xoreos  0.0.5
aurora Directory Reference
Directory dependency graph for aurora:


file  abcfont.cpp [code]
 An ABC/SBM font, as used by Jade Empire.
file  abcfont.h [code]
 An ABC/SBM font, as used by Jade Empire.
file  animation.cpp [code]
 An animation to be applied to a model.
file  animation.h [code]
 An animation to be applied to a model.
file  animationchannel.cpp [code]
 Animation channel.
file  animationchannel.h [code]
 Animation channel.
file  animationthread.cpp [code]
 Dedicated animation thread.
file  animationthread.h [code]
 Dedicated animation thread.
file  animnode.cpp [code]
 A node within a 3D model.
file  animnode.h [code]
 A node within an animation.
file  borderquad.cpp [code]
 A quad for generating borders.
file  borderquad.h [code]
 A quad for generating borders.
file  cube.cpp [code]
 A simple cube object, for testing.
file  cube.h [code]
 A simple cube object, for testing.
file  cursor.cpp [code]
 A cursor as used in the Aurora engines.
file  cursor.h [code]
 A cursor as used in the Aurora engines.
file  cursorman.cpp [code]
 The Aurora cursor manager.
file  cursorman.h [code]
 The Aurora cursor manager.
file  fadequad.cpp [code]
 The Quad to handle one color fades.
file  fadequad.h [code]
 The Quad to handle one color fades.
file  fonthandle.cpp [code]
 A handle to an Aurora font.
file  fonthandle.h [code]
 A handle to an Aurora font.
file  fontman.cpp [code]
 The Aurora font manager.
file  fontman.h [code]
 The Aurora font manager.
file  fps.cpp [code]
 A text object displaying the current FPS.
file  fps.h [code]
 A text object displaying the current FPS.
file  geometryobject.cpp [code]
 A simple 3D object.
file  geometryobject.h [code]
 A simple 3D object.
file  guiquad.cpp [code]
 A textured quad for a GUI element.
file  guiquad.h [code]
 A textured quad for a GUI element.
file  highlightable.cpp [code]
file  highlightable.h [code]
file  highlightableguiquad.cpp [code]
file  highlightableguiquad.h [code]
file  highlightabletext.cpp [code]
file  highlightabletext.h [code]
file  kotordialogframe.cpp [code]
 Frame for conversations/cutscenes in Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic.
file  kotordialogframe.h [code]
 Frame for conversations/cutscenes in Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic.
file  model.cpp [code]
 A 3D model of an object.
file  model.h [code]
 A 3D model of an object.
file  model_dragonage.cpp [code]
 Loading MMH+MSH files found in Dragon Age: Origins and Dragon Age 2.
file  model_dragonage.h [code]
 Loading MMH+MSH files found in Dragon Age: Origins and Dragon Age 2.
file  model_jade.cpp [code]
 Loading MDL/MDX files found in Jade Empire.
file  model_jade.h [code]
 Loading MDL/MDX files found in Jade Empire.
file  model_kotor.cpp [code]
 Loading MDL files found in Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic.
file  model_kotor.h [code]
 Loading MDL files found in Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic.
file  model_nwn.cpp [code]
 Loading MDL files found in Neverwinter Nights.
file  model_nwn.h [code]
 Loading MDL files found in Neverwinter Nights.
file  model_nwn2.cpp [code]
 Loading MDB files found in Neverwinter Nights 2.
file  model_nwn2.h [code]
 Loading MDB files found in Neverwinter Nights 2.
file  model_sonic.cpp [code]
 Loading Nintendo's NSBMD files found in Sonic.
file  model_sonic.h [code]
 Loading Nintendo's NSBMD files found in Sonic.
file  model_witcher.cpp [code]
 Loading MDB files found in The Witcher.
file  model_witcher.h [code]
 Loading MDB files found in The Witcher.
file  modelnode.cpp [code]
 A node within a 3D model.
file  modelnode.h [code]
 A node within a 3D model.
file  nftrfont.cpp [code]
 Nintendo's NFTR font, found in Sonic.
file  nftrfont.h [code]
 Nintendo's NFTR font, found in Sonic.
file  pltfile.cpp [code]
 BioWare's Packed Layered Texture.
file  pltfile.h [code]
 BioWare's Packed Layered Texture.
file  subscenequad.cpp [code]
 The quad for displaying a subscene.
file  subscenequad.h [code]
 The quad for displaying a subscene.
file  text.cpp [code]
 A text object.
file  text.h [code]
 A text object.
file  texture.cpp [code]
 A texture as used in the Aurora engines.
file  texture.h [code]
 A texture as used in the Aurora engines.
file  texturefont.cpp [code]
 A texture font, as used by NWN and KotOR/KotOR2.
file  texturefont.h [code]
 A texture font, as used by NWN and KotOR/KotOR2.
file  texturehandle.cpp [code]
 A handle to an Aurora texture.
file  texturehandle.h [code]
 A handle to an Aurora texture.
file  textureman.cpp [code]
 The Aurora texture manager.
file  textureman.h [code]
 The Aurora texture manager.
file  ttffont.cpp [code]
 A TrueType font.
file  ttffont.h [code]
 A TrueType font.
file  types.h [code]
 Basic Aurora graphics types.
file  walkmesh.cpp [code]
 Generic renderable walkmesh.
file  walkmesh.h [code]
 Generic renderable walkmesh.