A waypoint in a Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic area |
waypoint.h | A waypoint in a Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic area |
▶ kotor2 | |
▶ gui | |
▶ chargen | |
charactergeneration.cpp | The KotOR 2 character generation |
charactergeneration.h | The KotOR 2 character generation |
chargenbase.cpp | The KotOR 2 character generation base menu |
chargenbase.h | The KotOR 2 character generation base menu |
chargeninfo.cpp | The KotOR 2 character generation info |
chargeninfo.h | The KotOR 2 character generation info |
chargenname.cpp | The KotOR 2 character generation name menu |
chargenname.h | The KotOR 2 character generation name menu |
chargenportrait.cpp | The KotOR 2 character generation portrait menu |
chargenportrait.h | The KotOR 2 character generation portrait menu |
classselection.cpp | The KotOR 2 class selection |
classselection.h | The KotOR 2 class selection |
customchar.cpp | The KotOR 2 custom character panel |
customchar.h | The KotOR 2 custom character panel |
quickchar.cpp | The KotOR 2 quick character panel |
quickchar.h | The KotOR 2 quick character panel |
quickorcustom.cpp | The KotOR 2 quick or custom panel |
quickorcustom.h | The KotOR 2 quick or custom panel |
▶ ingame | |
hud.cpp | The ingame HUD |
hud.h | The ingame HUD |
ingame.cpp | The ingame GUI |
ingame.h | The ingame GUI |
▶ main | |
main.cpp | The KotOR 2 main menu |
main.h | The KotOR 2 main menu |
dialog.cpp | Conversation/cutscene GUI for Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords |
dialog.h | Conversation/cutscene GUI for Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords |
gui.cpp | A KotOR2 GUI |
gui.h | A KotOR2 GUI |
▶ script | |
container.cpp | An object containing scripts |
container.h | An object containing scripts |
function_tables.h | Tables defining the engine functions in Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II - The Sith Lords |
functions.cpp | Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II - The Sith Lords engine functions |
functions.h | Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II - The Sith Lords engine functions |
functions_action.cpp | Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II - The Sith Lords engine functions assigning actions to objects |
functions_local.cpp | Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords engine functions managing local variables |
functions_math.cpp | Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II - The Sith Lords engine functions doing mathematical operations |
functions_module.cpp | Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II - The Sith Lords engine functions operating on the current module |
functions_movie.cpp | Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II - The Sith Lords engine functions handling movies |
functions_object.cpp | Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II - The Sith Lords engine functions messing with objects |
functions_situated.cpp | Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II - The Sith Lords engine functions messing with situated objects |
functions_sound.cpp | Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II - The Sith Lords engine functions handling sound |
functions_string.cpp | Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II - The Sith Lords engine functions operating on strings |
area.cpp | The context holding a Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II - The Sith Lords area |
area.h | The context holding a Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II - The Sith Lords area |
console.cpp | Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II - The Sith Lords (debug) console |
console.h | Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II - The Sith Lords (debug) console |
creature.cpp | A creature in a Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II - The Sith Lords area |
creature.h | A creature in a Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II - The Sith Lords area |
door.cpp | A door in a Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II - The Sith Lords area |
door.h | A door in a Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II - The Sith Lords area |
game.cpp | The context handling the gameplay in Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II - The Sith Lords |
game.h | The context handling the gameplay in Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II - The Sith Lords |
kotor2.cpp | Engine class handling Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II - The Sith Lords |
kotor2.h | Engine class handling Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II - The Sith Lords |
modelloader.cpp | Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II - The Sith Lords model loader |
modelloader.h | Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II - The Sith Lords model loader |
module.cpp | The context needed to run a Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II - The Sith Lords module |
module.h | The context needed to run a Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II - The Sith Lords module |
object.cpp | An object in a Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II - The Sith Lords area |
object.h | An object in a Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II - The Sith Lords area |
objectcontainer.cpp | A container of Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II - The Sith Lords objects |
objectcontainer.h | A container of Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II - The Sith Lords objects |
placeable.cpp | A placeable in a Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II - The Sith Lords area |
placeable.h | A placeable in a Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II - The Sith Lords area |
probes.cpp | Probing for an installation of Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II - The Sith Lords |
probes.h | Probing for an installation of Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II - The Sith Lords |
room.cpp | A room within a Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II - The Sith Lords area |
room.h | A room within a Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II - The Sith Lords area |
situated.cpp | A situated object in a Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II - The Sith Lords area |
situated.h | A situated object in a Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II - The Sith Lords area |
trigger.cpp | Trigger in a Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords area |
trigger.h | Trigger in a Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords area |
types.h | Basic Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II - The Sith Lords type definitions |
waypoint.cpp | A waypoint in a Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II - The Sith Lords area |
waypoint.h | A waypoint in a Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II - The Sith Lords area |
▶ nwn | |
▶ gui | |
▶ chargen | |
charalignment.cpp | The alignment chooser in CharGen |
charalignment.h | The alignment chooser in CharGen |
charappearance.cpp | The character appearance GUI in CharGen |
charappearance.h | The character appearance GUI in CharGen |
charattributes.cpp | The attributes chooser in CharGen |
charattributes.h | The attributes chooser in CharGen |
charclass.cpp | The class chooser in CharGen |
charclass.h | The class chooser in CharGen |
chardomain.cpp | The domain chooser for clerc in CharGen |
chardomain.h | The domain chooser for clerc in CharGen |
charfeats.cpp | The feats selection GUI |
charfeats.h | The feats selection GUI |
charfeatspopup.cpp | Feat popup GUI |
charfeatspopup.h | Feat popup GUI |
chargen.cpp | The new character generator |
chargen.h | The NWN character generator |
chargenbase.cpp | The character generator base class |
chargenbase.h | The character generator base class |
chargenchoices.cpp | The character choices in the character generator |
chargenchoices.h | The character choices in the character generator |
charhelp.cpp | Help popup GUI |
charhelp.h | Help popup GUI |
charinfovoice.cpp | The character information GUI in CharGen |
charinfovoice.h | The character information GUI in CharGen |
charpackage.cpp | The package selection GUI |
charpackage.h | The package selection GUI |
charportrait.cpp | The portrait chooser in CharGen |
charportrait.h | The portrait chooser in CharGen |
charrace.cpp | The race chooser in NWN CharGen |
charrace.h | The race chooser in NWN CharGen |
charschool.cpp | The spell school chooser in CharGen |
charschool.h | The spell school chooser in CharGen |
charsex.cpp | The gender chooser in CharGen |
charsex.h | The gender chooser in CharGen |
charskills.cpp | The skills selection GUI |
charskills.h | The skills selection GUI |
charspells.cpp | The spells selection GUI in CharGen |
charspells.h | The spells selection GUI in CharGen |
▶ dialogs | |
okcancel.cpp | The okay/cancel dialog |
okcancel.h | The okay/cancel dialog |
yesnocancel.cpp | The yes/no/cancel dialog |
yesnocancel.h | The yes/no/cancel dialog |
▶ ingame | |
charinfo.cpp | A NWN character info panel |
charinfo.h | A NWN character info panel |
compass.cpp | The NWN ingame compass |
compass.h | The NWN ingame compass |
dialog.cpp | The NWN ingame dialog panel |
dialog.h | The NWN ingame dialog panel |
ingame.cpp | The NWN ingame GUI elements |
ingame.h | The NWN ingame GUI elements |
main.cpp | The NWN ingame main menu |
main.h | The NWN ingame main menu |
partyleader.cpp | The NWN ingame party leader panel |
partyleader.h | The NWN ingame party leader panel |
quickbar.cpp | The ingame quickbar |
quickbar.h | The ingame quickbar |
quickchat.cpp | The NWN ingame quickchat |
quickchat.h | The NWN ingame quickchat |
▶ main | |
charpremade.cpp | The premade character chooser |
charpremade.h | The premade character chooser |
chartype.cpp | The new/premade character selection menu |
chartype.h | The new/premade character selection menu |
main.cpp | The main menu |
main.h | The main menu |
moviesbase.cpp | The base game movies menu |
moviesbase.h | The base game movies menu |
moviescamp.cpp | The campaign movies menu |
moviescamp.h | The campaign movies menu |
new.cpp | The new game menu |
new.h | The new game menu |
newcamp.cpp | The new campaign menu |
newcamp.h | The new campaign menu |
newgamefog.cpp | The fog behind the new game dialogs |
newgamefog.h | The fog behind the new game dialogs |
newmodule.cpp | The new module menu |
newmodule.h | The new module menu |
newpremium.cpp | The new premium module menu |
newpremium.h | The new premium module menu |
newxp1.cpp | The new game menu, expansion 1 |
newxp1.h | The new game menu, expansion 1 |
newxp2.cpp | The new game menu, expansion 2 |
newxp2.h | The new game menu, expansion 2 |
options.cpp | The options menu |
options.h | The options menu |
▶ options | |
controls.cpp | The NWN controls options menu |
controls.h | The NWN controls options menu |
feedback.cpp | The NWN feedback options menu |
feedback.h | The NWN feedback options menu |
game.cpp | The NWN game options menu |
game.h | The NWN game options menu |
gorepass.cpp | The NWN violence/gore password options menu |
gorepass.h | The NWN violence/gore password options menu |
resolution.cpp | The NWN resolution options menu |
resolution.h | The NWN resolution options menu |
sound.cpp | The NWN sound options menu |
sound.h | The NWN sound options menu |
soundadv.cpp | The NWN advanced sound options menu |
soundadv.h | The NWN advanced sound options menu |
video.cpp | The NWN video options menu |
video.h | The NWN video options menu |
videoadv.cpp | The NWN advanced video options menu |
videoadv.h | The NWN advanced video options menu |
▶ widgets | |
button.cpp | A NWN button widget |
button.h | A NWN button widget |
buttonsgroup.cpp | Utility class that handles group of WidgetButton where only one button can be toggled |
buttonsgroup.h | Utility class that handles group of WidgetButton where only one button can be toggled |
checkbox.cpp | A NWN checkbox widget |
checkbox.h | A NWN checkbox widget |
close.cpp | A NWN close button widget |
close.h | A NWN close button widget |
editbox.cpp | A NWN editbox widget |
editbox.h | A NWN editbox widget |
frame.cpp | A NWN frame widget |
frame.h | A NWN frame widget |
gridbox.cpp | A NWN gridbox widget |
gridbox.h | A NWN gridbox widget |
label.cpp | A NWN label widget |
label.h | A NWN label widget |
listbox.cpp | A NWN listbox widget |
listbox.h | A NWN listbox widget |
listitembutton.cpp | Button items used in WidgetListBox |
listitembutton.h | Button items used in WidgetListBox |
modelwidget.cpp | A NWN model widget |
modelwidget.h | A NWN model widget |
nwnwidget.cpp | A NWN widget |
nwnwidget.h | A NWN widget |
nwnwidgetwithcaption.cpp | A NWN widget with a text caption |
nwnwidgetwithcaption.h | A NWN widget with a text caption |
panel.cpp | A NWN panel widget |
panel.h | A NWN panel widget |
portrait.cpp | A portrait model and widget |
portrait.h | A portrait model and widget |
quadwidget.cpp | A NWN quad widget |
quadwidget.h | A NWN quad widget |
scrollbar.cpp | The GUI scrollbar model |
scrollbar.h | A NWN scrollbar model and widget |
slider.cpp | A NWN slider widget |
slider.h | A NWN slider widget |
tooltip.cpp | A tooltip |
tooltip.h | A tooltip |
gui.cpp | A NWN GUI |
gui.h | A NWN GUI |
legal.cpp | The legal billboard |
legal.h | The legal billboard |
▶ script | |
container.cpp | An object containing scripts |
container.h | An object containing scripts |
function_tables.h | Tables defining the engine functions in Neverwinter Nights |
functions.cpp | Neverwinter Nights engine functions |
functions.h | Neverwinter Nights engine functions |
functions_action.cpp | Neverwinter Nights engine functions assigning actions to objects |
functions_conversation.cpp | Neverwinter Nights engine functions handling conversations |
functions_creature.cpp | Neverwinter Nights engine functions messing with creatures |
functions_math.cpp | Neverwinter Nights engine functions doing mathematical operations |
functions_module.cpp | Neverwinter Nights engine functions operating on the current module |
functions_object.cpp | Neverwinter Nights engine functions messing with objects |
functions_situated.cpp | Neverwinter Nights engine functions messing with situated objects |
functions_sound.cpp | Neverwinter Nights engine functions handling sound |
functions_string.cpp | Neverwinter Nights engine functions operating on strings |
area.cpp | The context holding a Neverwinter Nights area |
area.h | The context holding a Neverwinter Nights area |
console.cpp | Neverwinter Nights (debug) console |
console.h | Neverwinter Nights (debug) console |
creature.cpp | A creature in a Neverwinter Nights area |
creature.h | A creature in a Neverwinter Nights area |
door.cpp | A door in a Neverwinter Nights area |
door.h | A door in a Neverwinter Nights area |
game.cpp | The context handling the gameplay in Neverwinter Nights |
game.h | The context handling the gameplay in Neverwinter Nights |
item.cpp | An inventory item in Neverwinter Nights |
item.h | An inventory item in Neverwinter Nights |
location.cpp | A location within a Neverwinter Nights area |
location.h | A location within a Neverwinter Nights area |
modelloader.cpp | Neverwinter Nights model loader |
modelloader.h | Neverwinter Nights model loader |
module.cpp | The context needed to run a Neverwinter Nights module |
module.h | The context needed to run a Neverwinter Nights module |
nwn.cpp | Engine class handling Neverwinter Nights |
nwn.h | Engine class handling Neverwinter Nights |
object.cpp | An object in a Neverwinter Nights area |
object.h | An object in a Neverwinter Nights area |
objectcontainer.cpp | A container of Neverwinter Nights objects |
objectcontainer.h | A container of Neverwinter Nights objects |
placeable.cpp | A placeable object in a Neverwinter Nights area |
placeable.h | A placeable object in a Neverwinter Nights area |
probes.cpp | Probing for an installation of Neverwinter Nights |
probes.h | Probing for an installation of Neverwinter Nights |
situated.cpp | A situated object in a Neverwinter Nights area |
situated.h | A situated object in a Neverwinter Nights area |
tileset.cpp | A tileset in Neverwinter Nights |
tileset.h | A tileset in Neverwinter Nights |
types.cpp | Basic Neverwinter Nights type definitions |
types.h | Basic Neverwinter Nights type definitions |
version.cpp | Neverwinter Nights installation version detection |
version.h | Neverwinter Nights installation version detection |
waypoint.cpp | A waypoint in a Neverwinter Nights area |
waypoint.h | A waypoint in a Neverwinter Nights area |
▶ nwn2 | |
▶ script | |
container.cpp | An object containing scripts |
container.h | An object containing scripts |
function_tables.h | Tables defining the engine functions in Neverwinter Nights 2 |
functions.cpp | Neverwinter Nights 2 engine functions |
functions.h | Neverwinter Nights 2 engine functions |
functions_action.cpp | Neverwinter Nights 2 engine functions assigning actions to objects |
functions_campaign.cpp | Neverwinter Nights 2 engine functions operating on the current campaign |
functions_conversation.cpp | Neverwinter Nights 2 engine functions handling conversations |
functions_creature.cpp | Neverwinter Nights 2 engine functions messing with creatures |
functions_math.cpp | Neverwinter Nights 2 engine functions doing mathematical operations |
functions_module.cpp | Neverwinter Nights 2 engine functions operating on the current module |
functions_object.cpp | Neverwinter Nights 2 engine functions messing with objects |
functions_situated.cpp | Neverwinter Nights 2 engine functions messing with situated objects |
functions_sound.cpp | Neverwinter Nights 2 engine functions handling sound |
functions_string.cpp | Neverwinter Nights 2 engine functions operating on strings |
area.cpp | The context holding a Neverwinter Nights 2 area |
area.h | The context holding a Neverwinter Nights 2 area |
campaign.cpp | The context holding an Neverwinter Nights 2 campaign |
campaign.h | The context holding a Neverwinter Nights 2 campaign |
console.cpp | Neverwinter Nights 2 (debug) console |
console.h | Neverwinter Nights 2 (debug) console |
creature.cpp | A creature in a Neverwinter Nights 2 area |
creature.h | A creature in a Neverwinter Nights 2 area |
door.cpp | A door in a Neverwinter Nights 2 area |
door.h | A door in a Neverwinter Nights 2 area |
game.cpp | The context handling the gameplay in Neverwinter Nights 2 |
game.h | The context handling the gameplay in Neverwinter Nights 2 |
location.cpp | A location within a Neverwinter Nights 2 area |
location.h | A location within a Neverwinter Nights 2 area |
modelloader.cpp | Neverwinter Nights 2 model loader |
modelloader.h | Neverwinter Nights 2 model loader |
module.cpp | The context needed to run a Neverwinter Nights 2 module |
module.h | The context needed to run a Neverwinter Nights 2 module |
nwn2.cpp | Engine class handling Neverwinter Nights 2 |
nwn2.h | Engine class handling Neverwinter Nights 2 |
object.cpp | An object in a Neverwinter Nights 2 area |
object.h | An object in a Neverwinter Nights 2 area |
objectcontainer.cpp | A container of Neverwinter Nights 2 objects |
objectcontainer.h | A container of Neverwinter Nights 2 objects |
placeable.cpp | A placeable object in a Neverwinter Nights 2 area |
placeable.h | A placeable object in a Neverwinter Nights 2 area |
probes.cpp | Probing for an installation of Neverwinter Nights 2 |
probes.h | Probing for an installation of Neverwinter Nights 2 |
situated.cpp | A situated object in a Neverwinter Nights 2 area |
situated.h | A situated object in a Neverwinter Nights 2 area |
trxfile.cpp | Loader for Neverwinter Nights 2 baked terrain files (TRX) |
trxfile.h | Loader for Neverwinter Nights 2 baked terrain files (TRX) |
types.cpp | Basic Neverwinter Nights 2 type definitions |
types.h | Basic Neverwinter Nights 2 type definitions |
util.cpp | Neverwinter Nights 2 utility functions |
util.h | Neverwinter Nights 2 utility functions |
waypoint.cpp | A waypoint in a Neverwinter Nights 2 area |
waypoint.h | A waypoint in a Neverwinter Nights 2 area |
▶ sonic | |
area.cpp | The context holding a Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood area |
area.h | The context holding a Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood area |
areabackground.cpp | The scrolling background image panel in Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood |
areabackground.h | The scrolling background image panel in Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood |
areaminimap.cpp | The area mini map in Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood |
areaminimap.h | The area mini map in Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood |
console.cpp | Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood (debug) console |
console.h | Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood (debug) console |
files.h | All currently known resource file names in Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood |
game.cpp | The context handling the gameplay in Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood |
game.h | The context handling the gameplay in Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood |
modelloader.cpp | Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood model loader |
modelloader.h | Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood model loader |
module.cpp | The context needed to run a Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood module |
module.h | The context needed to run a Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood module |
object.cpp | An object in a Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood area |
object.h | An object in a Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood area |
objectcontainer.cpp | A container of Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood objects |
objectcontainer.h | A container of Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood objects |
placeable.cpp | A placeable object in a Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood area |
placeable.h | A placeable object in a Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood area |
probes.cpp | Probing for an installation of Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood |
probes.h | Probing for an installation of Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood |
sonic.cpp | Engine class handling Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood |
sonic.h | Engine class handling Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood |
types.h | Basic Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood types and defines |
util.cpp | Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood utility functions |
util.h | Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood utility functions |
▶ witcher | |
▶ lua | |
bindings.cpp | The Lua bindings for The Witcher |
bindings.h | The Lua bindings for The Witcher |
▶ nwscript | |
container.cpp | An object containing scripts |
container.h | An object containing scripts |
function_tables.h | Tables defining the engine functions in The Witcher |
functions.cpp | The Witcher engine functions |
functions.h | The Witcher engine functions |
functions_action.cpp | The Witcher engine functions assigning actions to objects |
functions_conversation.cpp | The Witcher engine functions handling conversations |
functions_creature.cpp | The Witcher engine functions messing with creatures |
functions_math.cpp | The Witcher engine functions doing mathematical operations |
functions_module.cpp | The Witcher engine functions operating on the current module |
functions_object.cpp | The Witcher engine functions messing with objects |
functions_situated.cpp | The Witcher engine functions messing with situated objects |
functions_sound.cpp | The Witcher engine functions handling sound |
functions_string.cpp | The Witcher engine functions operating on strings |
area.cpp | The context holding a The Witcher area |
area.h | The context holding a The Witcher area |
campaign.cpp | The context holding a The Witcher campaign |
campaign.h | The context holding a The Witcher campaign |
console.cpp | The Witcher (debug) console |
console.h | The Witcher (debug) console |
creature.cpp | A creature in a The Witcher area |
creature.h | A creature in a The Witcher area |
door.cpp | A door in a The Witcher area |
door.h | A door in a The Witcher area |
game.cpp | The context handling the gameplay in The Witcher |
game.h | The context handling the gameplay in The Witcher |
location.cpp | A location within a The Witcher area |
location.h | A location within a The Witcher area |
modelloader.cpp | The Witcher model loader |
modelloader.h | The Witcher model loader |
module.cpp | The context needed to run a The Witcher module |
module.h | The context needed to run a The Witcher module |
object.cpp | An object in a The Witcher area |
object.h | An object in a The Witcher area |
objectcontainer.cpp | A container of The Witcher objects |
objectcontainer.h | A container of The Witcher objects |
placeable.cpp | A placeable object in a The Witcher area |
placeable.h | A placeable object in a The Witcher area |
probes.cpp | Probing for an installation of The Witcher |
probes.h | Probing for an installation of The Witcher |
situated.cpp | A situated object in a The Witcher area |
situated.h | A situated object in a The Witcher area |
types.h | Basic The Witcher type definitions |
waypoint.cpp | A waypoint in a The Witcher area |
waypoint.h | A waypoint in a The Witcher area |
witcher.cpp | Engine class handling The Witcher |
witcher.h | Engine class handling The Witcher |
engine.cpp | Generic engine interface |
engine.h | Generic engine interface |
enginemanager.cpp | The global engine manager, omniscient about all engines |
enginemanager.h | The global engine manager, omniscient about all engines |
engineprobe.h | A probe that checks if an engine can handle game data found in a specific directory and creates an instance of that engine |
gamethread.cpp | The thread the game logic runs in |
gamethread.h | The thread the game logic runs in |
▶ events | |
events.cpp | The global events manager |
events.h | The global events manager |
joystick.cpp | Joystick/Gamepad handling |
joystick.h | Joystick/Gamepad handling |
notifications.cpp | The notification manager, handling all notifications |
notifications.h | The notification manager, handling all notifications |
notifyable.h | A class that can be notified by the NotificationManager |
requests.cpp | Inter-thread request events |
requests.h | Inter-thread request events |
requesttypes.cpp | Inter-thread request event types |
requesttypes.h | Inter-thread request event types |
timerman.cpp | The global timer manager |
timerman.h | The global timer manager |
types.h | Basic event types |
▶ graphics | |
▶ aurora | |
abcfont.cpp | An ABC/SBM font, as used by Jade Empire |
abcfont.h | An ABC/SBM font, as used by Jade Empire |
animation.cpp | An animation to be applied to a model |
animation.h | An animation to be applied to a model |
animationchannel.cpp | Animation channel |
animationchannel.h | Animation channel |
animationthread.cpp | Dedicated animation thread |
animationthread.h | Dedicated animation thread |
animnode.cpp | A node within a 3D model |
animnode.h | A node within an animation |
borderquad.cpp | A quad for generating borders |
borderquad.h | A quad for generating borders |
cube.cpp | A simple cube object, for testing |
cube.h | A simple cube object, for testing |
cursor.cpp | A cursor as used in the Aurora engines |
cursor.h | A cursor as used in the Aurora engines |
cursorman.cpp | The Aurora cursor manager |
cursorman.h | The Aurora cursor manager |
fadequad.cpp | The Quad to handle one color fades |
fadequad.h | The Quad to handle one color fades |
fonthandle.cpp | A handle to an Aurora font |
fonthandle.h | A handle to an Aurora font |
fontman.cpp | The Aurora font manager |
fontman.h | The Aurora font manager |
fps.cpp | A text object displaying the current FPS |
fps.h | A text object displaying the current FPS |
geometryobject.cpp | A simple 3D object |
geometryobject.h | A simple 3D object |
guiquad.cpp | A textured quad for a GUI element |
guiquad.h | A textured quad for a GUI element |
highlightable.cpp | |
highlightable.h | |
highlightableguiquad.cpp | |
highlightableguiquad.h | |
highlightabletext.cpp | |
highlightabletext.h | |
kotordialogframe.cpp | Frame for conversations/cutscenes in Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic |
kotordialogframe.h | Frame for conversations/cutscenes in Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic |
model.cpp | A 3D model of an object |
model.h | A 3D model of an object |
model_dragonage.cpp | Loading MMH+MSH files found in Dragon Age: Origins and Dragon Age 2 |
model_dragonage.h | Loading MMH+MSH files found in Dragon Age: Origins and Dragon Age 2 |
model_jade.cpp | Loading MDL/MDX files found in Jade Empire |
model_jade.h | Loading MDL/MDX files found in Jade Empire |
model_kotor.cpp | Loading MDL files found in Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic |
model_kotor.h | Loading MDL files found in Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic |
model_nwn.cpp | Loading MDL files found in Neverwinter Nights |
model_nwn.h | Loading MDL files found in Neverwinter Nights |
model_nwn2.cpp | Loading MDB files found in Neverwinter Nights 2 |
model_nwn2.h | Loading MDB files found in Neverwinter Nights 2 |
model_sonic.cpp | Loading Nintendo's NSBMD files found in Sonic |
model_sonic.h | Loading Nintendo's NSBMD files found in Sonic |
model_witcher.cpp | Loading MDB files found in The Witcher |
model_witcher.h | Loading MDB files found in The Witcher |
modelnode.cpp | A node within a 3D model |
modelnode.h | A node within a 3D model |
nftrfont.cpp | Nintendo's NFTR font, found in Sonic |
nftrfont.h | Nintendo's NFTR font, found in Sonic |
pltfile.cpp | BioWare's Packed Layered Texture |
pltfile.h | BioWare's Packed Layered Texture |
subscenequad.cpp | The quad for displaying a subscene |
subscenequad.h | The quad for displaying a subscene |
text.cpp | A text object |
text.h | A text object |
texture.cpp | A texture as used in the Aurora engines |
texture.h | A texture as used in the Aurora engines |
texturefont.cpp | A texture font, as used by NWN and KotOR/KotOR2 |
texturefont.h | A texture font, as used by NWN and KotOR/KotOR2 |
texturehandle.cpp | A handle to an Aurora texture |
texturehandle.h | A handle to an Aurora texture |
textureman.cpp | The Aurora texture manager |
textureman.h | The Aurora texture manager |
ttffont.cpp | A TrueType font |
ttffont.h | A TrueType font |
types.h | Basic Aurora graphics types |
walkmesh.cpp | Generic renderable walkmesh |
walkmesh.h | Generic renderable walkmesh |
▶ images | |
cbgt.cpp | Compressed BackGround Tiles, a BioWare image format found in Sonic |
cbgt.h | Compressed BackGround Tiles, a BioWare image format found in Sonic |
cubemapcombiner.cpp | A class creating a cube map by combining six images |
cubemapcombiner.h | A class creating a cube map by combining six images |
dds.cpp | DDS texture (DirectDraw Surface or BioWare's own format) loading) |
dds.h | DDS texture (DirectDraw Surface or BioWare's own format) loading) |
decoder.cpp | Generic image decoder interface |
decoder.h | Generic image decoder interface |
dumptga.cpp | A simple TGA image dumper |
dumptga.h | A simple TGA image dumper |
nbfs.cpp | Nitro Basic File Screen, a simple raw Nintendo DS image |
nbfs.h | Nitro Basic File Screen, a simple raw Nintendo DS image |
ncgr.cpp | Nitro Character Graphic Resource, a Nintendo DS image format |
ncgr.h | Nitro Character Graphic Resource, a Nintendo DS image format |
nclr.cpp | Loading Nitro CoLoR palette files |
nclr.h | Loading Nitro CoLoR palette files |
s3tc.cpp | Manual S3TC DXTn decompression methods |
s3tc.h | Manual S3TC DXTn decompression methods |
sbm.cpp | Decoding SBM (font bitmap data) |
sbm.h | Decoding SBM (font bitmap data) |
screenshot.cpp | Screenshot writing |
screenshot.h | Screenshot writing |
surface.cpp | An image surface, in BGRA format |
surface.h | An image surface, in BGRA format |
tga.cpp | Decoding TGA (TarGa) images |
tga.h | Decoding TGA (TarGa) images |
tpc.cpp | TPC (BioWare's own texture format) loading |
tpc.h | TPC (BioWare's own texture format) loading |
txb.cpp | TXB (another one of BioWare's own texture formats) loading |
txb.h | TXB (another one of BioWare's own texture formats) loading |
txi.cpp | Texture information |
txi.h | Texture information |
txitypes.cpp | Texture information types |
txitypes.h | Texture information types |
util.h | Image related utility functions |
winiconimage.cpp | Decoding Windows icon and cursor files (.ICO and .CUR) |
winiconimage.h | Decoding Windows icon and cursor files (.ICO and .CUR) |
xoreositex.cpp | Our very own intermediate texture format |
xoreositex.h | Our very own intermediate texture format |
▶ mesh | |
mesh.cpp | Generic mesh handling class |
mesh.h | Generic mesh handling class |
meshfont.cpp | Generic mesh handling class |
meshfont.h | Dedicated mesh used for dynamic font rendering |
meshman.cpp | The global mesh manager |
meshman.h | The global mesh manager |
meshquad.cpp | Default quad mesh |
meshquad.h | Default quad mesh |
meshwirebox.cpp | Wireframe box mesh |
meshwirebox.h | Wireframe box mesh |
▶ render | |
renderman.cpp | Render queue manager |
renderman.h | Render queue manager |
renderqueue.cpp | Render queue, for efficient OpenGL render calls |
renderqueue.h | Render queue, for efficient OpenGL render calls |
▶ shader | |
materialman.cpp | The global shader material manager |
materialman.h | The global shader material manager |
shader.cpp | The global shader manager |
shader.h | The global shader manager |
shaderbuilder.cpp | Shader runtime builder |
shaderbuilder.h | Shader runtime builder |
shaderinstance.cpp | Shader instancing, allowing for easier shader resource sharing |
shaderinstance.h | Shader instancing, allowing for easier shader resource sharing |
shadermaterial.cpp | Shader material, responsible for tracking data relating to a fragment shader |
shadermaterial.h | Shader material, responsible for tracking data relating to a fragment shader |
shaderrenderable.cpp | Shader renderable, a class for easier managing of a collection of items (surface, material, mesh) to render with |
shaderrenderable.h | Shader renderable, a class for easier managing of a collection of items (surface, material, mesh) to render with |
shadersurface.cpp | Shader surface, responsible for tracking data relating to a vertex shader |
shadersurface.h | Shader surface, responsible for tracking data relating to a vertex shader |
surfaceman.cpp | The global shader surface manager |
surfaceman.h | The global shader surface manager |
camera.cpp | Camera management |
camera.h | Camera management |
cursor.cpp | A cursor |
cursor.h | A cursor |
font.cpp | A font |
font.h | A font |
fpscounter.cpp | Counting FPS |
fpscounter.h | Counting FPS |
glcontainer.cpp | A container of OpenGL elements |
glcontainer.h | A container of OpenGL elements |
graphics.cpp | The global graphics manager |
graphics.h | The global graphics manager |
guielement.h | A GUI element |
icon.cpp | Make the render window display our icon |
icon.h | Make the render window display our icon |
indexbuffer.cpp | A index buffer implementation |
indexbuffer.h | A index buffer |
object.h | A "normal" renderable game object |
queueable.cpp | An object that can be stored in a queue |
queueable.h | An object that can be stored in a queue |
queueman.cpp | The graphics queue manager |
queueman.h | The graphics queue manager |
renderable.cpp | An object that can be displayed by the graphics manager |
renderable.h | An object that can be displayed by the graphics manager |
resolution.h | A list common video resolutions |
texture.cpp | Virtual base class of a texture |
texture.h | Virtual base class of a texture |
ttf.cpp | A simple TTF renderer outputting BGRA |
ttf.h | A simple TTF renderer outputting BGRA |
types.h | Basic graphics types |
vertexbuffer.cpp | Vertex buffer implementation |
vertexbuffer.h | A vertex buffer |
windowman.cpp | The global window manager |
windowman.h | The global window manager |
yuv_to_rgb.cpp | Efficient YUV to RGB conversion |
yuv_to_rgb.h | Efficient YUV to RGB conversion |
▶ sound | |
▶ decoders | |
aac.cpp | Decoding AAC |
aac.h | Decoding AAC |
adpcm.cpp | Decoding ADPCM (Adaptive Differential Pulse Code Modulation) |
adpcm.h | Decoding ADPCM (Adaptive Differential Pulse Code Modulation) |
asf.cpp | Decoding Microsoft's Advanced Streaming Format |
asf.h | Decoding Microsoft's Advanced Streaming Format |
mp3.cpp | Decoding MP3 (MPEG-1 Audio Layer 3) |
mp3.h | Decoding MP3 (MPEG-1 Audio Layer 3) |
pcm.cpp | Decoding PCM (Pulse Code Modulation) |
pcm.h | Decoding PCM (Pulse Code Modulation) |
util.h | Sound decoding utility functions |
vorbis.cpp | Decoding Ogg Vorbis |
vorbis.h | Decoding Ogg Vorbis |
wave.cpp | Decoding RIFF WAVE (Resource Interchange File Format Waveform) |
wave.h | Decoding RIFF WAVE (Resource Interchange File Format Waveform) |
wave_types.h | Compression types in Microsoft's WAVEFORMAT(EX) |
wma.cpp | Decoding Microsoft's Windows Media Audio |
wma.h | Decoding Microsoft's Windows Media Audio |
wmadata.h | Static data used for decoding Microsoft's Windows Media Audio |
wwriffvorbis.cpp | |
wwriffvorbis.h | |
wwriffvorbisdata.h | |
audiostream.cpp | Streaming audio |
audiostream.h | Streaming audio |
fmodsamplebank.cpp | An FMOD SampleBank, found in Dragon Age: Origins as FSB files |
fmodsamplebank.h | An FMOD SampleBank, found in Dragon Age: Origins as FSB files |
interleaver.cpp | An audio stream interleaving several other audio streams |
interleaver.h | An audio stream interleaving several other audio streams |
sound.cpp | The global sound manager, handling all sound output |
sound.h | The global sound manager, handling all sound output |
types.h | Basic sound types |
wwisesoundbank.cpp | A Wwise SoundBank, found in Dragon Age II as BNK files |
wwisesoundbank.h | A Wwise SoundBank, found in Dragon Age II as BNK files |
xactwavebank.cpp | An abstract XACT WaveBank, containing sound files |
xactwavebank.h | An abstract XACT WaveBank, containing sound files |
xactwavebank_ascii.cpp | An ASCII XACT WaveBank, found in the non-Xbox versions of Jade Empire as _xwb.txt files |
xactwavebank_ascii.h | An ASCII XACT WaveBank, found in the non-Xbox versions of Jade Empire as _xwb.txt files |
xactwavebank_binary.cpp | A binary XACT WaveBank, found in the Xbox version of Jade Empire as XWB files |
xactwavebank_binary.h | A binary XACT WaveBank, found in the Xbox version of Jade Empire as XWB files |
▶ version | |
version.cpp | Basic xoreos version information |
version.h | Basic xoreos version information |
▶ video | |
▶ aurora | |
videoplayer.cpp | A video player |
videoplayer.h | A video player |
▶ codecs | |
codec.cpp | Video codec base class |
codec.h | Video codec base class |
h263.cpp | H.263 video codec |
h263.h | H.263 video codec |
vpx.cpp | VP8/VP9 codec class |
vpx.h | VP8/VP9 codec class |
wmv2data.cpp | Static data used for decoding WMV2 videos |
wmv2data.h | Static data used for decoding WMV2 videos |
xmvwmv2.cpp | WMV2 video codec, XMV variant |
xmvwmv2.h | WMV2 video codec, XMV variant |
actimagine.cpp | Decoding Actimagine videos |
actimagine.h | Decoding Actimagine videos |
bink.cpp | Decoding RAD Game Tools' Bink videos |
bink.h | Decoding RAD Game Tools' Bink videos |
binkdata.h | Static data used for decoding RAD Game Tools' Bink videos |
decoder.cpp | Generic video decoder interface |
decoder.h | Generic video decoder interface |
fader.cpp | Testing implementation for the VideoDecoder interface |
fader.h | Testing implementation for the VideoDecoder interface |
quicktime.cpp | Decoding Apple QuickTime videos |
quicktime.h | Decoding Apple QuickTime videos |
xmv.cpp | Decoding Microsoft Xbox XMV videos |
xmv.h | Decoding Microsoft Xbox XMV videos |
cline.cpp | Command line arguments parser |
cline.h | Command line arguments parser |
engines.cpp | Utility functions to handle the engines |
engines.h | Utility functions to handle the engines |
xoreos.cpp | The project's main entry point |