▶NAurora | |
▶NActionScript | |
CArray | |
CASBuffer | |
CAVM | The Action script virtual machine (AVM) |
CDummyFunction | |
CFunction | |
CMovieClip | |
CNativeFunction | |
CObject | |
CScriptedFunction | |
CString | |
CTextField | |
CVariable | An action script variable |
▶NLua | |
CDefaultDeleter | |
CFunctionRef | A reference to a Lua function |
CScriptManager | Lua script manager |
CStack | A Lua stack wrapper |
CStackGuard | Lua stack guard |
CTableRef | A reference to a Lua table |
CVariable | |
▶NNWScript | |
CEngineType | |
CFunctionContext | |
▶CFunctionManager | |
CFunctionEntry | |
▶CNCSFile | An NCS, BioWare's NWN Compile Script |
COpcode | |
CNCSStack | |
CObject | |
CObjectContainer | |
CObjectManager | |
CObjectReference | |
CObjectSearch | |
CScriptState | |
CSearchList | |
CSearchRange | |
CSearchTagMap | |
CVariable | |
CVariableContainer | |
▶CArchive | An abstract file archive |
CResource | A resource within the archive |
CAuroraFile | Base class for most files found in games using BioWare's Aurora engine |
▶CBIFFile | Class to hold resource data information of a BIF file |
CIResource | Internal resource information |
▶CBZFFile | Class to hold resource data information of a BZF file |
CIResource | Internal resource information |
CCDPTH | Loader for CDPTH, BioWare's Compressed DePTH, into a linear array of uint16 values |
▶CDLGFile | |
CEntry | A dialog entry |
CLine | |
CLink | A link to a reply |
▶CERFFile | Class to hold resource data of an ERF archive file |
CERFHeader | The header of an ERF file |
CIResource | Internal resource information |
CERFWriter | |
▶CFEVFile | An FEV file is used to define events for the FMOD system and categorize them |
CCategory | A category which is organized hierarchically |
CEvent | An FMOD event |
CEventCategory | An event category for storing events |
CProperty | Some objects in FMOD can have generic properties |
CSoundDefinition | A sound definition |
CWaveBank | Reference to an external wave bank |
▶CFileTypeManager | |
CType | File type <-> extension mapping |
▶CGDAFile | Class to hold the GFF'd two-dimensional array of a GDA file |
CHeader | |
▶CGFF3File | A GFF (generic file format) V3.2/V3.3 file, found in all Aurora games except Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood |
CHeader | A GFF3 header |
▶CGFF3Struct | A struct within a GFF3 |
CField | A field in the GFF3 struct |
▶CGFF3Writer | |
CField | An implementation for a field |
CGFF3WriterList | A GFF3 list containing GFF3 structs |
CGFF3WriterStruct | A GFF3 struct containing GFF3 fields |
▶CGFF4File | A GFF (generic file format) V4.0/V4.1 file, found in Dragon Age: Origins, Dragon Age 2 and Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood |
CHeader | A GFF4 header |
▶CStructTemplate | A template of a struct, used when loading a struct |
CField | |
▶CGFF4Struct | |
CField | A field in the GFF4 struct |
▶CGFXCharacter | Element placeable in the current scene |
CBitmap | An image |
CEditText | An edit text character, mostly used as static, but sometimes also used as editable text |
CEditTextLayout | Optional layout for edit texts |
CExternalImage | An external image character, which loads an image resource from the guis texture atlas files |
CFill | A simple one-color fill |
CFillStyle | A style for filling |
CFont | A Scaleform GFx font, usable for rendering letters in the ui |
CGlyph | A character glyph for a font |
CGradient | A Gradient |
CGradientRecord | Part of a gradient |
CKerningCode | A kerning code, which determines the adjustment of specific characters to another |
CLineStyle | A style for the border |
CShape | A shape character, which is a static image shape with bounds |
CShapeRecord | A record for a shape |
CSprite | A sprite character, which is basically a container with control statements and other characters |
▶CGFXControl | A control tag is used for controlling stuff in the scene, like placing or removing objects, and stopping at every frame |
CColorTransform | A color tranformation of the specific object |
CDoAction | A do action control tag |
CPlaceObject | A place object control tag for placing objects |
▶CGFXFile | Class for parsing gfx files |
CRecordHeader | The standard header of every tag |
▶CHERFFile | Class to hold resource data of an HERF archive file |
CIResource | Internal resource information |
CIFOFile | An IFO (module information) file, describing global module properties in many Aurora games |
CKEYDataFile | |
▶CKEYFile | Class to hold resource index information of a KEY file |
CResource | A key resource index |
▶CLanguageManager | The global language manager |
CDeclaration | |
CLanguageStrings | |
CLocString | A localized string |
▶CLTRFile | LTR File, which is used when generating player names |
CLetterSet | |
▶CLYTFile | An LYT, BioWare's Layout Format |
CArtPlaceable | A simple, non-interactive placeable |
CDoorHook | A place a door hooks into |
CRoom | A room |
▶CNDSFile | A class encapsulating Nintendo DS ROM access |
CIResource | Internal resource information |
CNFOFile | |
CNitroFile | |
▶CNSBTXFile | |
CPalette | |
CReadContext | |
CTexture | |
▶COBBFile | Class to hold resource data of an OBB virtual filesystem |
CIResource | Internal resource information |
CPEFile | A class encapsulating PE exe's for resource archive access |
CReadContext | |
▶CResourceManager | A resource manager holding information about and handling all request for all resources usable by the game |
CChange | |
CChangeSet | A set of changes produced by a manager operation |
CKnownArchive | |
COpenedArchive | |
CResource | A resource |
CResourceChange | A change produced by indexing archive resources |
CResourceID | |
▶CRIMFile | Class to hold resource data of a RIM archive file |
CIResource | Internal resource information |
CSACFile | A SAC file is basically a GFF3 file with some bytes extra header |
CSmall | |
▶CSSFFile | Class to hold a sound set |
CSound | A sound in the sound set |
▶CTalkManager | The global Aurora talk manager, holding the current talk tables |
CChange | |
CTable | |
CTalkTable | Base class for BioWare's talk tables |
▶CTalkTable_GFF | Loading BioWare's GFF'd talk tables |
CEntry | |
▶CTalkTable_TLK | Loading BioWare's TLK talk tables |
CEntry | A talk resource entry |
▶CTextureAtlasFile | |
CAtlasTexture | |
▶CTheWitcherSaveFile | Class for reading and managing TheWitcherSave files |
CIResource | |
▶CTheWitcherSaveWriter | |
CResource | |
CTwoDAFile | Class to hold the two-dimensional array of a 2DA file |
CTwoDARegistry | The global 2DA registry, holding all current 2DAs |
CTwoDARow | A row within a 2DA file |
CVISFile | A VIS, BioWare's Visibility Format |
CZIPFile | A class encapsulating ZIP files for resource archive access |
▶NCommon | |
CBinSearchValue | Struct template for a generic searchable key/value pair |
CBitStream | A bit stream |
CBitStreamImpl | A template implementing a bit stream for different data memory layouts |
CBitStreamWriter | A bit stream writer |
CBitStreamWriterImpl | A template implementing a bit stream writer for different data memory layouts |
CBlowfishContext | |
CBoundingBox | A bounding box around 3D points |
CChangeContent | |
CChangeID | A class representing an undoable change |
CComplex | A complex number |
CCondition | A condition |
▶CConfigDomain | Accessor for a domain (section) in a config file |
CLine | A line in the config domain |
CConfigFile | This class allows reading/writing INI style config files |
CConfigManager | The global config manager, storing all config keys |
CConversionManager | A manager handling string encoding conversions |
CDateTime | A date/time object, storing a specific point in time |
CDCT | (Inverse) Discrete Cosine Transforms |
CDeallocatorArray | Deallocate a pointer to an array |
CDeallocatorDefault | Deallocate a normal pointer |
CDeallocatorFree | Deallocate a pointer using free() |
▶CDebugManager | The debug manager, managing debug channels |
CChannel | A debug channel |
CDisposableArray | A disposable array pointer, allowing array-y access and array deletion |
CDisposablePtr | A disposable plain pointer, allowing pointer-y access and normal deletion |
CDisposablePtrBase | Base template class for a disposable pointer |
CFFT | (Inverse) Fast Fourier Transform |
CFileList | A list of files |
CFilePath | Utility class for manipulating file paths |
▶CFoxPro | A database in FoxPro 2.0 format |
CField | A field description |
CRecord | A record |
ChashUStringCaseInsensitive | |
ChashUStringCaseSensitive | |
▶CHuffman | Decode a Huffman'd bitstream |
CSymbol | |
CHuffmanTable | |
CMD5Context | |
CMDCT | (Inverse) Modified Discrete Cosine Transforms |
CMemoryReadStream | Simple memory based 'stream', which implements the ReadStream interface for a plain memory block |
CMemoryReadStreamEndian | This is a wrapper around MemoryReadStream, but it adds non-endian read methods whose endianness is set on the stream creation |
CMemoryWriteStream | Simple memory based 'stream', which implements the SeekableWriteStream interface for a plain memory block |
CMemoryWriteStreamDynamic | A stream that dynamically grows as it's written to |
CMutex | A mutex |
CPEResourceID | |
▶CPEResources | A class able to load resources from a Windows Portable Executable, such as cursors, bitmaps, and sounds |
CResource | |
CSection | |
CPlatform | |
CPtrList | A list of pointer to objects, with automatic deletion |
CPtrMap | A map of pointer to objects, with automatic deletion |
CPtrVector | A vector of pointer to objects, with automatic deletion |
CRational | A simple rational class that holds fractions |
CRDFT | (Inverse) Real Discrete Fourier Transform |
CReadFile | A simple streaming file reading class |
▶CReadLine | |
CHistorySave | |
CReadStream | Generic interface for a readable data stream |
CRect | |
CScopedArray | A scoped array pointer, allowing array-y access and array deletion |
CScopedPtr | A scoped plain pointer, allowing pointer-y access and normal deletion |
CScopedPtrBase | Base template class for a scoped pointer |
CSeekableReadStream | Interface for a seekable & readable data stream |
CSeekableSubReadStream | SeekableSubReadStream provides access to a SeekableReadStream restricted to the range [begin, end) |
CSeekableSubReadStreamEndian | This is a wrapper around SeekableSubReadStream, but it adds non-endian read methods whose endianness is set on the stream creation |
CSeekableWriteStream | |
CSemaphore | A semaphore |
CSingleton | Generic template base class for implementing the singleton design pattern |
CStackException | Exception that provides a stack of explanations |
CStackLock | Convenience class that locks a mutex on creation and unlocks it on destruction |
CStreamTokenizer | Tokenizes a stream |
CStringListMap | A map to quickly match strings from a list |
CSubReadStream | SubReadStream provides access to a ReadStream restricted to the range [currentPosition, currentPosition+end) |
CThread | A class that creates its own thread |
CTimestamp | Timestamps allow specifying points in time and measuring time intervals with a sub-millisecond granularity |
▶CUString | A class holding an UTF-8 string |
Ciless | |
Csless | |
CWriteFile | A simple streaming file writing class |
CWriteStream | Generic interface for a writable data stream |
CXMLNode | |
CXMLParser | Class to parse a ReadStream into a simple XML tree |
▶CZipFile | A class encapsulating ZIP file access |
CFile | A file |
CIFile | Internal file information |
▶NEngines | |
▶NDragonAge | |
CArea | An area in Dragon Age: Origins, holding all objects and rooms within, as well as general area properties like the current background music and ambient sounds |
▶CCampaign | |
CRIMNode | A node in the RIM tree |
CCampaigns | |
CConsole | |
▶CCreature | |
CEquipItem | An item equipped by the creature |
CDragonAgeEngine | |
CDragonAgeModelLoader | |
CEngineProbe | |
CEngineProbeWindows | |
CEngineProbeXbox360 | |
CEvent | |
▶CFunctions | |
CFunctionDefaults | |
CFunctionPointer | |
CFunctionSignature | |
CGame | |
CObject | |
CObjectContainer | |
CObjectDistanceSort | A class able to sort objects by distance to a target object |
CPlaceable | |
CRoom | |
CScriptContainer | |
CSearchType | |
CWaypoint | |
▶NDragonAge2 | |
CArea | An area in Dragon Age II, holding all objects and rooms within, as well as general area properties like the current background music and ambient sounds |
▶CCampaign | |
CRIMNode | A node in the RIM tree |
CCampaigns | |
CConsole | |
▶CCreature | |
CEquipItem | An item equipped by the creature |
CDragonAge2Engine | |
CDragonAge2ModelLoader | |
CEngineProbe | |
CEngineProbeWindows | |
CEngineProbeWindowsOrigin | |
CEngineProbeWindowsRetail | |
CEvent | |
▶CFunctions | |
CFunctionDefaults | |
CFunctionPointer | |
CFunctionSignature | |
CGame | |
CObject | |
CObjectContainer | |
CObjectDistanceSort | A class able to sort objects by distance to a target object |
CPlaceable | |
CRoom | |
CScriptContainer | |
CSearchType | |
CWaypoint | |
▶NJade | |
CArea | An area in Jade Empire, holding all objects and rooms within, as well as general area properties like the current background music and ambient sounds |
CAreaLayout | A Jade area layout |
CAudioOptionsMenu | |
CConsole | |
CControlOptionsMenu | |
CCreature | |
CDifficultyOptionsMenu | |
CEngineProbe | |
CEngineProbeAndroid | |
CEngineProbeWindows | |
CEngineProbeXbox | |
CEvent | |
▶CFunctions | |
CFunctionDefaults | |
CFunctionPointer | |
CFunctionSignature | |
CGame | |
CGameInfoOptionsMenu | |
▶CGUI | A Jade Empire GUI |
CWidgetContext | |
CGUIBackground | |
CJadeEngine | |
CJadeModelLoader | |
CLocation | |
CMainMenu | |
▶CModule | A Jade module |
CAction | |
CObject | An object within a Jade area |
CObjectContainer | |
CObjectDistanceSort | A class able to sort objects by distance to a target object |
COptionsMenu | |
CPlaceable | |
CRoom | |
CScriptContainer | |
CScriptName | |
CSearchType | |
CTrigger | |
CVideoOptionsMenu | |
CWaypoint | |
▶NKotOR | |
CAction | |
CActionExecutor | |
▶CArea | An area in Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, holding all objects and rooms within, as well as general area properties like the current background music and ambient sounds |
CCameraStyle | |
CCharacterGenerationBaseMenu | |
CCharacterGenerationInfo | |
CCharacterGenerationMenu | |
CCharacterGenerationNameMenu | |
CCharacterGenerationPortraitMenu | |
CClassSelectionMenu | |
CConfirmDialog | |
CConsole | |
CContainerMenu | |
▶CCreature | |
CClassLevel | A class level |
CPartModels | Parts of a creature's body |
CCustomCharPanel | |
CDialogGUI | |
CDialogGUIBase | |
CDoor | |
CEngineProbe | |
CEngineProbeAndroid | |
CEngineProbeMac | |
CEngineProbeWindows | |
CEngineProbeXbox | |
CEvent | |
▶CFunctions | |
CFunctionDefaults | |
CFunctionPointer | |
CFunctionSignature | |
CGame | |
CWidgetContext | |
CGUIBackground | |
CHUD | |
CIngameGUI | |
CInventory | |
CInventoryItem | |
CItem | |
CKnownWidget | |
CKotOREngine | |
CKotORModelLoader | |
CLoadScreen | |
CMainMenu | |
▶CMenu | |
CSubMenu | |
CMenuAbilities | |
CMenuCharacter | |
CMenuEquipment | |
CMenuInventory | |
CMenuJournal | |
CMenuMap | |
CMenuMessages | |
CMenuOptions | |
CMinimap | |
▶CModule | |
CAction | |
CMoviesMenu | The KotOR movies menu |
CObject | |
CObjectContainer | |
CObjectDistanceSort | A class able to sort objects by distance to a target object |
COptionsAutoPauseMenu | |
COptionsFeedbackMenu | |
COptionsGameplayMenu | |
COptionsGraphicsAdvancedMenu | |
COptionsGraphicsMenu | |
COptionsKeyboardConfigurationMenu | |
COptionsMenu | |
COptionsMouseSettingsMenu | |
COptionsResolutionMenu | |
COptionsSoundAdvancedMenu | |
COptionsSoundMenu | |
CPartyConfiguration | |
CPartySelectionGUI | |
CPlaceable | |
CQuickCharPanel | |
CQuickOrCustomPanel | |
CResolution | |
CRoom | |
CSavedGame | |
CSaveLoadMenu | |
CScriptContainer | |
CScriptName | |
CSearchType | |
CSituated | |
CSoundObject | |
CTrigger | |
CVersion | |
CWalkmesh | |
CWaypoint | |
▶NKotOR2 | |
▶CArea | An area in Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II - The Sith Lords, holding all objects and rooms within, as well as general area properties like the current background music and ambient sounds |
CCameraStyle | |
CCharacterGeneration | |
CCharacterGenerationBaseMenu | |
CCharacterGenerationInfo | |
CCharacterGenerationNameMenu | |
CCharacterGenerationPortraitMenu | |
CClassSelection | |
CConsole | |
▶CCreature | |
CPartModels | Parts of a creature's body |
CCustomCharPanel | |
CDialogGUI | |
CDoor | |
CEngineProbe | |
CEngineProbeLinux | |
CEngineProbeMac | |
CEngineProbeWindows | |
CEngineProbeXbox | |
▶CFunctions | |
CFunctionDefaults | |
CFunctionPointer | |
CFunctionSignature | |
CGame | |
CGUI | |
CHUD | |
CIngameGUI | |
CKotOR2Engine | |
CKotOR2ModelLoader | |
CMainMenu | |
▶CModule | |
CAction | |
CObject | |
CObjectContainer | |
CObjectDistanceSort | A class able to sort objects by distance to a target object |
CPlaceable | |
CQuickCharPanel | |
CQuickOrCustomPanel | |
CRoom | |
CScriptContainer | |
CScriptName | |
CSearchType | |
CSituated | |
CTrigger | |
CWaypoint | |
▶NNWN | |
CAnimationName | |
▶CArea | An area in Neverwinter Nights, holding all objects and room tiles within, as well as general area properties like the current background music and ambient sounds |
CTile | A tile |
CButtonsGroup | |
CCharacterInfo | A NWN character info panel |
CCharAlignment | |
CCharAppearance | |
CCharAttributes | |
CCharClass | |
CCharDomain | |
CCharFeats | |
CCharFeatsPopup | |
CCharGenBase | |
CCharGenChoices | |
CCharGenMenu | The NWN character generator |
CCharHelp | |
CCharInfoVoice | |
CCharPackage | |
CCharPortrait | |
▶CCharPremadeMenu | The NWN character creator |
CCharacter | |
CCharRace | |
CCharSchool | |
CCharSex | |
CCharSkills | |
CCharSpells | |
CCharTypeMenu | The NWN new/premade character selection menu |
CChatModeButton | The chat mode button within the NWN ingame quickchat |
CCompass | The NWN ingame compass |
CCompassWidget | The NWN compass widget |
CConsole | |
▶CCreature | |
CAssociate | An associate |
CBodyPart | A part of a creature body |
CClass | A class |
CDialog | |
▶CDialogBox | |
CReply | A PC reply |
CReplyLine | A line of a PC reply |
CDoor | |
CEngineProbe | |
CEngineProbeFallback | |
CEngineProbeLinux | |
CEngineProbeMac | |
CEngineProbeWindows | |
CFadeModel | |
CFeatItem | |
▶CFunctions | |
CFunctionDefaults | |
CFunctionPointer | |
CFunctionSignature | |
CGame | |
CWidgetContext | |
CIngameGUI | The NWN ingame GUI elements |
CIngameMainMenu | The NWN ingame main menu |
CItem | |
CLegal | The NWN legal billboard |
CLocation | |
CMainMenu | The NWN main menu |
CModelWidget | A NWN model widget |
▶CModule | |
CAction | |
CMoviesBaseMenu | The NWN base game movies menu |
CMoviesCampMenu | The NWN campaign movies menu |
CNewCampMenu | The NWN new campaign menu |
CNewGameFog | |
CNewGameFogs | |
CNewMenu | The NWN new game menu |
CNewModuleMenu | The NWN new module menu |
CNewPremiumMenu | The NWN new premium module menu |
CNewXP1Menu | The NWN new game menu, expansion 1 |
CNewXP2Menu | The NWN new game menu, expansion 2 |
CNWNEngine | |
CNWNModelLoader | |
CNWNWidget | Base class for all widgets in NWN |
CNWNWidgetWithCaption | A NWN widget with a text caption |
CObject | |
CObjectContainer | |
CObjectDistanceSort | A class able to sort objects by distance to a target object |
COKCancelDialog | The NWN okay/cancel dialog |
COptionsControlsMenu | The NWN controls options menu |
COptionsFeedbackMenu | The NWN feedback options menu |
COptionsGameMenu | The NWN game options menu |
COptionsGorePasswordMenu | The NWN violence/gore password options menu |
COptionsMenu | The NWN options menu |
COptionsResolutionMenu | The NWN resolution options menu |
COptionsSoundAdvancedMenu | The NWN advanced sound options menu |
COptionsSoundMenu | The NWN sound options menu |
COptionsVideoAdvancedMenu | The NWN advanced video options menu |
COptionsVideoMenu | The NWN video options menu |
CPartyLeader | The NWN ingame party leader bar |
CPlaceable | |
▶CPortrait | A NWN portrait model |
CQuad | |
CPortraitWidget | A NWN portrait widget |
CQuadWidget | A NWN quad widget |
CQuickbar | The NWN ingame quickbar |
CQuickbarButton | A button within the NWN quickbar |
CQuickchat | The NWN ingame quickchat |
CScriptContainer | |
CScriptName | |
▶CScrollbar | A NWN scrollbar model |
CQuad | |
CSearchType | |
CSituated | |
CSkillItem | |
CSpell | |
CTalkAnim | |
CTalkAnimationName | |
▶CTileset | |
CTile | |
▶CTooltip | A tooltip |
CLine | |
CVersion | |
CWaypoint | |
CWidgetButton | A NWN button widget |
CWidgetCheckBox | A NWN checkbox widget |
CWidgetClose | A NWN close button widget |
CWidgetEditBox | A NWN editbox widget |
CWidgetFrame | A NWN frame widget |
CWidgetGridBox | |
CWidgetGridItemPortrait | |
CWidgetLabel | A NWN label widget |
CWidgetListBox | A NWN listbox widget |
CWidgetListItem | An item widget within a NWN listbox widget |
CWidgetListItemBaseButton | |
CWidgetListItemButton | |
CWidgetListItemCharacter | |
CWidgetListItemDomain | |
CWidgetListItemFeat | |
CWidgetListItemModule | |
CWidgetListItemPremium | |
CWidgetListItemSkill | |
CWidgetListItemSpell | |
CWidgetListItemTextLine | A text line widget within a NWN listbox widget |
CWidgetListItemVoice | |
CWidgetPanel | A NWN panel widget |
CWidgetScrollbar | A NWN scrollbar widget |
CWidgetSlider | A NWN slider widget |
CYesNoCancelDialog | The NWN yes/no/cancel dialog |
▶NNWN2 | |
▶CArea | An area in Neverwinter Nights 2, holding all objects, room tiles and terrain within, as well as general area properties like the current background music and ambient sounds |
CTile | A tile |
CCampaign | |
CConsole | |
▶CCreature | |
CClass | A class |
CDoor | |
CEngineProbe | |
▶CFunctions | |
CFunctionDefaults | |
CFunctionPointer | |
CFunctionSignature | |
CGame | |
CLocation | |
▶CModule | |
CAction | |
CNWN2Engine | |
CNWN2ModelLoader | |
CObject | An object within a NWN2 area |
CObjectContainer | |
CObjectDistanceSort | A class able to sort objects by distance to a target object |
CPlaceable | |
CScriptContainer | |
CScriptName | |
CSearchType | |
CSituated | |
▶CTRXFile | Loader for TRX, baked terrain files, found in Neverwinter Nights 2 |
CPacket | A packet within a TRX file |
CWaypoint | |
▶NSonic | |
CArea | |
CAreaBackground | |
CAreaMiniMap | |
CConsole | |
CEngineProbe | |
CGame | |
CModule | A Sonic module |
CObject | An object within a Sonic area |
CObjectContainer | |
CObjectDistanceSort | A class able to sort objects by distance to a target object |
CPlaceable | |
CSearchType | |
CSonicEngine | |
CSonicModelLoader | |
▶NWitcher | |
CArea | An area in The Witcher, holding all objects and area geometry within, as well as general area properties like the current background music and ambient sounds |
CCampaign | |
CConsole | |
CCreature | |
CDoor | |
CEngineProbe | |
▶CFunctions | |
CFunctionDefaults | |
CFunctionPointer | |
CFunctionSignature | |
CGame | |
CLocation | |
▶CLuaBindings | |
CC2DA | |
CC2DArrays | |
CCAbility | |
CCAbilityCondition | |
CCAttackDefList | |
CCAttrs | |
CCAurFullScreenFXMgr | |
CCAurObject | |
CCAuroraSettings | |
CCCamera | |
CCClientExoApp | |
CCDefs | |
CCEffectDuration | |
CCExoSoundSource | |
CCFontMgr | |
CCGUIControlBinds | |
CCGUIInGame | |
CCGUIMan | |
CCGUIModalPanel | |
CCGUINewControl | |
CCGUIObject | |
CCGUIPanel | |
CCMiniGamesInterface | |
CCNWCCreature | |
CCNWCModule | |
CCPhysics | |
CCRules | |
CCTlkTable | |
CCWeatherFog | |
CCWeatherRain | |
CLuaScriptedTextureController | |
CQuaternion | |
CScreenSizes | |
CVector | |
▶CModule | |
CAction | |
CObject | An object within a Witcher area |
CObjectContainer | |
CObjectDistanceSort | A class able to sort objects by distance to a target object |
CPlaceable | |
CScriptContainer | |
CScriptName | |
CSearchType | |
CSituated | Witcher situated object |
CWaypoint | |
CWitcherEngine | |
CWitcherModelLoader | |
▶CConsole | |
CCommand | |
CCommandLine | |
CConsoleWindow | |
CEngine | The base class for an engine within BioWare's Aurora family |
CEngineManager | The global engine manager |
CEngineProbe | A probe able to detect one specific game |
CFreeRoamCamera | |
CGameInstance | |
CGameInstanceEngine | |
CGameThread | The game thread, running all game logic |
CKotORInventoryItem | |
▶CKotORJadeWidget | |
CBorder | |
CExtend | |
CHilight | |
CText | |
CLoadProgress | |
CModelLoader | |
CSatelliteCamera | |
CTokenManager | Manager for tokens in Aurora engines text strings |
▶CTrigger | |
CSlopeData | |
CWidget | A widget in a GUI |
CWidgetButton | |
CWidgetCheckBox | |
CWidgetLabel | |
CWidgetListBox | |
CWidgetPanel | |
CWidgetProgressbar | |
CWidgetProtoItem | |
CWidgetScrollbar | |
CWidgetSlider | |
▶NEvents | |
CEventsManager | The events manager |
CJoystick | |
CMainThreadFunctor | A functor for a function that needs to be called in the main thread |
CMainThreadFunctor< void > | Template specialization for a MainThreadFunctor returning void |
CNotificationManager | The notification manager, handling all notifications |
CNotifyable | |
CRequest | A request, carrying inter-thread communication |
CRequestCallInMainThread | |
CRequestDataGLContainer | |
CRequestManager | The request manager, handling all requests |
CTimerHandle | |
CTimerID | |
CTimerManager | The global timer manager |
▶NGraphics | |
▶NAurora | |
▶CABCFont | An ABC/SBM font, as used by Jade Empire |
CChar | A font character |
CAnimation | |
▶CAnimationChannel | |
CDefaultAnimation | |
▶CAnimationThread | |
CPoolModel | |
CAnimNode | |
CBorderQuad | |
CCube | A simple, rotating cube |
CCubeSide | A cube side |
CCursor | A cursor as used in the Aurora engines |
CCursorManager | The global Aurora cursor manager |
CDefaultAnim | |
CFace | |
CFaceVert | |
CFadeQuad | |
CFontHandle | A handle to a font |
CFontManager | The global Aurora font manager |
CFPS | An autonomous FPS display |
CGeometryObject | |
CGUIQuad | |
CHighlightable | |
CHighlightableGUIQuad | |
CHighlightableText | |
CKotORDialogFrame | |
CManagedFont | A managed font, storing how often it's referenced |
CManagedTexture | A managed texture, storing how often it's referenced |
▶CModel | |
CState | A model state |
▶CModel_DragonAge | A 3D model in the Dragon Age MMH+MSH format |
CParserContext | |
▶CModel_Jade | A 3D model in the Jade Empire MDL/MDX format |
CParserContext | |
▶CModel_KotOR | A 3D model in the NWN binary MDL format |
CParserContext | |
▶CModel_NWN | A 3D model in the NWN MDL format |
CParserContext | |
▶CModel_NWN2 | A 3D model in the NWN2 MDB format |
CPacketKey | |
CParserContext | |
▶CModel_Sonic | A 3D model in Nintendo's NSBMD format |
CBone | |
CBoneCommand | |
CGeometry | |
CInfo | Info structure, specifies names and offsets of all kinds of lists in Nintendo files |
CMaterial | |
CParserContext | |
CPolygon | |
CPolygonCommand | |
CPrimitive | |
CPrimitiveNode | Structure to represent a StackMix at run-time |
CPrimitiveVertex | Intermediate structure to (re)create the VBO/IBO from |
CStackMix | Structure we use to represent the parameters of a LoadStack bone command |
▶CModel_Witcher | A 3D model in the The Witcher MDB format |
CParserContext | |
▶CModelNode | |
CDangly | |
CDanglyData | |
CMesh | |
CMeshData | |
CSkin | |
▶CModelNode_DragonAge | |
CMaterialObject | An internal material object |
CMeshDeclaration | An internal mesh declaration part |
▶CModelNode_Jade | |
CJadeMaterialData | |
CModelNode_KotOR | |
CModelNode_NWN2 | |
▶CModelNode_NWN_ASCII | |
CMesh | |
CModelNode_NWN_Binary | |
CModelNode_Sonic | |
▶CModelNode_Witcher | |
CTexturePaintLayer | |
▶CNFTRFont | |
CChar | A font character |
CGlyph | |
CHeader | |
CPLTFile | |
CPositionKeyFrame | |
CQuaternionKeyFrame | |
CSubSceneQuad | |
CText | A text object |
CTexture | A texture |
▶CTextureFont | A texture font, as used by NWN and KotOR/KotOR2 |
CChar | A font character |
CTextureHandle | A handle to a texture |
CTextureManager | The global Aurora texture manager |
▶CTTFFont | |
CChar | A font character |
CPage | A texture page filled with characters |
CWalkmesh | |
▶NMesh | |
CMesh | |
CMeshFont | |
CMeshManager | The mesh manager |
CMeshQuad | |
CMeshWireBox | |
▶NRender | |
CRenderManager | |
▶CRenderQueue | |
CRenderQueueNode | |
▶NShader | |
CMaterialManager | The material manager |
▶CShaderDescriptor | |
CConnector | |
CInputDescriptor | |
CPass | |
CSamplerDescriptor | |
CUniformDescriptor | |
CShaderInstance | |
CShaderManager | The shader manager |
▶CShaderMaterial | |
CShaderMaterialVariable | |
▶CShaderObject | |
CShaderObjectVariable | |
CShaderProgram | |
CShaderRenderable | |
CShaderSampler | Shader sampler is used to bind a texture to a texture unit |
▶CShaderSurface | |
CShaderSurfaceVariable | |
CShaderUBO | |
CSurfaceManager | The surface manager |
CCameraManager | |
▶CCBGT | Loader for CBGT, BioWare's Compressed BackGround Tiles, an image format found in Sonic, used as area background images |
CReadContext | |
CColorPosition | |
CCubeMapCombiner | |
CCursor | An abstract cursor |
▶CDDS | DDS texture |
CDDSPixelFormat | The specific pixel format of the included image data |
CDXT1Texel | |
CDXT23Texel | |
CDXT45Texel | |
CFont | An abstract font |
CFPSCounter | A class counting frames per second |
CGLContainer | A container of OpenGL elements |
CGraphicsManager | The graphics manager |
CGUIElement | An element of the GUI |
▶CImageDecoder | A generic interface for image decoders |
CMipMap | A mip map |
CIndexBuffer | Buffer containing indices data |
▶CNCGR | Image decoder for Nintendo's tile-based graphics format |
CNCGRFile | |
CReadContext | |
CNCLR | Simple utility class to load NCLR palette files |
CObject | A renderable game object |
CQueueable | |
CQueueManager | The graphics queue manager |
CRenderable | An object that can be displayed by the graphics manager |
CResolution | |
CSBM | SBM font bitmap data |
CSurface | |
CTexture | A texture |
CTGA | TarGa image |
CTPC | BioWare's own texture format, TPC |
CTTFRenderer | |
CTXB | Another one of BioWare's own texture formats, TXB |
▶CTXI | Texture information |
CCoords | Coordinates |
CFeatures | Texture features |
CVertexAttrib | Generic vertex attribute data |
CVertexBuffer | Buffer containing vertex data |
CWindowManager | The graphics manager |
CWinIconImage | Windows cursor |
CYUVToRGBLookup | |
CYUVToRGBManager | |
▶NSound | |
CAACDecoder | |
CADPCMStream | |
CApple_ADPCMStream | |
▶CASFStream | |
▶CPacket | |
CSegment | |
CAudioStream | Generic audio input stream |
CChannelHandle | A handle to a sound channel |
CCodebookLibrary | |
CEmptyAudioStream | An empty audio stream that plays nothing |
▶CFMODSampleBank | Class to hold audio resource data of an FMOD samplebank file |
CSample | |
CIma_ADPCMStream | |
CInterleaver | |
CLoopingAudioStream | A looping audio stream |
CMP3Stream | |
▶CMS_ADPCMStream | |
CADPCMChannelStatus | |
CMSIma_ADPCMStream | |
CPacket | |
CPacketizedADPCMStream | |
CPacketizedAudioStream | An AudioStream designed to work in terms of packets |
CPacketizedPCMStream | |
CPacketizedVorbisStream | |
CPCMStream | This is a stream, which allows for playing raw PCM data from a stream |
CQueuingAudioStream | |
▶CQueuingAudioStreamImpl | |
CStreamHolder | We queue a number of (pointers to) audio stream objects |
CRewindableAudioStream | A rewindable audio stream |
CSegment | |
▶CSoundManager | The sound manager |
CChannel | A sound channel |
CType | A sound type |
CStatelessPacketizedAudioStream | A PacketizedAudioStream that works closer to a QueuingAudioStream |
CVorbisStream | |
CWMACodec | |
CWMACoefHuffmanParam | Parameters for Huffman'd WMA coefficient codes |
▶CWwiseSoundBank | Class to hold audio resources and information of a Wwise soundbank file |
CFile | An embedded sound file within the SoundBank |
CSound | |
CWwRIFFVorbisStream | |
CXACTWaveBank | An abstract XACT WaveBank interface |
▶CXACTWaveBank_ASCII | Class to hold audio resource data of an ASCII representation of an XWB wavebank file |
CWave | |
▶CXACTWaveBank_Binary | Class to hold audio resource data of an XWB wavebank file |
CWave | A wave within the wavebank |
▶CXbox_ADPCMStream | |
CADPCMChannelStatus | |
▶NVideo | |
▶NAurora | |
CVideoPlayer | A video player |
CActimagineDecoder | A decoder for Actimagine videos |
▶CBink | A decoder for RAD Game Tools' Bink videos |
CAudioInfo | An audio track |
CBinkAudioTrack | |
▶CBinkVideoTrack | |
CBundle | Data structure used for decoding a single Bink data type |
CDecodeContext | A decoder state |
CHuffman | Data structure for decoding and translating Huffman'd data |
CVideoFrame | A video frame |
CCodec | |
▶CFader | A quick test fader "video" |
CFaderVideoTrack | |
▶CQuickTimeDecoder | Decoder for QuickTime videos |
CAtom | |
CAudioSampleDesc | |
CAudioTrackHandler | |
CParseTable | |
CQuickTimeAudioTrack | |
CQuickTimeTrack | |
CSampleDesc | |
CSampleToChunkEntry | |
CTimeToSampleEntry | |
CVideoSampleDesc | |
CVideoTrackHandler | |
▶CVideoDecoder | A generic interface for video decoders |
CAudioTrack | An abstract representation of an audio track |
CFixedRateVideoTrack | A VideoTrack that is played at a constant rate |
CTrack | An abstract representation of a track in a movie |
CVideoTrack | An abstract representation of a video track |
CVPXDecoder | |
CWMV2ACCoefficientTable | Parameters for decoding the DCT AC coefficients |
CWMV2MVTable | Parameters for decoding the motion vectors |
▶CXboxMediaVideo | A decoder for Microsoft Xbox XMV videos |
CAudioInfo | An audio track's information |
CPacket | An XMV packet |
CPacketAudio | An audio packet |
CPacketVideo | A video packet |
CXMVAudioTrack | An XMV audio track |
CXMVAudioTrack51 | An XMV 5.1 audio track |
CXMVVideoTrack | |
▶CXMVWMV2Codec | |
CACDecoder | Decoders for DCT AC coefficients |
CBlockContext | Context for decoding a block |
CCBP | Which block pattern are coded? |
CDecodeContext | Context for decoding a frame |
CMVDecoder | Decoder for motion vectors |
CdoubleConvert | |
CfloatConvert | |
CGenderToken | |