#define MKTAG(a0, a1, a2, a3)
A wrapper macro used around four character constants, like 'DATA', to ensure portability.
uint32 readUint32LE()
Read an unsigned 32-bit word stored in little endian (LSB first) order from the stream and return it...
A class holding an UTF-8 string.
Implementing the reading stream interfaces for plain memory blocks.
Common::UString getLevelFile() const
Common::UString _levelFile
SACFile(Common::SeekableReadStream *stream)
A GFF (generic file format) V3.2/V3.3 file, found in all Aurora games except Sonic Chronicles: The Da...
virtual size_t skip(ptrdiff_t offset)
Skip the specified number of bytes, adding that offset to the current position in the stream...
Utility functions for working with differing string encodings.
virtual size_t size() const =0
Obtains the total size of the stream, measured in bytes.
virtual size_t pos() const =0
Obtains the current value of the stream position indicator of the stream.
uint32 getType() const
Return the GFF3's specific type.
Plain, unextended ASCII (7bit clean).
UString readStringFixed(SeekableReadStream &stream, Encoding encoding, size_t length)
Read length bytes as a string with the given encoding out of a stream.
Handling GFF3 files with SAC header.
SeekableSubReadStream provides access to a SeekableReadStream restricted to the range [begin...
Interface for a seekable & readable data stream.
Common::SeekableReadStream * load(Common::SeekableReadStream *stream)