109 assert((script >= 0) && (script <
164 return retVal.
getInt() != 0;
Handling version V3.2/V3.3 of BioWare's GFFs (generic file format).
bool hasScript(Script script) const
void readScripts(const Aurora::GFF3Struct &gff)
A class holding an UTF-8 string.
#define ARRAYSIZE(x)
Macro which determines the number of entries in a fixed size array.
Common::UString _scripts[kScriptMAX]
An NCS, BioWare's NWN Compile Script.
void exceptionDispatcherWarning(const char *s,...)
Exception dispatcher that prints the exception as a warning, and adds another reason on top...
Basic exceptions to throw.
const char * c_str() const
Return the (utf8 encoded) string data.
const Variable & run(Object *owner=0, Object *triggerer=0)
Run the current script, from start to finish.
Utility templates and functions.
bool empty() const
Is the string empty?
static ScriptState getEmptyState()
Handling BioWare's NWN Compiled Scripts.
Reference to an NWScript object.
Common::UString getString(const Common::UString &field, const Common::UString &def="") const
const Common::UString & getScript(Script script) const
An object containing scripts.
static const ScriptName kScriptNames[]
bool runScript(Script script, const Aurora::NWScript::ObjectReference owner=Aurora::NWScript::ObjectReference(), const Aurora::NWScript::ObjectReference triggerer=Aurora::NWScript::ObjectReference())