CVideo::XMVWMV2Codec::ACDecoder | Decoders for DCT AC coefficients |
CEngines::KotOR::Action | |
CEngines::KotOR::Module::Action | |
CEngines::KotOR2::Module::Action | |
CEngines::NWN::Module::Action | |
CEngines::NWN2::Module::Action | |
CEngines::Witcher::Module::Action | |
CEngines::Jade::Module::Action | |
CEngines::KotOR::ActionExecutor | |
CSound::MS_ADPCMStream::ADPCMChannelStatus | |
CSound::Xbox_ADPCMStream::ADPCMChannelStatus | |
CGraphics::Aurora::Animation | |
CGraphics::Aurora::AnimationChannel | |
CEngines::NWN::AnimationName | |
CGraphics::Aurora::AnimNode | |
▶CEngines::Jade::AreaLayout | A Jade area layout |
CEngines::Jade::Area | An area in Jade Empire, holding all objects and rooms within, as well as general area properties like the current background music and ambient sounds |
CEngines::Sonic::AreaMiniMap | |
CAurora::LYTFile::ArtPlaceable | A simple, non-interactive placeable |
CAurora::ActionScript::ASBuffer | |
CSound::ASFGUID | |
CEngines::NWN::Creature::Associate | An associate |
CAurora::TextureAtlasFile::AtlasTexture | |
CVideo::QuickTimeDecoder::Atom | |
CVideo::Bink::AudioInfo | An audio track |
CVideo::XboxMediaVideo::AudioInfo | An audio track's information |
▶CAudioTrack | |
CVideo::Bink::BinkAudioTrack | |
CVideo::QuickTimeDecoder::AudioTrackHandler | |
▶CAurora::AuroraFile | Base class for most files found in games using BioWare's Aurora engine |
CAurora::BIFFile | Class to hold resource data information of a BIF file |
CAurora::BZFFile | Class to hold resource data information of a BZF file |
CAurora::ERFFile | Class to hold resource data of an ERF archive file |
▶CAurora::GFF3File | A GFF (generic file format) V3.2/V3.3 file, found in all Aurora games except Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood |
CAurora::SACFile | A SAC file is basically a GFF3 file with some bytes extra header |
CAurora::GFF4File | A GFF (generic file format) V4.0/V4.1 file, found in Dragon Age: Origins, Dragon Age 2 and Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood |
CAurora::KEYFile | Class to hold resource index information of a KEY file |
CAurora::LTRFile | LTR File, which is used when generating player names |
CAurora::NWScript::NCSFile | An NCS, BioWare's NWN Compile Script |
CAurora::RIMFile | Class to hold resource data of a RIM archive file |
CAurora::SSFFile | Class to hold a sound set |
CAurora::TalkTable_TLK | Loading BioWare's TLK talk tables |
CAurora::TwoDAFile | Class to hold the two-dimensional array of a 2DA file |
CGraphics::Aurora::PLTFile | |
CAurora::ActionScript::AVM | The Action script virtual machine (AVM) |
▶Cbinary_function | |
CCommon::UString::iless | |
CCommon::UString::sless | |
CCommon::BinSearchValue< TK, TV > | Struct template for a generic searchable key/value pair |
CAurora::GFXCharacter::Bitmap | An image |
▶CCommon::BitStream | A bit stream |
CCommon::BitStreamImpl< valueBits, isLE, isMSB2LSB > | A template implementing a bit stream for different data memory layouts |
▶CCommon::BitStreamWriter | A bit stream writer |
CCommon::BitStreamWriterImpl< valueBits, isLE, isMSB2LSB > | A template implementing a bit stream writer for different data memory layouts |
CVideo::XMVWMV2Codec::BlockContext | Context for decoding a block |
CCommon::BlowfishContext | |
CEngines::NWN::Creature::BodyPart | A part of a creature body |
CGraphics::Aurora::Model_Sonic::Bone | |
CGraphics::Aurora::Model_Sonic::BoneCommand | |
CEngines::KotORJadeWidget::Border | |
CCommon::BoundingBox | A bounding box around 3D points |
CVideo::Bink::BinkVideoTrack::Bundle | Data structure used for decoding a single Bink data type |
CEngines::NWN::ButtonsGroup | |
CEngines::Witcher::LuaBindings::C2DA | |
CEngines::Witcher::LuaBindings::C2DArrays | |
CEngines::Witcher::LuaBindings::CAbility | |
CEngines::Witcher::LuaBindings::CAbilityCondition | |
CEngines::KotOR::Area::CameraStyle | |
CEngines::KotOR2::Area::CameraStyle | |
CEngines::Witcher::Campaign | |
CEngines::DragonAge::Campaigns | |
CEngines::DragonAge2::Campaigns | |
CAurora::FEVFile::Category | A category which is organized hierarchically |
CEngines::Witcher::LuaBindings::CAttackDefList | |
CEngines::Witcher::LuaBindings::CAttrs | |
CEngines::Witcher::LuaBindings::CAurFullScreenFXMgr | |
CEngines::Witcher::LuaBindings::CAurObject | |
CEngines::Witcher::LuaBindings::CAuroraSettings | |
CVideo::XMVWMV2Codec::CBP | Which block pattern are coded? |
CEngines::Witcher::LuaBindings::CCamera | |
CEngines::Witcher::LuaBindings::CClientExoApp | |
CEngines::Witcher::LuaBindings::CDefs | |
CAurora::CDPTH | Loader for CDPTH, BioWare's Compressed DePTH, into a linear array of uint16 values |
CEngines::Witcher::LuaBindings::CEffectDuration | |
CEngines::Witcher::LuaBindings::CExoSoundSource | |
CEngines::Witcher::LuaBindings::CFontMgr | |
CEngines::Witcher::LuaBindings::CGUIControlBinds | |
CEngines::Witcher::LuaBindings::CGUIInGame | |
CEngines::Witcher::LuaBindings::CGUIMan | |
CEngines::Witcher::LuaBindings::CGUIModalPanel | |
CEngines::Witcher::LuaBindings::CGUINewControl | |
CEngines::Witcher::LuaBindings::CGUIObject | |
CEngines::Witcher::LuaBindings::CGUIPanel | |
▶CCommon::ChangeContent | |
CAurora::ResourceManager::Change | |
CAurora::TalkManager::Change | |
CCommon::ChangeID | A class representing an undoable change |
CAurora::ResourceManager::ChangeSet | A set of changes produced by a manager operation |
CSound::SoundManager::Channel | A sound channel |
CCommon::DebugManager::Channel | A debug channel |
CSound::ChannelHandle | A handle to a sound channel |
CGraphics::Aurora::ABCFont::Char | A font character |
CGraphics::Aurora::NFTRFont::Char | A font character |
CGraphics::Aurora::TextureFont::Char | A font character |
CGraphics::Aurora::TTFFont::Char | A font character |
CEngines::NWN::CharPremadeMenu::Character | |
CEngines::KotOR::CharacterGenerationInfo | |
CEngines::KotOR2::CharacterGenerationInfo | |
CEngines::NWN::CharGenChoices | |
CEngines::NWN::Creature::Class | A class |
CEngines::NWN2::Creature::Class | A class |
CEngines::KotOR::Creature::ClassLevel | A class level |
CEngines::Witcher::LuaBindings::CMiniGamesInterface | |
CEngines::Witcher::LuaBindings::CNWCCreature | |
CEngines::Witcher::LuaBindings::CNWCModule | |
CGraphics::ColorPosition | |
CAurora::GFXControl::ColorTransform | A color tranformation of the specific object |
CEngines::Console::Command | |
CEngines::Console::CommandLine | |
CCommon::Complex | A complex number |
CCommon::ConfigDomain | Accessor for a domain (section) in a config file |
CGraphics::Shader::ShaderDescriptor::Connector | |
CGraphics::TXI::Coords | Coordinates |
CEngines::Witcher::LuaBindings::CPhysics | |
CEngines::Witcher::LuaBindings::CRules | |
CEngines::Witcher::LuaBindings::CTlkTable | |
▶CGraphics::Cursor | An abstract cursor |
CGraphics::Aurora::Cursor | A cursor as used in the Aurora engines |
CEngines::Witcher::LuaBindings::CWeatherFog | |
CEngines::Witcher::LuaBindings::CWeatherRain | |
CGraphics::Aurora::ModelNode::Dangly | |
CGraphics::Aurora::ModelNode::DanglyData | |
CGraphics::DDS::DDSPixelFormat | The specific pixel format of the included image data |
CCommon::DeallocatorArray | Deallocate a pointer to an array |
CCommon::DeallocatorDefault | Deallocate a normal pointer |
CCommon::DeallocatorFree | Deallocate a pointer using free() |
CAurora::LanguageManager::Declaration | |
CVideo::Bink::BinkVideoTrack::DecodeContext | A decoder state |
CVideo::XMVWMV2Codec::DecodeContext | Context for decoding a frame |
CGraphics::Aurora::DefaultAnim | |
CGraphics::Aurora::AnimationChannel::DefaultAnimation | |
CAurora::Lua::DefaultDeleter< T > | |
CAurora::GFXControl::DoAction | A do action control tag |
CAurora::LYTFile::DoorHook | A place a door hooks into |
CdoubleConvert | |
▶CGraphics::DXT1Texel | |
CGraphics::DXT23Texel | |
CGraphics::DXT45Texel | |
CAurora::GFXCharacter::EditText | An edit text character, mostly used as static, but sometimes also used as editable text |
CAurora::GFXCharacter::EditTextLayout | Optional layout for edit texts |
▶Cenable_shared_from_this | |
▶CAurora::ActionScript::Object | |
CAurora::ActionScript::Array | |
▶CAurora::ActionScript::Function | |
CAurora::ActionScript::DummyFunction | |
CAurora::ActionScript::NativeFunction | |
CAurora::ActionScript::ScriptedFunction | |
CAurora::ActionScript::MovieClip | |
CAurora::ActionScript::String | |
CAurora::ActionScript::TextField | |
▶CAurora::NWScript::EngineType | |
CEngines::DragonAge2::Event | |
CEngines::DragonAge::Event | |
CEngines::Jade::Event | |
CEngines::Jade::Location | |
CEngines::KotOR::Event | |
CEngines::NWN2::Location | |
CEngines::NWN::Location | |
CEngines::Witcher::Location | |
CAurora::TalkTable_GFF::Entry | |
CAurora::TalkTable_TLK::Entry | A talk resource entry |
CAurora::DLGFile::Entry | A dialog entry |
CEngines::DragonAge::Creature::EquipItem | An item equipped by the creature |
CEngines::DragonAge2::Creature::EquipItem | An item equipped by the creature |
CAurora::ERFFile::ERFHeader | The header of an ERF file |
CAurora::ERFWriter | |
CAurora::FEVFile::Event | An FMOD event |
CAurora::FEVFile::EventCategory | An event category for storing events |
▶Cstd::exception | STL class |
CCommon::StackException | Exception that provides a stack of explanations |
CEngines::KotORJadeWidget::Extend | |
CAurora::GFXCharacter::ExternalImage | An external image character, which loads an image resource from the guis texture atlas files |
CGraphics::Aurora::Face | |
CGraphics::Aurora::FaceVert | |
CEngines::NWN::FeatItem | |
CGraphics::TXI::Features | Texture features |
CAurora::FEVFile | An FEV file is used to define events for the FMOD system and categorize them |
CCommon::FoxPro::Field | A field description |
CAurora::GFF3Struct::Field | A field in the GFF3 struct |
CAurora::GFF4File::StructTemplate::Field | |
CAurora::GFF4Struct::Field | A field in the GFF4 struct |
CSound::WwiseSoundBank::File | An embedded sound file within the SoundBank |
CCommon::ZipFile::File | A file |
CCommon::FileList | A list of files |
CCommon::FilePath | Utility class for manipulating file paths |
CAurora::GFXCharacter::Fill | A simple one-color fill |
CAurora::GFXCharacter::FillStyle | A style for filling |
▶CFixedRateVideoTrack | |
CVideo::Bink::BinkVideoTrack | |
CfloatConvert | |
CSound::FMODSampleBank | Class to hold audio resource data of an FMOD samplebank file |
CAurora::GFXCharacter::Font | A Scaleform GFx font, usable for rendering letters in the ui |
▶CGraphics::Font | An abstract font |
CGraphics::Aurora::ABCFont | An ABC/SBM font, as used by Jade Empire |
CGraphics::Aurora::NFTRFont | |
CGraphics::Aurora::TextureFont | A texture font, as used by NWN and KotOR/KotOR2 |
CGraphics::Aurora::TTFFont | |
CGraphics::Aurora::FontHandle | A handle to a font |
CGraphics::FPSCounter | A class counting frames per second |
CAurora::NWScript::FunctionContext | |
CEngines::Jade::Functions::FunctionDefaults | |
CEngines::KotOR::Functions::FunctionDefaults | |
CEngines::KotOR2::Functions::FunctionDefaults | |
CEngines::NWN::Functions::FunctionDefaults | |
CEngines::NWN2::Functions::FunctionDefaults | |
CEngines::Witcher::Functions::FunctionDefaults | |
CEngines::DragonAge::Functions::FunctionDefaults | |
CEngines::DragonAge2::Functions::FunctionDefaults | |
CAurora::NWScript::FunctionManager::FunctionEntry | |
CEngines::Jade::Functions::FunctionPointer | |
CEngines::KotOR::Functions::FunctionPointer | |
CEngines::KotOR2::Functions::FunctionPointer | |
CEngines::NWN::Functions::FunctionPointer | |
CEngines::NWN2::Functions::FunctionPointer | |
CEngines::DragonAge::Functions::FunctionPointer | |
CEngines::Witcher::Functions::FunctionPointer | |
CEngines::DragonAge2::Functions::FunctionPointer | |
CAurora::Lua::FunctionRef | A reference to a Lua function |
CEngines::Jade::Functions | |
CEngines::KotOR::Functions | |
CEngines::KotOR2::Functions | |
CEngines::NWN::Functions | |
CEngines::NWN2::Functions | |
CEngines::Witcher::Functions | |
CEngines::DragonAge::Functions | |
CEngines::DragonAge2::Functions | |
CEngines::Jade::Functions::FunctionSignature | |
CEngines::KotOR::Functions::FunctionSignature | |
CEngines::KotOR2::Functions::FunctionSignature | |
CEngines::NWN::Functions::FunctionSignature | |
CEngines::NWN2::Functions::FunctionSignature | |
CEngines::DragonAge::Functions::FunctionSignature | |
CEngines::Witcher::Functions::FunctionSignature | |
CEngines::DragonAge2::Functions::FunctionSignature | |
CEngines::KotOR::Game | |
CEngines::KotOR2::Game | |
CEngines::NWN::Game | |
CEngines::NWN2::Game | |
CEngines::Sonic::Game | |
CEngines::Witcher::Game | |
CEngines::DragonAge::Game | |
CEngines::DragonAge2::Game | |
CGenderToken | |
CGraphics::Aurora::Model_Sonic::Geometry | |
CAurora::GFF3Struct | A struct within a GFF3 |
CAurora::GFF4Struct | |
CAurora::GFXCharacter | Element placeable in the current scene |
CAurora::GFXControl | A control tag is used for controlling stuff in the scene, like placing or removing objects, and stopping at every frame |
CAurora::GFXFile | Class for parsing gfx files |
CAurora::GFXCharacter::Glyph | A character glyph for a font |
CGraphics::Aurora::NFTRFont::Glyph | |
CAurora::GFXCharacter::Gradient | A Gradient |
CAurora::GFXCharacter::GradientRecord | Part of a gradient |
CCommon::hashUStringCaseInsensitive | |
CCommon::hashUStringCaseSensitive | |
CAurora::GDAFile::Header | |
CAurora::GFF3File::Header | A GFF3 header |
CAurora::GFF4File::Header | A GFF4 header |
CGraphics::Aurora::NFTRFont::Header | |
▶CGraphics::Aurora::Highlightable | |
CGraphics::Aurora::HighlightableGUIQuad | |
CGraphics::Aurora::HighlightableText | |
CEngines::KotORJadeWidget::Hilight | |
CCommon::ReadLine::HistorySave | |
CVideo::Bink::BinkVideoTrack::Huffman | Data structure for decoding and translating Huffman'd data |
CCommon::Huffman | Decode a Huffman'd bitstream |
CCommon::HuffmanTable | |
CCommon::ZipFile::IFile | Internal file information |
CGraphics::IndexBuffer | Buffer containing indices data |
CGraphics::Aurora::Model_Sonic::Info | Info structure, specifies names and offsets of all kinds of lists in Nintendo files |
CEngines::KotOR::IngameGUI | |
CEngines::KotOR2::IngameGUI | |
CEngines::NWN::IngameGUI | The NWN ingame GUI elements |
CGraphics::Shader::ShaderDescriptor::InputDescriptor | |
CEngines::KotOR::Inventory | |
CEngines::KotOR::InventoryItem | |
CAurora::OBBFile::IResource | Internal resource information |
CAurora::RIMFile::IResource | Internal resource information |
CAurora::TheWitcherSaveFile::IResource | |
CAurora::BIFFile::IResource | Internal resource information |
CAurora::BZFFile::IResource | Internal resource information |
CAurora::ERFFile::IResource | Internal resource information |
CAurora::HERFFile::IResource | Internal resource information |
CAurora::NDSFile::IResource | Internal resource information |
CGraphics::Aurora::ModelNode_Jade::JadeMaterialData | |
CAurora::GFXCharacter::KerningCode | A kerning code, which determines the adjustment of specific characters to another |
CAurora::ResourceManager::KnownArchive | |
CEngines::KotOR::KnownWidget | |
CAurora::LanguageStrings | |
CEngines::NWN::Legal | The NWN legal billboard |
CAurora::LTRFile::LetterSet | |
CCommon::ConfigDomain::Line | A line in the config domain |
CAurora::DLGFile::Line | |
CEngines::NWN::Tooltip::Line | |
CAurora::GFXCharacter::LineStyle | A style for the border |
CAurora::DLGFile::Link | A link to a reply |
▶Cstd::list< T > | STL class |
CCommon::PtrList< T, Deallocator > | A list of pointer to objects, with automatic deletion |
CCommon::PtrList< byte, Common::DeallocatorArray > | |
CCommon::PtrList< ConfigDomain > | |
CCommon::PtrList< const XMLNode > | |
CCommon::PtrList< DragonAge2::Object > | |
CCommon::PtrList< DragonAge::Object > | |
CCommon::PtrList< Engines::NWN2::Object > | |
CCommon::PtrList< Engines::Witcher::Object > | |
CCommon::PtrList< Graphics::Aurora::GeometryObject > | |
CCommon::PtrList< Graphics::Aurora::Model > | |
CCommon::PtrList< Graphics::Aurora::Text > | |
CCommon::PtrList< KotOR2::Object > | |
CCommon::PtrList< KotOR::Object > | |
CCommon::PtrList< NWN::Object > | |
CCommon::PtrList< Object > | |
CCommon::PtrList< Request > | |
CCommon::PtrList< Room > | |
CAurora::LocString | A localized string |
CEngines::Witcher::LuaBindings | |
CEngines::Witcher::LuaBindings::LuaScriptedTextureController | |
CAurora::LYTFile | An LYT, BioWare's Layout Format |
CEvents::MainThreadFunctor< T > | A functor for a function that needs to be called in the main thread |
CEvents::MainThreadFunctor< void > | Template specialization for a MainThreadFunctor returning void |
CGraphics::Aurora::ManagedFont | A managed font, storing how often it's referenced |
CGraphics::Aurora::ManagedTexture | A managed texture, storing how often it's referenced |
▶Cstd::map< K, T > | STL class |
CCommon::PtrMap< Key, T, Compare, Deallocator > | A map of pointer to objects, with automatic deletion |
CCommon::PtrMap< Common::UString, Area > | |
CCommon::PtrMap< Common::UString, class Model, Common::UString::iless > | |
CCommon::PtrMap< Common::UString, GDAFile > | |
CCommon::PtrMap< Common::UString, ManagedFont > | |
CCommon::PtrMap< Common::UString, TwoDAFile > | |
CCommon::PtrMap< EquipmentSlot, Engines::KotOR::Item > | |
CCommon::PtrMap< uint32, Entry > | |
CGraphics::Aurora::Model_Sonic::Material | |
CGraphics::Aurora::ModelNode_DragonAge::MaterialObject | An internal material object |
CCommon::MD5Context | |
CGraphics::Aurora::ModelNode_NWN_ASCII::Mesh | |
CGraphics::Aurora::ModelNode::Mesh | |
CGraphics::Aurora::ModelNode::MeshData | |
CGraphics::Aurora::ModelNode_DragonAge::MeshDeclaration | An internal mesh declaration part |
CGraphics::ImageDecoder::MipMap | A mip map |
▶CEngines::ModelLoader | |
CEngines::DragonAge2::DragonAge2ModelLoader | |
CEngines::DragonAge::DragonAgeModelLoader | |
CEngines::Jade::JadeModelLoader | |
CEngines::KotOR2::KotOR2ModelLoader | |
CEngines::KotOR::KotORModelLoader | |
CEngines::NWN2::NWN2ModelLoader | |
CEngines::NWN::NWNModelLoader | |
CEngines::Sonic::SonicModelLoader | |
CEngines::Witcher::WitcherModelLoader | |
▶CGraphics::Aurora::ModelNode | |
CGraphics::Aurora::ModelNode_DragonAge | |
CGraphics::Aurora::ModelNode_Jade | |
CGraphics::Aurora::ModelNode_KotOR | |
CGraphics::Aurora::ModelNode_NWN2 | |
CGraphics::Aurora::ModelNode_NWN_ASCII | |
CGraphics::Aurora::ModelNode_NWN_Binary | |
CGraphics::Aurora::ModelNode_Sonic | |
CGraphics::Aurora::ModelNode_Witcher | |
CVideo::XMVWMV2Codec::MVDecoder | Decoder for motion vectors |
CGraphics::NCGR::NCGRFile | |
CEngines::NWN::NewGameFogs | |
CAurora::NFOFile | |
▶CAurora::NitroFile | |
CAurora::NSBTXFile | |
CGraphics::Aurora::Model_Sonic | A 3D model in Nintendo's NSBMD format |
CGraphics::Aurora::NFTRFont | |
CGraphics::NCGR | Image decoder for Nintendo's tile-based graphics format |
CGraphics::NCLR | Simple utility class to load NCLR palette files |
▶Cnoncopyable | |
▶CAurora::Archive | An abstract file archive |
CAurora::ERFFile | Class to hold resource data of an ERF archive file |
CAurora::HERFFile | Class to hold resource data of an HERF archive file |
▶CAurora::KEYDataFile | |
CAurora::BIFFile | Class to hold resource data information of a BIF file |
CAurora::BZFFile | Class to hold resource data information of a BZF file |
CAurora::NDSFile | A class encapsulating Nintendo DS ROM access |
CAurora::NSBTXFile | |
CAurora::OBBFile | Class to hold resource data of an OBB virtual filesystem |
CAurora::PEFile | A class encapsulating PE exe's for resource archive access |
CAurora::RIMFile | Class to hold resource data of a RIM archive file |
CAurora::TheWitcherSaveFile | Class for reading and managing TheWitcherSave files |
CAurora::ZIPFile | A class encapsulating ZIP files for resource archive access |
CAurora::DLGFile | |
CAurora::GDAFile | Class to hold the GFF'd two-dimensional array of a GDA file |
CAurora::GFF3File | A GFF (generic file format) V3.2/V3.3 file, found in all Aurora games except Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood |
CAurora::GFF3Writer | |
CAurora::GFF3Writer::Field | An implementation for a field |
CAurora::GFF3WriterList | A GFF3 list containing GFF3 structs |
CAurora::GFF3WriterStruct | A GFF3 struct containing GFF3 fields |
CAurora::GFF4File | A GFF (generic file format) V4.0/V4.1 file, found in Dragon Age: Origins, Dragon Age 2 and Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood |
CAurora::IFOFile | An IFO (module information) file, describing global module properties in many Aurora games |
CAurora::KEYFile | Class to hold resource index information of a KEY file |
▶CAurora::TalkTable | Base class for BioWare's talk tables |
CAurora::TalkTable_GFF | Loading BioWare's GFF'd talk tables |
CAurora::TalkTable_TLK | Loading BioWare's TLK talk tables |
CAurora::TwoDAFile | Class to hold the two-dimensional array of a 2DA file |
CAurora::TwoDARow | A row within a 2DA file |
CCommon::BitStreamImpl< valueBits, isLE, isMSB2LSB > | A template implementing a bit stream for different data memory layouts |
CCommon::BitStreamWriterImpl< valueBits, isLE, isMSB2LSB > | A template implementing a bit stream writer for different data memory layouts |
CCommon::Condition | A condition |
CCommon::ConfigFile | This class allows reading/writing INI style config files |
CCommon::DCT | (Inverse) Discrete Cosine Transforms |
▶CCommon::DisposablePtrBase< T, Deallocator > | Base template class for a disposable pointer |
CCommon::DisposableArray< T, Deallocator > | A disposable array pointer, allowing array-y access and array deletion |
CCommon::DisposablePtr< T, Deallocator > | A disposable plain pointer, allowing pointer-y access and normal deletion |
CCommon::FFT | (Inverse) Fast Fourier Transform |
CCommon::FoxPro | A database in FoxPro 2.0 format |
CCommon::MDCT | (Inverse) Modified Discrete Cosine Transforms |
▶CCommon::MemoryReadStream | Simple memory based 'stream', which implements the ReadStream interface for a plain memory block |
CCommon::MemoryReadStreamEndian | This is a wrapper around MemoryReadStream, but it adds non-endian read methods whose endianness is set on the stream creation |
CCommon::MemoryWriteStream | Simple memory based 'stream', which implements the SeekableWriteStream interface for a plain memory block |
CCommon::MemoryWriteStreamDynamic | A stream that dynamically grows as it's written to |
CCommon::Mutex | A mutex |
CCommon::PEResources | A class able to load resources from a Windows Portable Executable, such as cursors, bitmaps, and sounds |
CCommon::PtrList< T, Deallocator > | A list of pointer to objects, with automatic deletion |
CCommon::PtrMap< Key, T, Compare, Deallocator > | A map of pointer to objects, with automatic deletion |
CCommon::PtrVector< T, Deallocator > | A vector of pointer to objects, with automatic deletion |
CCommon::RDFT | (Inverse) Real Discrete Fourier Transform |
CCommon::ReadFile | A simple streaming file reading class |
▶CCommon::ScopedPtrBase< T, Deallocator > | Base template class for a scoped pointer |
CCommon::ScopedArray< T, Deallocator > | A scoped array pointer, allowing array-y access and array deletion |
CCommon::ScopedPtr< T, Deallocator > | A scoped plain pointer, allowing pointer-y access and normal deletion |
CCommon::Semaphore | A semaphore |
CCommon::Singleton< T > | Generic template base class for implementing the singleton design pattern |
CCommon::StackLock | Convenience class that locks a mutex on creation and unlocks it on destruction |
▶CCommon::Thread | A class that creates its own thread |
CEngines::GameThread | The game thread, running all game logic |
CEvents::RequestManager | The request manager, handling all requests |
CGraphics::Aurora::AnimationThread | |
CSound::SoundManager | The sound manager |
CCommon::WriteFile | A simple streaming file writing class |
CCommon::XMLNode | |
CCommon::XMLParser | Class to parse a ReadStream into a simple XML tree |
CCommon::ZipFile | A class encapsulating ZIP file access |
▶CCommon::DisposablePtrBase< byte, DeallocatorArray > | |
CCommon::DisposableArray< byte > | |
▶CCommon::DisposablePtrBase< Common::ReadStream, DeallocatorDefault > | |
CCommon::DisposablePtr< Common::ReadStream > | |
▶CCommon::DisposablePtrBase< Common::SeekableReadStream, DeallocatorDefault > | |
CCommon::DisposablePtr< Common::SeekableReadStream > | |
▶CCommon::DisposablePtrBase< Common::WriteStream, DeallocatorDefault > | |
CCommon::DisposablePtr< Common::WriteStream > | |
▶CCommon::DisposablePtrBase< const byte, DeallocatorArray > | |
CCommon::DisposableArray< const byte > | |
▶CCommon::DisposablePtrBase< Sound::AudioStream, DeallocatorDefault > | |
CCommon::DisposablePtr< Sound::AudioStream > | |
▶CCommon::DisposablePtrBase< Sound::RewindableAudioStream, DeallocatorDefault > | |
CCommon::DisposablePtr< Sound::RewindableAudioStream > | |
▶CEngines::Console | |
CEngines::DragonAge2::Console | |
CEngines::DragonAge::Console | |
CEngines::Jade::Console | |
CEngines::KotOR2::Console | |
CEngines::KotOR::Console | |
CEngines::NWN2::Console | |
CEngines::NWN::Console | |
CEngines::Sonic::Console | |
CEngines::Witcher::Console | |
▶CEngines::Engine | The base class for an engine within BioWare's Aurora family |
CEngines::DragonAge2::DragonAge2Engine | |
CEngines::DragonAge::DragonAgeEngine | |
CEngines::Jade::JadeEngine | |
CEngines::KotOR2::KotOR2Engine | |
CEngines::KotOR::KotOREngine | |
CEngines::NWN2::NWN2Engine | |
CEngines::NWN::NWNEngine | |
CEngines::Sonic::SonicEngine | |
CEngines::Witcher::WitcherEngine | |
▶CEngines::EngineProbe | A probe able to detect one specific game |
▶CEngines::DragonAge2::EngineProbe | |
▶CEngines::DragonAge2::EngineProbeWindows | |
CEngines::DragonAge2::EngineProbeWindowsOrigin | |
CEngines::DragonAge2::EngineProbeWindowsRetail | |
▶CEngines::DragonAge::EngineProbe | |
CEngines::DragonAge::EngineProbeWindows | |
CEngines::DragonAge::EngineProbeXbox360 | |
▶CEngines::Jade::EngineProbe | |
CEngines::Jade::EngineProbeAndroid | |
CEngines::Jade::EngineProbeWindows | |
CEngines::Jade::EngineProbeXbox | |
▶CEngines::KotOR2::EngineProbe | |
CEngines::KotOR2::EngineProbeLinux | |
CEngines::KotOR2::EngineProbeMac | |
CEngines::KotOR2::EngineProbeWindows | |
CEngines::KotOR2::EngineProbeXbox | |
▶CEngines::KotOR::EngineProbe | |
CEngines::KotOR::EngineProbeAndroid | |
CEngines::KotOR::EngineProbeMac | |
CEngines::KotOR::EngineProbeWindows | |
CEngines::KotOR::EngineProbeXbox | |
CEngines::NWN2::EngineProbe | |
▶CEngines::NWN::EngineProbe | |
CEngines::NWN::EngineProbeFallback | |
CEngines::NWN::EngineProbeLinux | |
CEngines::NWN::EngineProbeMac | |
CEngines::NWN::EngineProbeWindows | |
CEngines::Sonic::EngineProbe | |
CEngines::Witcher::EngineProbe | |
▶CEngines::GameInstance | |
CEngines::GameInstanceEngine | |
▶CEngines::GUI | A GUI |
▶CEngines::Jade::GUI | A Jade Empire GUI |
CEngines::Jade::AudioOptionsMenu | |
CEngines::Jade::ControlOptionsMenu | |
CEngines::Jade::DifficultyOptionsMenu | |
CEngines::Jade::GameInfoOptionsMenu | |
CEngines::Jade::MainMenu | |
CEngines::Jade::OptionsMenu | |
CEngines::Jade::VideoOptionsMenu | |
▶CEngines::KotOR::GUI | A KotOR GUI |
▶CEngines::KotOR2::GUI | |
CEngines::KotOR2::CharacterGeneration | |
▶CEngines::KotOR2::CharacterGenerationBaseMenu | |
CEngines::KotOR2::CharacterGenerationNameMenu | |
CEngines::KotOR2::CharacterGenerationPortraitMenu | |
CEngines::KotOR2::ClassSelection | |
CEngines::KotOR2::CustomCharPanel | |
CEngines::KotOR2::HUD | |
CEngines::KotOR2::MainMenu | |
CEngines::KotOR2::QuickCharPanel | |
CEngines::KotOR2::QuickOrCustomPanel | |
▶CEngines::KotOR::CharacterGenerationBaseMenu | |
CEngines::KotOR::CharacterGenerationNameMenu | |
CEngines::KotOR::CharacterGenerationPortraitMenu | |
CEngines::KotOR::CharacterGenerationMenu | |
CEngines::KotOR::ClassSelectionMenu | |
CEngines::KotOR::ConfirmDialog | |
CEngines::KotOR::ContainerMenu | |
CEngines::KotOR::CustomCharPanel | |
▶CEngines::KotOR::DialogGUIBase | |
CEngines::KotOR2::DialogGUI | |
CEngines::KotOR::DialogGUI | |
CEngines::KotOR::HUD | |
CEngines::KotOR::LoadScreen | |
CEngines::KotOR::MainMenu | |
CEngines::KotOR::Menu | |
CEngines::KotOR::MenuAbilities | |
CEngines::KotOR::MenuCharacter | |
CEngines::KotOR::MenuEquipment | |
CEngines::KotOR::MenuInventory | |
CEngines::KotOR::MenuJournal | |
CEngines::KotOR::MenuMap | |
CEngines::KotOR::MenuMessages | |
CEngines::KotOR::MenuOptions | |
CEngines::KotOR::MoviesMenu | The KotOR movies menu |
CEngines::KotOR::OptionsAutoPauseMenu | |
CEngines::KotOR::OptionsFeedbackMenu | |
CEngines::KotOR::OptionsGameplayMenu | |
CEngines::KotOR::OptionsGraphicsAdvancedMenu | |
CEngines::KotOR::OptionsGraphicsMenu | |
CEngines::KotOR::OptionsKeyboardConfigurationMenu | |
CEngines::KotOR::OptionsMenu | |
CEngines::KotOR::OptionsMouseSettingsMenu | |
CEngines::KotOR::OptionsResolutionMenu | |
CEngines::KotOR::OptionsSoundAdvancedMenu | |
CEngines::KotOR::OptionsSoundMenu | |
CEngines::KotOR::PartySelectionGUI | |
CEngines::KotOR::QuickCharPanel | |
CEngines::KotOR::QuickOrCustomPanel | |
CEngines::KotOR::SaveLoadMenu | |
▶CEngines::NWN::GUI | A NWN GUI |
▶CEngines::NWN::CharacterInfo | A NWN character info panel |
CEngines::NWN::PartyLeader | The NWN ingame party leader bar |
CEngines::NWN::CharFeatsPopup | |
▶CEngines::NWN::CharGenBase | |
CEngines::NWN::CharAlignment | |
CEngines::NWN::CharAppearance | |
CEngines::NWN::CharAttributes | |
CEngines::NWN::CharClass | |
CEngines::NWN::CharDomain | |
CEngines::NWN::CharFeats | |
CEngines::NWN::CharGenMenu | The NWN character generator |
CEngines::NWN::CharInfoVoice | |
CEngines::NWN::CharPackage | |
CEngines::NWN::CharPortrait | |
CEngines::NWN::CharRace | |
CEngines::NWN::CharSchool | |
CEngines::NWN::CharSex | |
CEngines::NWN::CharSkills | |
CEngines::NWN::CharSpells | |
CEngines::NWN::CharHelp | |
CEngines::NWN::CharPremadeMenu | The NWN character creator |
CEngines::NWN::CharTypeMenu | The NWN new/premade character selection menu |
CEngines::NWN::Compass | The NWN ingame compass |
CEngines::NWN::IngameMainMenu | The NWN ingame main menu |
CEngines::NWN::MainMenu | The NWN main menu |
CEngines::NWN::MoviesBaseMenu | The NWN base game movies menu |
CEngines::NWN::MoviesCampMenu | The NWN campaign movies menu |
CEngines::NWN::NewCampMenu | The NWN new campaign menu |
CEngines::NWN::NewMenu | The NWN new game menu |
CEngines::NWN::NewModuleMenu | The NWN new module menu |
CEngines::NWN::NewPremiumMenu | The NWN new premium module menu |
CEngines::NWN::NewXP1Menu | The NWN new game menu, expansion 1 |
CEngines::NWN::NewXP2Menu | The NWN new game menu, expansion 2 |
CEngines::NWN::OKCancelDialog | The NWN okay/cancel dialog |
CEngines::NWN::OptionsControlsMenu | The NWN controls options menu |
CEngines::NWN::OptionsFeedbackMenu | The NWN feedback options menu |
CEngines::NWN::OptionsGameMenu | The NWN game options menu |
CEngines::NWN::OptionsGorePasswordMenu | The NWN violence/gore password options menu |
CEngines::NWN::OptionsMenu | The NWN options menu |
CEngines::NWN::OptionsResolutionMenu | The NWN resolution options menu |
CEngines::NWN::OptionsSoundAdvancedMenu | The NWN advanced sound options menu |
CEngines::NWN::OptionsSoundMenu | The NWN sound options menu |
CEngines::NWN::OptionsVideoAdvancedMenu | The NWN advanced video options menu |
CEngines::NWN::OptionsVideoMenu | The NWN video options menu |
CEngines::NWN::Quickbar | The NWN ingame quickbar |
CEngines::NWN::Quickchat | The NWN ingame quickchat |
CEngines::NWN::YesNoCancelDialog | The NWN yes/no/cancel dialog |
CEngines::LoadProgress | |
▶CEngines::Widget | A widget in a GUI |
▶CEngines::KotORJadeWidget | |
CEngines::WidgetButton | |
CEngines::WidgetCheckBox | |
CEngines::WidgetLabel | |
CEngines::WidgetListBox | |
CEngines::WidgetPanel | |
CEngines::WidgetProgressbar | |
▶CEngines::WidgetProtoItem | |
CEngines::KotORInventoryItem | |
CEngines::WidgetScrollbar | |
CEngines::WidgetSlider | |
▶CEngines::NWN::NWNWidget | Base class for all widgets in NWN |
▶CEngines::NWN::NWNWidgetWithCaption | A NWN widget with a text caption |
▶CEngines::NWN::ModelWidget | A NWN model widget |
CEngines::NWN::CompassWidget | The NWN compass widget |
▶CEngines::NWN::WidgetButton | A NWN button widget |
CEngines::NWN::ChatModeButton | The chat mode button within the NWN ingame quickchat |
CEngines::NWN::WidgetCheckBox | A NWN checkbox widget |
CEngines::NWN::WidgetClose | A NWN close button widget |
CEngines::NWN::WidgetFrame | A NWN frame widget |
▶CEngines::NWN::WidgetListBox | A NWN listbox widget |
CEngines::NWN::WidgetEditBox | A NWN editbox widget |
CEngines::NWN::WidgetGridBox | |
CEngines::NWN::WidgetPanel | A NWN panel widget |
CEngines::NWN::WidgetSlider | A NWN slider widget |
CEngines::NWN::WidgetLabel | A NWN label widget |
CEngines::NWN::PortraitWidget | A NWN portrait widget |
CEngines::NWN::QuadWidget | A NWN quad widget |
CEngines::NWN::QuickbarButton | A button within the NWN quickbar |
▶CEngines::NWN::WidgetListItem | An item widget within a NWN listbox widget |
CEngines::NWN::WidgetGridItemPortrait | |
▶CEngines::NWN::WidgetListItemBaseButton | |
▶CEngines::NWN::WidgetListItemButton | |
CEngines::NWN::WidgetListItemDomain | |
CEngines::NWN::WidgetListItemFeat | |
CEngines::NWN::WidgetListItemSkill | |
CEngines::NWN::WidgetListItemSpell | |
CEngines::NWN::WidgetListItemVoice | |
CEngines::NWN::WidgetListItemCharacter | |
CEngines::NWN::WidgetListItemModule | |
CEngines::NWN::WidgetListItemPremium | |
CEngines::NWN::WidgetListItemTextLine | A text line widget within a NWN listbox widget |
CEngines::NWN::WidgetScrollbar | A NWN scrollbar widget |
CEvents::Joystick | |
▶CGraphics::GLContainer | A container of OpenGL elements |
CGraphics::Aurora::Cube | A simple, rotating cube |
▶CGraphics::Aurora::Model | |
CGraphics::Aurora::Model_DragonAge | A 3D model in the Dragon Age MMH+MSH format |
CGraphics::Aurora::Model_Jade | A 3D model in the Jade Empire MDL/MDX format |
CGraphics::Aurora::Model_KotOR | A 3D model in the NWN binary MDL format |
▶CGraphics::Aurora::Model_NWN | A 3D model in the NWN MDL format |
CEngines::NWN::FadeModel | |
CEngines::NWN::NewGameFog | |
CGraphics::Aurora::Model_NWN2 | A 3D model in the NWN2 MDB format |
CGraphics::Aurora::Model_Sonic | A 3D model in Nintendo's NSBMD format |
CGraphics::Aurora::Model_Witcher | A 3D model in the The Witcher MDB format |
▶CGraphics::Mesh::Mesh | |
CGraphics::Mesh::MeshFont | |
CGraphics::Mesh::MeshQuad | |
CGraphics::Mesh::MeshWireBox | |
CGraphics::Shader::ShaderObject | |
CGraphics::Shader::ShaderProgram | |
▶CGraphics::Texture | A texture |
▶CGraphics::Aurora::Texture | A texture |
CGraphics::Aurora::PLTFile | |
▶CVideo::VideoDecoder | A generic interface for video decoders |
CVideo::ActimagineDecoder | A decoder for Actimagine videos |
CVideo::Bink | A decoder for RAD Game Tools' Bink videos |
CVideo::Fader | A quick test fader "video" |
CVideo::QuickTimeDecoder | Decoder for QuickTime videos |
CVideo::XboxMediaVideo | A decoder for Microsoft Xbox XMV videos |
▶CGraphics::ImageDecoder | A generic interface for image decoders |
CGraphics::CBGT | Loader for CBGT, BioWare's Compressed BackGround Tiles, an image format found in Sonic, used as area background images |
CGraphics::CubeMapCombiner | |
CGraphics::DDS | DDS texture |
CGraphics::NBFS | |
CGraphics::NCGR | Image decoder for Nintendo's tile-based graphics format |
CGraphics::SBM | SBM font bitmap data |
CGraphics::Surface | |
CGraphics::TGA | TarGa image |
CGraphics::TPC | BioWare's own texture format, TPC |
CGraphics::TXB | Another one of BioWare's own texture formats, TXB |
CGraphics::WinIconImage | Windows cursor |
CGraphics::XEOSITEX | |
▶CGraphics::Renderable | An object that can be displayed by the graphics manager |
▶CEngines::Trigger | |
CEngines::KotOR2::Trigger | |
CEngines::KotOR::Trigger | |
CGraphics::Aurora::BorderQuad | |
CGraphics::Aurora::FadeQuad | |
CGraphics::Aurora::GeometryObject | |
CGraphics::Aurora::KotORDialogFrame | |
CGraphics::Aurora::Model | |
▶CGraphics::Aurora::Walkmesh | |
CEngines::KotOR::Walkmesh | |
▶CGraphics::GUIElement | An element of the GUI |
CEngines::ConsoleWindow | |
CEngines::Jade::GUIBackground | |
CEngines::KotOR::GUIBackground | |
CEngines::NWN::DialogBox | |
CEngines::NWN::Portrait | A NWN portrait model |
CEngines::NWN::Scrollbar | A NWN scrollbar model |
CEngines::Sonic::AreaBackground | |
▶CGraphics::Aurora::GUIQuad | |
CGraphics::Aurora::HighlightableGUIQuad | |
▶CGraphics::Aurora::SubSceneQuad | |
CEngines::KotOR::Minimap | |
▶CGraphics::Aurora::Text | A text object |
CGraphics::Aurora::FPS | An autonomous FPS display |
CGraphics::Aurora::HighlightableText | |
▶CGraphics::Object | A renderable game object |
CGraphics::Aurora::CubeSide | A cube side |
CVideo::VideoDecoder | A generic interface for video decoders |
CCommon::PtrList< byte, Common::DeallocatorArray > | |
CCommon::PtrList< ConfigDomain > | |
CCommon::PtrList< const XMLNode > | |
CCommon::PtrList< DragonAge2::Object > | |
CCommon::PtrList< DragonAge::Object > | |
CCommon::PtrList< Engines::NWN2::Object > | |
CCommon::PtrList< Engines::Witcher::Object > | |
CCommon::PtrList< Graphics::Aurora::GeometryObject > | |
CCommon::PtrList< Graphics::Aurora::Model > | |
CCommon::PtrList< Graphics::Aurora::Text > | |
CCommon::PtrList< KotOR2::Object > | |
CCommon::PtrList< KotOR::Object > | |
CCommon::PtrList< NWN::Object > | |
CCommon::PtrList< Object > | |
CCommon::PtrList< Request > | |
CCommon::PtrList< Room > | |
CCommon::PtrMap< Common::UString, Area > | |
CCommon::PtrMap< Common::UString, class Model, Common::UString::iless > | |
CCommon::PtrMap< Common::UString, GDAFile > | |
CCommon::PtrMap< Common::UString, ManagedFont > | |
CCommon::PtrMap< Common::UString, TwoDAFile > | |
CCommon::PtrMap< EquipmentSlot, Engines::KotOR::Item > | |
CCommon::PtrMap< uint32, Entry > | |
CCommon::PtrVector< Aurora::TwoDARow > | |
CCommon::PtrVector< byte, Common::DeallocatorArray > | |
CCommon::PtrVector< Campaign > | |
CCommon::PtrVector< Common::MDCT > | |
CCommon::PtrVector< Common::SeekableReadStream > | |
CCommon::PtrVector< const RIMNode > | |
CCommon::PtrVector< Engines::NWN::CharacterInfo > | |
CCommon::PtrVector< Engines::NWN::CharGenBase > | |
CCommon::PtrVector< Engines::NWN::Item > | |
CCommon::PtrVector< GFF3Struct > | |
CCommon::PtrVector< GFF4File > | |
CCommon::PtrVector< Graphics::Aurora::Model > | |
CCommon::PtrVector< Graphics::Aurora::Text > | |
CCommon::PtrVector< Graphics::Aurora::TTFFont::Page > | |
CCommon::PtrVector< Joystick > | |
CCommon::PtrVector< MipMap > | |
CCommon::PtrVector< Room > | |
CCommon::PtrVector< Video::QuickTimeDecoder::QuickTimeAudioTrack > | |
CCommon::PtrVector< Video::QuickTimeDecoder::QuickTimeTrack > | |
CCommon::PtrVector< Video::QuickTimeDecoder::SampleDesc > | |
▶CCommon::ScopedPtrBase< Aurora::DLGFile, DeallocatorDefault > | |
CCommon::ScopedPtr< Aurora::DLGFile > | |
▶CCommon::ScopedPtrBase< Aurora::GFF3File, DeallocatorDefault > | |
CCommon::ScopedPtr< Aurora::GFF3File > | |
▶CCommon::ScopedPtrBase< Aurora::GFF4File, DeallocatorDefault > | |
CCommon::ScopedPtr< Aurora::GFF4File > | |
▶CCommon::ScopedPtrBase< Aurora::LTRFile::LetterSet, DeallocatorArray > | |
CCommon::ScopedArray< Aurora::LTRFile::LetterSet > | |
▶CCommon::ScopedPtrBase< Aurora::SSFFile, DeallocatorDefault > | |
CCommon::ScopedPtr< Aurora::SSFFile > | |
▶CCommon::ScopedPtrBase< bool, DeallocatorArray > | |
CCommon::ScopedArray< bool > | |
▶CCommon::ScopedPtrBase< byte, DeallocatorArray > | |
CCommon::ScopedArray< byte > | |
▶CCommon::ScopedPtrBase< char, DeallocatorArray > | |
CCommon::ScopedArray< char > | |
▶CCommon::ScopedPtrBase< Common::ChangeContent, DeallocatorDefault > | |
CCommon::ScopedPtr< Common::ChangeContent > | |
▶CCommon::ScopedPtrBase< Common::Complex, DeallocatorArray > | |
CCommon::ScopedArray< Common::Complex > | |
▶CCommon::ScopedPtrBase< Common::ConfigDomain, DeallocatorDefault > | |
CCommon::ScopedPtr< Common::ConfigDomain > | |
▶CCommon::ScopedPtrBase< Common::ConfigFile, DeallocatorDefault > | |
CCommon::ScopedPtr< Common::ConfigFile > | |
▶CCommon::ScopedPtrBase< Common::FFT, DeallocatorDefault > | |
CCommon::ScopedPtr< Common::FFT > | |
▶CCommon::ScopedPtrBase< Common::Huffman, DeallocatorDefault > | |
CCommon::ScopedPtr< Common::Huffman > | |
▶CCommon::ScopedPtrBase< Common::PEResources, DeallocatorDefault > | |
CCommon::ScopedPtr< Common::PEResources > | |
▶CCommon::ScopedPtrBase< Common::RDFT, DeallocatorDefault > | |
CCommon::ScopedPtr< Common::RDFT > | |
▶CCommon::ScopedPtrBase< Common::ReadLine, DeallocatorDefault > | |
CCommon::ScopedPtr< Common::ReadLine > | |
▶CCommon::ScopedPtrBase< Common::ScopedArray< Aurora::LTRFile::LetterSet >, DeallocatorArray > | |
CCommon::ScopedArray< Common::ScopedArray< Aurora::LTRFile::LetterSet > > | |
▶CCommon::ScopedPtrBase< Common::SeekableReadStream, DeallocatorDefault > | |
CCommon::ScopedPtr< Common::SeekableReadStream > | |
▶CCommon::ScopedPtrBase< Common::SeekableSubReadStreamEndian, DeallocatorDefault > | |
CCommon::ScopedPtr< Common::SeekableSubReadStreamEndian > | |
▶CCommon::ScopedPtrBase< Common::XMLNode, DeallocatorDefault > | |
CCommon::ScopedPtr< Common::XMLNode > | |
▶CCommon::ScopedPtrBase< Common::ZipFile, DeallocatorDefault > | |
CCommon::ScopedPtr< Common::ZipFile > | |
▶CCommon::ScopedPtrBase< const byte, DeallocatorArray > | |
CCommon::ScopedArray< const byte > | |
▶CCommon::ScopedPtrBase< Engines::Console, DeallocatorDefault > | |
CCommon::ScopedPtr< Engines::Console > | |
▶CCommon::ScopedPtrBase< Engines::ConsoleWindow, DeallocatorDefault > | |
CCommon::ScopedPtr< Engines::ConsoleWindow > | |
▶CCommon::ScopedPtrBase< Engines::DragonAge2::Area, DeallocatorDefault > | |
CCommon::ScopedPtr< Engines::DragonAge2::Area > | |
▶CCommon::ScopedPtrBase< Engines::DragonAge2::Campaign::RIMNode, DeallocatorDefault > | |
CCommon::ScopedPtr< Engines::DragonAge2::Campaign::RIMNode > | |
▶CCommon::ScopedPtrBase< Engines::DragonAge2::Campaigns, DeallocatorDefault > | |
CCommon::ScopedPtr< Engines::DragonAge2::Campaigns > | |
▶CCommon::ScopedPtrBase< Engines::DragonAge2::Creature, DeallocatorDefault > | |
CCommon::ScopedPtr< Engines::DragonAge2::Creature > | |
▶CCommon::ScopedPtrBase< Engines::DragonAge2::Functions, DeallocatorDefault > | |
CCommon::ScopedPtr< Engines::DragonAge2::Functions > | |
▶CCommon::ScopedPtrBase< Engines::DragonAge2::Game, DeallocatorDefault > | |
CCommon::ScopedPtr< Engines::DragonAge2::Game > | |
▶CCommon::ScopedPtrBase< Engines::DragonAge::Area, DeallocatorDefault > | |
CCommon::ScopedPtr< Engines::DragonAge::Area > | |
▶CCommon::ScopedPtrBase< Engines::DragonAge::Campaign::RIMNode, DeallocatorDefault > | |
CCommon::ScopedPtr< Engines::DragonAge::Campaign::RIMNode > | |
▶CCommon::ScopedPtrBase< Engines::DragonAge::Campaigns, DeallocatorDefault > | |
CCommon::ScopedPtr< Engines::DragonAge::Campaigns > | |
▶CCommon::ScopedPtrBase< Engines::DragonAge::Creature, DeallocatorDefault > | |
CCommon::ScopedPtr< Engines::DragonAge::Creature > | |
▶CCommon::ScopedPtrBase< Engines::DragonAge::Functions, DeallocatorDefault > | |
CCommon::ScopedPtr< Engines::DragonAge::Functions > | |
▶CCommon::ScopedPtrBase< Engines::DragonAge::Game, DeallocatorDefault > | |
CCommon::ScopedPtr< Engines::DragonAge::Game > | |
▶CCommon::ScopedPtrBase< Engines::Engine, DeallocatorDefault > | |
CCommon::ScopedPtr< Engines::Engine > | |
▶CCommon::ScopedPtrBase< Engines::GameInstance, DeallocatorDefault > | |
CCommon::ScopedPtr< Engines::GameInstance > | |
▶CCommon::ScopedPtrBase< Engines::Jade::Area, DeallocatorDefault > | |
CCommon::ScopedPtr< Engines::Jade::Area > | |
▶CCommon::ScopedPtrBase< Engines::Jade::Creature, DeallocatorDefault > | |
CCommon::ScopedPtr< Engines::Jade::Creature > | |
▶CCommon::ScopedPtrBase< Engines::Jade::Functions, DeallocatorDefault > | |
CCommon::ScopedPtr< Engines::Jade::Functions > | |
▶CCommon::ScopedPtrBase< Engines::Jade::Game, DeallocatorDefault > | |
CCommon::ScopedPtr< Engines::Jade::Game > | |
▶CCommon::ScopedPtrBase< Engines::Jade::GUI, DeallocatorDefault > | |
CCommon::ScopedPtr< Engines::Jade::GUI > | |
▶CCommon::ScopedPtrBase< Engines::Jade::GUIBackground, DeallocatorDefault > | |
CCommon::ScopedPtr< Engines::Jade::GUIBackground > | |
▶CCommon::ScopedPtrBase< Engines::Jade::Module, DeallocatorDefault > | |
CCommon::ScopedPtr< Engines::Jade::Module > | |
▶CCommon::ScopedPtrBase< Engines::KotOR2::Area, DeallocatorDefault > | |
CCommon::ScopedPtr< Engines::KotOR2::Area > | |
▶CCommon::ScopedPtrBase< Engines::KotOR2::CharacterGeneration, DeallocatorDefault > | |
CCommon::ScopedPtr< Engines::KotOR2::CharacterGeneration > | |
▶CCommon::ScopedPtrBase< Engines::KotOR2::CharacterGenerationBaseMenu, DeallocatorDefault > | |
CCommon::ScopedPtr< Engines::KotOR2::CharacterGenerationBaseMenu > | |
▶CCommon::ScopedPtrBase< Engines::KotOR2::Creature, DeallocatorDefault > | |
CCommon::ScopedPtr< Engines::KotOR2::Creature > | |
▶CCommon::ScopedPtrBase< Engines::KotOR2::DialogGUI, DeallocatorDefault > | |
CCommon::ScopedPtr< Engines::KotOR2::DialogGUI > | |
▶CCommon::ScopedPtrBase< Engines::KotOR2::Functions, DeallocatorDefault > | |
CCommon::ScopedPtr< Engines::KotOR2::Functions > | |
▶CCommon::ScopedPtrBase< Engines::KotOR2::Game, DeallocatorDefault > | |
CCommon::ScopedPtr< Engines::KotOR2::Game > | |
▶CCommon::ScopedPtrBase< Engines::KotOR2::GUI, DeallocatorDefault > | |
CCommon::ScopedPtr< Engines::KotOR2::GUI > | |
▶CCommon::ScopedPtrBase< Engines::KotOR2::HUD, DeallocatorDefault > | |
CCommon::ScopedPtr< Engines::KotOR2::HUD > | |
▶CCommon::ScopedPtrBase< Engines::KotOR2::IngameGUI, DeallocatorDefault > | |
CCommon::ScopedPtr< Engines::KotOR2::IngameGUI > | |
▶CCommon::ScopedPtrBase< Engines::KotOR2::Module, DeallocatorDefault > | |
CCommon::ScopedPtr< Engines::KotOR2::Module > | |
▶CCommon::ScopedPtrBase< Engines::KotOR::Area, DeallocatorDefault > | |
CCommon::ScopedPtr< Engines::KotOR::Area > | |
▶CCommon::ScopedPtrBase< Engines::KotOR::CharacterGenerationBaseMenu, DeallocatorDefault > | |
CCommon::ScopedPtr< Engines::KotOR::CharacterGenerationBaseMenu > | |
▶CCommon::ScopedPtrBase< Engines::KotOR::ContainerMenu, DeallocatorDefault > | |
CCommon::ScopedPtr< Engines::KotOR::ContainerMenu > | |
▶CCommon::ScopedPtrBase< Engines::KotOR::Creature, DeallocatorDefault > | |
CCommon::ScopedPtr< Engines::KotOR::Creature > | |
▶CCommon::ScopedPtrBase< Engines::KotOR::DialogGUI, DeallocatorDefault > | |
CCommon::ScopedPtr< Engines::KotOR::DialogGUI > | |
▶CCommon::ScopedPtrBase< Engines::KotOR::Functions, DeallocatorDefault > | |
CCommon::ScopedPtr< Engines::KotOR::Functions > | |
▶CCommon::ScopedPtrBase< Engines::KotOR::Game, DeallocatorDefault > | |
CCommon::ScopedPtr< Engines::KotOR::Game > | |
▶CCommon::ScopedPtrBase< Engines::KotOR::GUI, DeallocatorDefault > | |
CCommon::ScopedPtr< Engines::KotOR::GUI > | |
▶CCommon::ScopedPtrBase< Engines::KotOR::GUIBackground, DeallocatorDefault > | |
CCommon::ScopedPtr< Engines::KotOR::GUIBackground > | |
▶CCommon::ScopedPtrBase< Engines::KotOR::HUD, DeallocatorDefault > | |
CCommon::ScopedPtr< Engines::KotOR::HUD > | |
▶CCommon::ScopedPtrBase< Engines::KotOR::IngameGUI, DeallocatorDefault > | |
CCommon::ScopedPtr< Engines::KotOR::IngameGUI > | |
▶CCommon::ScopedPtrBase< Engines::KotOR::Minimap, DeallocatorDefault > | |
CCommon::ScopedPtr< Engines::KotOR::Minimap > | |
▶CCommon::ScopedPtrBase< Engines::KotOR::Module, DeallocatorDefault > | |
CCommon::ScopedPtr< Engines::KotOR::Module > | |
▶CCommon::ScopedPtrBase< Engines::KotOR::PartySelectionGUI, DeallocatorDefault > | |
CCommon::ScopedPtr< Engines::KotOR::PartySelectionGUI > | |
▶CCommon::ScopedPtrBase< Engines::KotOR::SaveLoadMenu, DeallocatorDefault > | |
CCommon::ScopedPtr< Engines::KotOR::SaveLoadMenu > | |
▶CCommon::ScopedPtrBase< Engines::KotOR::Version, DeallocatorDefault > | |
CCommon::ScopedPtr< Engines::KotOR::Version > | |
▶CCommon::ScopedPtrBase< Engines::NWN2::Campaign, DeallocatorDefault > | |
CCommon::ScopedPtr< Engines::NWN2::Campaign > | |
▶CCommon::ScopedPtrBase< Engines::NWN2::Creature, DeallocatorDefault > | |
CCommon::ScopedPtr< Engines::NWN2::Creature > | |
▶CCommon::ScopedPtrBase< Engines::NWN2::Functions, DeallocatorDefault > | |
CCommon::ScopedPtr< Engines::NWN2::Functions > | |
▶CCommon::ScopedPtrBase< Engines::NWN2::Game, DeallocatorDefault > | |
CCommon::ScopedPtr< Engines::NWN2::Game > | |
▶CCommon::ScopedPtrBase< Engines::NWN2::Module, DeallocatorDefault > | |
CCommon::ScopedPtr< Engines::NWN2::Module > | |
▶CCommon::ScopedPtrBase< Engines::NWN2::TRXFile, DeallocatorDefault > | |
CCommon::ScopedPtr< Engines::NWN2::TRXFile > | |
▶CCommon::ScopedPtrBase< Engines::NWN::ButtonsGroup, DeallocatorDefault > | |
CCommon::ScopedPtr< Engines::NWN::ButtonsGroup > | |
▶CCommon::ScopedPtrBase< Engines::NWN::CharFeatsPopup, DeallocatorDefault > | |
CCommon::ScopedPtr< Engines::NWN::CharFeatsPopup > | |
▶CCommon::ScopedPtrBase< Engines::NWN::CharHelp, DeallocatorDefault > | |
CCommon::ScopedPtr< Engines::NWN::CharHelp > | |
▶CCommon::ScopedPtrBase< Engines::NWN::CharInfoVoice, DeallocatorDefault > | |
CCommon::ScopedPtr< Engines::NWN::CharInfoVoice > | |
▶CCommon::ScopedPtrBase< Engines::NWN::Compass, DeallocatorDefault > | |
CCommon::ScopedPtr< Engines::NWN::Compass > | |
▶CCommon::ScopedPtrBase< Engines::NWN::Creature, DeallocatorDefault > | |
CCommon::ScopedPtr< Engines::NWN::Creature > | |
▶CCommon::ScopedPtrBase< Engines::NWN::Dialog, DeallocatorDefault > | |
CCommon::ScopedPtr< Engines::NWN::Dialog > | |
▶CCommon::ScopedPtrBase< Engines::NWN::DialogBox, DeallocatorDefault > | |
CCommon::ScopedPtr< Engines::NWN::DialogBox > | |
▶CCommon::ScopedPtrBase< Engines::NWN::FadeModel, DeallocatorDefault > | |
CCommon::ScopedPtr< Engines::NWN::FadeModel > | |
▶CCommon::ScopedPtrBase< Engines::NWN::Functions, DeallocatorDefault > | |
CCommon::ScopedPtr< Engines::NWN::Functions > | |
▶CCommon::ScopedPtrBase< Engines::NWN::Game, DeallocatorDefault > | |
CCommon::ScopedPtr< Engines::NWN::Game > | |
▶CCommon::ScopedPtrBase< Engines::NWN::GUI, DeallocatorDefault > | |
CCommon::ScopedPtr< Engines::NWN::GUI > | |
▶CCommon::ScopedPtrBase< Engines::NWN::IngameGUI, DeallocatorDefault > | |
CCommon::ScopedPtr< Engines::NWN::IngameGUI > | |
▶CCommon::ScopedPtrBase< Engines::NWN::IngameMainMenu, DeallocatorDefault > | |
CCommon::ScopedPtr< Engines::NWN::IngameMainMenu > | |
▶CCommon::ScopedPtrBase< Engines::NWN::Module, DeallocatorDefault > | |
CCommon::ScopedPtr< Engines::NWN::Module > | |
▶CCommon::ScopedPtrBase< Engines::NWN::Portrait, DeallocatorDefault > | |
CCommon::ScopedPtr< Engines::NWN::Portrait > | |
▶CCommon::ScopedPtrBase< Engines::NWN::PortraitWidget, DeallocatorDefault > | |
CCommon::ScopedPtr< Engines::NWN::PortraitWidget > | |
▶CCommon::ScopedPtrBase< Engines::NWN::Quickbar, DeallocatorDefault > | |
CCommon::ScopedPtr< Engines::NWN::Quickbar > | |
▶CCommon::ScopedPtrBase< Engines::NWN::Quickchat, DeallocatorDefault > | |
CCommon::ScopedPtr< Engines::NWN::Quickchat > | |
▶CCommon::ScopedPtrBase< Engines::NWN::Tileset, DeallocatorDefault > | |
CCommon::ScopedPtr< Engines::NWN::Tileset > | |
▶CCommon::ScopedPtrBase< Engines::NWN::Tooltip, DeallocatorDefault > | |
CCommon::ScopedPtr< Engines::NWN::Tooltip > | |
▶CCommon::ScopedPtrBase< Engines::NWN::Version, DeallocatorDefault > | |
CCommon::ScopedPtr< Engines::NWN::Version > | |
▶CCommon::ScopedPtrBase< Engines::Sonic::Area, DeallocatorDefault > | |
CCommon::ScopedPtr< Engines::Sonic::Area > | |
▶CCommon::ScopedPtrBase< Engines::Sonic::AreaBackground, DeallocatorDefault > | |
CCommon::ScopedPtr< Engines::Sonic::AreaBackground > | |
▶CCommon::ScopedPtrBase< Engines::Sonic::AreaMiniMap, DeallocatorDefault > | |
CCommon::ScopedPtr< Engines::Sonic::AreaMiniMap > | |
▶CCommon::ScopedPtrBase< Engines::Sonic::Game, DeallocatorDefault > | |
CCommon::ScopedPtr< Engines::Sonic::Game > | |
▶CCommon::ScopedPtrBase< Engines::Sonic::Module, DeallocatorDefault > | |
CCommon::ScopedPtr< Engines::Sonic::Module > | |
▶CCommon::ScopedPtrBase< Engines::Witcher::Campaign, DeallocatorDefault > | |
CCommon::ScopedPtr< Engines::Witcher::Campaign > | |
▶CCommon::ScopedPtrBase< Engines::Witcher::Creature, DeallocatorDefault > | |
CCommon::ScopedPtr< Engines::Witcher::Creature > | |
▶CCommon::ScopedPtrBase< Engines::Witcher::Functions, DeallocatorDefault > | |
CCommon::ScopedPtr< Engines::Witcher::Functions > | |
▶CCommon::ScopedPtrBase< Engines::Witcher::Game, DeallocatorDefault > | |
CCommon::ScopedPtr< Engines::Witcher::Game > | |
▶CCommon::ScopedPtrBase< Engines::Witcher::LuaBindings, DeallocatorDefault > | |
CCommon::ScopedPtr< Engines::Witcher::LuaBindings > | |
▶CCommon::ScopedPtrBase< Engines::Witcher::Module, DeallocatorDefault > | |
CCommon::ScopedPtr< Engines::Witcher::Module > | |
▶CCommon::ScopedPtrBase< float, DeallocatorArray > | |
CCommon::ScopedArray< float > | |
▶CCommon::ScopedPtrBase< Graphics::Aurora::BorderQuad, DeallocatorDefault > | |
CCommon::ScopedPtr< Graphics::Aurora::BorderQuad > | |
▶CCommon::ScopedPtrBase< Graphics::Aurora::FadeQuad, DeallocatorDefault > | |
CCommon::ScopedPtr< Graphics::Aurora::FadeQuad > | |
▶CCommon::ScopedPtrBase< Graphics::Aurora::FPS, DeallocatorDefault > | |
CCommon::ScopedPtr< Graphics::Aurora::FPS > | |
▶CCommon::ScopedPtrBase< Graphics::Aurora::GUIQuad, DeallocatorDefault > | |
CCommon::ScopedPtr< Graphics::Aurora::GUIQuad > | |
▶CCommon::ScopedPtrBase< Graphics::Aurora::HighlightableText, DeallocatorDefault > | |
CCommon::ScopedPtr< Graphics::Aurora::HighlightableText > | |
▶CCommon::ScopedPtrBase< Graphics::Aurora::KotORDialogFrame, DeallocatorDefault > | |
CCommon::ScopedPtr< Graphics::Aurora::KotORDialogFrame > | |
▶CCommon::ScopedPtrBase< Graphics::Aurora::Model, DeallocatorDefault > | |
CCommon::ScopedPtr< Graphics::Aurora::Model > | |
▶CCommon::ScopedPtrBase< Graphics::Aurora::SubSceneQuad, DeallocatorDefault > | |
CCommon::ScopedPtr< Graphics::Aurora::SubSceneQuad > | |
▶CCommon::ScopedPtrBase< Graphics::Aurora::Text, DeallocatorDefault > | |
CCommon::ScopedPtr< Graphics::Aurora::Text > | |
▶CCommon::ScopedPtrBase< Graphics::Font, DeallocatorDefault > | |
CCommon::ScopedPtr< Graphics::Font > | |
▶CCommon::ScopedPtrBase< Graphics::FPSCounter, DeallocatorDefault > | |
CCommon::ScopedPtr< Graphics::FPSCounter > | |
▶CCommon::ScopedPtrBase< Graphics::ImageDecoder, DeallocatorDefault > | |
CCommon::ScopedPtr< Graphics::ImageDecoder > | |
▶CCommon::ScopedPtrBase< Graphics::Shader::ShaderMaterial, DeallocatorDefault > | |
CCommon::ScopedPtr< Graphics::Shader::ShaderMaterial > | |
▶CCommon::ScopedPtrBase< Graphics::Shader::ShaderRenderable, DeallocatorDefault > | |
CCommon::ScopedPtr< Graphics::Shader::ShaderRenderable > | |
▶CCommon::ScopedPtrBase< Graphics::Shader::ShaderSurface, DeallocatorDefault > | |
CCommon::ScopedPtr< Graphics::Shader::ShaderSurface > | |
▶CCommon::ScopedPtrBase< Graphics::Surface, DeallocatorDefault > | |
CCommon::ScopedPtr< Graphics::Surface > | |
▶CCommon::ScopedPtrBase< Graphics::TTFRenderer, DeallocatorDefault > | |
CCommon::ScopedPtr< Graphics::TTFRenderer > | |
▶CCommon::ScopedPtrBase< Graphics::TXI, DeallocatorDefault > | |
CCommon::ScopedPtr< Graphics::TXI > | |
▶CCommon::ScopedPtrBase< Graphics::YUVToRGBLookup, DeallocatorDefault > | |
CCommon::ScopedPtr< Graphics::YUVToRGBLookup > | |
▶CCommon::ScopedPtrBase< int32, DeallocatorArray > | |
CCommon::ScopedArray< int32 > | |
▶CCommon::ScopedPtrBase< Sound::AudioStream, DeallocatorDefault > | |
CCommon::ScopedPtr< Sound::AudioStream > | |
▶CCommon::ScopedPtrBase< Sound::ChannelHandle, DeallocatorDefault > | |
CCommon::ScopedPtr< Sound::ChannelHandle > | |
▶CCommon::ScopedPtrBase< Sound::PacketizedAudioStream, DeallocatorDefault > | |
CCommon::ScopedPtr< Sound::PacketizedAudioStream > | |
▶CCommon::ScopedPtrBase< Sound::QueuingAudioStream, DeallocatorDefault > | |
CCommon::ScopedPtr< Sound::QueuingAudioStream > | |
▶CCommon::ScopedPtrBase< Sound::SoundManager::Channel, DeallocatorDefault > | |
CCommon::ScopedPtr< Sound::SoundManager::Channel > | |
▶CCommon::ScopedPtrBase< Sound::XACTWaveBank, DeallocatorDefault > | |
CCommon::ScopedPtr< Sound::XACTWaveBank > | |
▶CCommon::ScopedPtrBase< uint16, DeallocatorArray > | |
CCommon::ScopedArray< uint16 > | |
▶CCommon::ScopedPtrBase< uint32, DeallocatorArray > | |
CCommon::ScopedArray< uint32 > | |
▶CCommon::ScopedPtrBase< uint8, DeallocatorArray > | |
CCommon::ScopedArray< uint8 > | |
▶CCommon::ScopedPtrBase< Video::Codec, DeallocatorDefault > | |
CCommon::ScopedPtr< Video::Codec > | |
▶CCommon::ScopedPtrBase< Video::QuickTimeDecoder::SampleToChunkEntry, DeallocatorArray > | |
CCommon::ScopedArray< Video::QuickTimeDecoder::SampleToChunkEntry > | |
▶CCommon::ScopedPtrBase< Video::QuickTimeDecoder::TimeToSampleEntry, DeallocatorArray > | |
CCommon::ScopedArray< Video::QuickTimeDecoder::TimeToSampleEntry > | |
▶CCommon::ScopedPtrBase< Video::VideoDecoder, DeallocatorDefault > | |
CCommon::ScopedPtr< Video::VideoDecoder > | |
▶CCommon::ScopedPtrBase< Video::XboxMediaVideo::XMVAudioTrack, DeallocatorDefault > | |
CCommon::ScopedPtr< Video::XboxMediaVideo::XMVAudioTrack > | |
▶CCommon::ScopedPtrBase< Video::XMVWMV2Codec::CBP, DeallocatorArray > | |
CCommon::ScopedArray< Video::XMVWMV2Codec::CBP > | |
▶CCommon::Singleton< CameraManager > | |
CGraphics::CameraManager | |
▶CCommon::Singleton< ConfigManager > | |
CCommon::ConfigManager | The global config manager, storing all config keys |
▶CCommon::Singleton< ConversionManager > | |
CCommon::ConversionManager | A manager handling string encoding conversions |
▶CCommon::Singleton< CursorManager > | |
CGraphics::Aurora::CursorManager | The global Aurora cursor manager |
▶CCommon::Singleton< DebugManager > | |
CCommon::DebugManager | The debug manager, managing debug channels |
▶CCommon::Singleton< EngineManager > | |
CEngines::EngineManager | The global engine manager |
▶CCommon::Singleton< EventsManager > | |
CEvents::EventsManager | The events manager |
▶CCommon::Singleton< FileTypeManager > | |
CAurora::FileTypeManager | |
▶CCommon::Singleton< FontManager > | |
CGraphics::Aurora::FontManager | The global Aurora font manager |
▶CCommon::Singleton< FreeRoamCamera > | |
CEngines::FreeRoamCamera | |
▶CCommon::Singleton< FunctionManager > | |
CAurora::NWScript::FunctionManager | |
▶CCommon::Singleton< GraphicsManager > | |
CGraphics::GraphicsManager | The graphics manager |
▶CCommon::Singleton< LanguageManager > | |
CAurora::LanguageManager | The global language manager |
▶CCommon::Singleton< MaterialManager > | |
CGraphics::Shader::MaterialManager | The material manager |
▶CCommon::Singleton< MeshManager > | |
CGraphics::Mesh::MeshManager | The mesh manager |
▶CCommon::Singleton< NotificationManager > | |
CEvents::NotificationManager | The notification manager, handling all notifications |
▶CCommon::Singleton< ObjectManager > | |
CAurora::NWScript::ObjectManager | |
▶CCommon::Singleton< QueueManager > | |
CGraphics::QueueManager | The graphics queue manager |
▶CCommon::Singleton< RenderManager > | |
CGraphics::Render::RenderManager | |
▶CCommon::Singleton< RequestManager > | |
CEvents::RequestManager | The request manager, handling all requests |
▶CCommon::Singleton< ResourceManager > | |
CAurora::ResourceManager | A resource manager holding information about and handling all request for all resources usable by the game |
▶CCommon::Singleton< SatelliteCamera > | |
CEngines::SatelliteCamera | |
▶CCommon::Singleton< ScriptManager > | |
CAurora::Lua::ScriptManager | Lua script manager |
▶CCommon::Singleton< ShaderManager > | |
CGraphics::Shader::ShaderManager | The shader manager |
▶CCommon::Singleton< SoundManager > | |
CSound::SoundManager | The sound manager |
▶CCommon::Singleton< SurfaceManager > | |
CGraphics::Shader::SurfaceManager | The surface manager |
▶CCommon::Singleton< TalkManager > | |
CAurora::TalkManager | The global Aurora talk manager, holding the current talk tables |
▶CCommon::Singleton< TextureManager > | |
CGraphics::Aurora::TextureManager | The global Aurora texture manager |
▶CCommon::Singleton< TimerManager > | |
CEvents::TimerManager | The global timer manager |
▶CCommon::Singleton< TokenManager > | |
CEngines::TokenManager | Manager for tokens in Aurora engines text strings |
▶CCommon::Singleton< TwoDARegistry > | |
CAurora::TwoDARegistry | The global 2DA registry, holding all current 2DAs |
▶CCommon::Singleton< WindowManager > | |
CGraphics::WindowManager | The graphics manager |
▶CCommon::Singleton< YUVToRGBManager > | |
CGraphics::YUVToRGBManager | |
▶CSound::AudioStream | Generic audio input stream |
CSound::Interleaver | |
CSound::LoopingAudioStream | A looping audio stream |
▶CSound::PacketizedAudioStream | An AudioStream designed to work in terms of packets |
CSound::AACDecoder | |
CSound::PacketizedVorbisStream | |
▶CSound::StatelessPacketizedAudioStream | A PacketizedAudioStream that works closer to a QueuingAudioStream |
CSound::PacketizedADPCMStream | |
CSound::PacketizedPCMStream | |
CSound::WMACodec | |
▶CSound::QueuingAudioStream | |
CSound::QueuingAudioStreamImpl | |
▶CSound::RewindableAudioStream | A rewindable audio stream |
▶CSound::ADPCMStream | |
▶CSound::Ima_ADPCMStream | |
CSound::Apple_ADPCMStream | |
CSound::MSIma_ADPCMStream | |
CSound::MS_ADPCMStream | |
CSound::Xbox_ADPCMStream | |
CSound::ASFStream | |
CSound::EmptyAudioStream | An empty audio stream that plays nothing |
CSound::MP3Stream | |
CSound::PCMStream< is16Bit, isUnsigned, isLE > | This is a stream, which allows for playing raw PCM data from a stream |
CSound::VorbisStream | |
CSound::WwRIFFVorbisStream | |
CVideo::QuickTimeDecoder::QuickTimeAudioTrack | |
CSound::CodebookLibrary | |
▶CVideo::Codec | |
CVideo::VPXDecoder | |
CVideo::XMVWMV2Codec | |
▶CEvents::Notifyable | |
CEngines::ConsoleWindow | |
CEngines::DragonAge2::Area | An area in Dragon Age II, holding all objects and rooms within, as well as general area properties like the current background music and ambient sounds |
CEngines::DragonAge::Area | An area in Dragon Age: Origins, holding all objects and rooms within, as well as general area properties like the current background music and ambient sounds |
CEngines::Jade::Area | An area in Jade Empire, holding all objects and rooms within, as well as general area properties like the current background music and ambient sounds |
CEngines::Jade::GUIBackground | |
CEngines::KotOR2::Area | An area in Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II - The Sith Lords, holding all objects and rooms within, as well as general area properties like the current background music and ambient sounds |
CEngines::KotOR::Area | An area in Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, holding all objects and rooms within, as well as general area properties like the current background music and ambient sounds |
CEngines::KotOR::DialogGUIBase | |
CEngines::KotOR::GUIBackground | |
CEngines::KotOR::HUD | |
CEngines::NWN2::Area | An area in Neverwinter Nights 2, holding all objects, room tiles and terrain within, as well as general area properties like the current background music and ambient sounds |
CEngines::NWN::Area | An area in Neverwinter Nights, holding all objects and room tiles within, as well as general area properties like the current background music and ambient sounds |
CEngines::NWN::Compass | The NWN ingame compass |
CEngines::NWN::Dialog | |
CEngines::NWN::PartyLeader | The NWN ingame party leader bar |
CEngines::NWN::Quickbar | The NWN ingame quickbar |
CEngines::NWN::Quickchat | The NWN ingame quickchat |
CEngines::NWN::Tooltip | A tooltip |
CEngines::Sonic::Area | |
CEngines::Sonic::AreaBackground | |
CEngines::Witcher::Area | An area in The Witcher, holding all objects and area geometry within, as well as general area properties like the current background music and ambient sounds |
CGraphics::Aurora::FPS | An autonomous FPS display |
CGraphics::GraphicsManager | The graphics manager |
▶CAurora::NWScript::ObjectContainer | |
▶CEngines::DragonAge2::ObjectContainer | |
CEngines::DragonAge2::Campaign | |
▶CEngines::DragonAge::ObjectContainer | |
CEngines::DragonAge::Campaign | |
▶CEngines::Jade::ObjectContainer | |
CEngines::Jade::Module | A Jade module |
▶CEngines::KotOR2::ObjectContainer | |
CEngines::KotOR2::Module | |
▶CEngines::KotOR::ObjectContainer | |
CEngines::KotOR::Module | |
▶CEngines::NWN2::ObjectContainer | |
CEngines::NWN2::Module | |
▶CEngines::NWN::ObjectContainer | |
CEngines::NWN::Module | |
▶CEngines::Sonic::ObjectContainer | |
CEngines::Sonic::Module | A Sonic module |
▶CEngines::Witcher::ObjectContainer | |
CEngines::Witcher::Module | |
CEngines::KotOR::ObjectDistanceSort | A class able to sort objects by distance to a target object |
CEngines::NWN2::ObjectDistanceSort | A class able to sort objects by distance to a target object |
CEngines::KotOR2::ObjectDistanceSort | A class able to sort objects by distance to a target object |
CEngines::NWN::ObjectDistanceSort | A class able to sort objects by distance to a target object |
CEngines::Sonic::ObjectDistanceSort | A class able to sort objects by distance to a target object |
CEngines::DragonAge::ObjectDistanceSort | A class able to sort objects by distance to a target object |
CEngines::Witcher::ObjectDistanceSort | A class able to sort objects by distance to a target object |
CEngines::DragonAge2::ObjectDistanceSort | A class able to sort objects by distance to a target object |
CEngines::Jade::ObjectDistanceSort | A class able to sort objects by distance to a target object |
CAurora::NWScript::ObjectReference | |
▶CAurora::NWScript::ObjectSearch | |
CAurora::NWScript::SearchRange< T > | |
▶CAurora::NWScript::SearchRange< std::list< DragonAge2::Object *> > | |
CEngines::DragonAge2::SearchType | |
▶CAurora::NWScript::SearchRange< std::list< DragonAge::Object *> > | |
CEngines::DragonAge::SearchType | |
▶CAurora::NWScript::SearchRange< std::list< Jade::Object *> > | |
CEngines::Jade::SearchType | |
▶CAurora::NWScript::SearchRange< std::list< KotOR2::Object *> > | |
CEngines::KotOR2::SearchType | |
▶CAurora::NWScript::SearchRange< std::list< KotOR::Object *> > | |
CEngines::KotOR::SearchType | |
▶CAurora::NWScript::SearchRange< std::list< NWN2::Object *> > | |
CEngines::NWN2::SearchType | |
▶CAurora::NWScript::SearchRange< std::list< NWN::Object *> > | |
CEngines::NWN::SearchType | |
▶CAurora::NWScript::SearchRange< std::list< Object *> > | |
CAurora::NWScript::SearchList | |
▶CAurora::NWScript::SearchRange< std::list< Sonic::Object *> > | |
CEngines::Sonic::SearchType | |
▶CAurora::NWScript::SearchRange< std::list< Witcher::Object *> > | |
CEngines::Witcher::SearchType | |
▶CAurora::NWScript::SearchRange< std::multimap< Common::UString, Object *> > | |
CAurora::NWScript::SearchTagMap | |
CAurora::NWScript::NCSFile::Opcode | |
CAurora::ResourceManager::OpenedArchive | |
CSound::ASFStream::Packet | |
CSound::Packet | |
CVideo::XboxMediaVideo::Packet | An XMV packet |
CEngines::NWN2::TRXFile::Packet | A packet within a TRX file |
CVideo::XboxMediaVideo::PacketAudio | An audio packet |
CGraphics::Aurora::Model_NWN2::PacketKey | |
CVideo::XboxMediaVideo::PacketVideo | A video packet |
CGraphics::Aurora::TTFFont::Page | A texture page filled with characters |
CAurora::NSBTXFile::Palette | |
CGraphics::Aurora::Model_KotOR::ParserContext | |
CGraphics::Aurora::Model_NWN::ParserContext | |
CGraphics::Aurora::Model_DragonAge::ParserContext | |
CGraphics::Aurora::Model_Jade::ParserContext | |
CGraphics::Aurora::Model_NWN2::ParserContext | |
CGraphics::Aurora::Model_Sonic::ParserContext | |
CGraphics::Aurora::Model_Witcher::ParserContext | |
CVideo::QuickTimeDecoder::ParseTable | |
CEngines::KotOR::Creature::PartModels | Parts of a creature's body |
CEngines::KotOR2::Creature::PartModels | Parts of a creature's body |
CEngines::KotOR::PartyConfiguration | |
CGraphics::Shader::ShaderDescriptor::Pass | |
CCommon::PEResourceID | |
CAurora::GFXControl::PlaceObject | A place object control tag for placing objects |
CCommon::Platform | |
CGraphics::Aurora::Model_Sonic::Polygon | |
CGraphics::Aurora::Model_Sonic::PolygonCommand | |
CGraphics::Aurora::AnimationThread::PoolModel | |
CGraphics::Aurora::PositionKeyFrame | |
CGraphics::Aurora::Model_Sonic::Primitive | |
CGraphics::Aurora::Model_Sonic::PrimitiveNode | Structure to represent a StackMix at run-time |
CGraphics::Aurora::Model_Sonic::PrimitiveVertex | Intermediate structure to (re)create the VBO/IBO from |
CAurora::FEVFile::Property | Some objects in FMOD can have generic properties |
▶Cptime | |
CCommon::DateTime | A date/time object, storing a specific point in time |
CEngines::NWN::Portrait::Quad | |
CEngines::NWN::Scrollbar::Quad | |
CEngines::Witcher::LuaBindings::Quaternion | |
CGraphics::Aurora::QuaternionKeyFrame | |
▶CGraphics::Queueable | |
CGraphics::GLContainer | A container of OpenGL elements |
CGraphics::Renderable | An object that can be displayed by the graphics manager |
CVideo::QuickTimeDecoder::QuickTimeTrack | |
CCommon::Rational | A simple rational class that holds fractions |
CAurora::ReadContext | |
CAurora::NSBTXFile::ReadContext | |
CGraphics::CBGT::ReadContext | |
CGraphics::NCGR::ReadContext | |
CCommon::ReadLine | |
▶CCommon::ReadStream | Generic interface for a readable data stream |
▶CCommon::SeekableReadStream | Interface for a seekable & readable data stream |
CCommon::MemoryReadStream | Simple memory based 'stream', which implements the ReadStream interface for a plain memory block |
CCommon::ReadFile | A simple streaming file reading class |
▶CCommon::SeekableSubReadStream | SeekableSubReadStream provides access to a SeekableReadStream restricted to the range [begin, end) |
CCommon::SeekableSubReadStreamEndian | This is a wrapper around SeekableSubReadStream, but it adds non-endian read methods whose endianness is set on the stream creation |
▶CCommon::SubReadStream | SubReadStream provides access to a ReadStream restricted to the range [currentPosition, currentPosition+end) |
CCommon::SeekableSubReadStream | SeekableSubReadStream provides access to a SeekableReadStream restricted to the range [begin, end) |
CCommon::FoxPro::Record | A record |
CAurora::GFXFile::RecordHeader | The standard header of every tag |
CCommon::Rect | |
CGraphics::Render::RenderQueue | |
CGraphics::Render::RenderQueue::RenderQueueNode | |
CEngines::NWN::DialogBox::Reply | A PC reply |
CEngines::NWN::DialogBox::ReplyLine | A line of a PC reply |
CEvents::Request | A request, carrying inter-thread communication |
CEvents::RequestCallInMainThread | |
CEvents::RequestDataGLContainer | |
CGraphics::Resolution | |
CEngines::KotOR::Resolution | |
CAurora::ResourceManager::Resource | A resource |
CAurora::TheWitcherSaveWriter::Resource | |
CAurora::KEYFile::Resource | A key resource index |
CAurora::Archive::Resource | A resource within the archive |
CCommon::PEResources::Resource | |
CAurora::ResourceManager::ResourceChange | A change produced by indexing archive resources |
CAurora::ResourceManager::ResourceID | |
CEngines::DragonAge::Campaign::RIMNode | A node in the RIM tree |
CEngines::DragonAge2::Campaign::RIMNode | A node in the RIM tree |
CEngines::KotOR::Room | |
CEngines::KotOR2::Room | |
CEngines::DragonAge::Room | |
CEngines::DragonAge2::Room | |
CAurora::LYTFile::Room | A room |
CEngines::Jade::Room | |
CSound::FMODSampleBank::Sample | |
▶CVideo::QuickTimeDecoder::SampleDesc | |
CVideo::QuickTimeDecoder::AudioSampleDesc | |
CVideo::QuickTimeDecoder::VideoSampleDesc | |
CGraphics::Shader::ShaderDescriptor::SamplerDescriptor | |
CVideo::QuickTimeDecoder::SampleToChunkEntry | |
CEngines::KotOR::SavedGame | |
CEngines::Witcher::LuaBindings::ScreenSizes | |
▶CEngines::KotOR::ScriptContainer | |
▶CEngines::KotOR::Object | |
CEngines::KotOR::Area | An area in Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, holding all objects and rooms within, as well as general area properties like the current background music and ambient sounds |
CEngines::KotOR::Creature | |
CEngines::KotOR::Item | |
CEngines::KotOR::Module | |
▶CEngines::KotOR::Situated | |
CEngines::KotOR::Door | |
CEngines::KotOR::Placeable | |
CEngines::KotOR::SoundObject | |
CEngines::KotOR::Trigger | |
CEngines::KotOR::Waypoint | |
▶CEngines::Witcher::ScriptContainer | |
▶CEngines::Witcher::Object | An object within a Witcher area |
CEngines::Witcher::Area | An area in The Witcher, holding all objects and area geometry within, as well as general area properties like the current background music and ambient sounds |
CEngines::Witcher::Creature | |
CEngines::Witcher::Module | |
▶CEngines::Witcher::Situated | Witcher situated object |
CEngines::Witcher::Door | |
CEngines::Witcher::Placeable | |
CEngines::Witcher::Waypoint | |
▶CEngines::DragonAge::ScriptContainer | |
▶CEngines::DragonAge::Object | |
CEngines::DragonAge::Area | An area in Dragon Age: Origins, holding all objects and rooms within, as well as general area properties like the current background music and ambient sounds |
CEngines::DragonAge::Campaign | |
CEngines::DragonAge::Creature | |
CEngines::DragonAge::Placeable | |
CEngines::DragonAge::Waypoint | |
▶CEngines::NWN::ScriptContainer | |
▶CEngines::NWN::Object | |
CEngines::NWN::Area | An area in Neverwinter Nights, holding all objects and room tiles within, as well as general area properties like the current background music and ambient sounds |
CEngines::NWN::Creature | |
CEngines::NWN::Item | |
CEngines::NWN::Module | |
▶CEngines::NWN::Situated | |
CEngines::NWN::Door | |
CEngines::NWN::Placeable | |
CEngines::NWN::Waypoint | |
▶CEngines::NWN2::ScriptContainer | |
▶CEngines::NWN2::Object | An object within a NWN2 area |
CEngines::NWN2::Area | An area in Neverwinter Nights 2, holding all objects, room tiles and terrain within, as well as general area properties like the current background music and ambient sounds |
CEngines::NWN2::Creature | |
CEngines::NWN2::Module | |
▶CEngines::NWN2::Situated | |
CEngines::NWN2::Door | |
CEngines::NWN2::Placeable | |
CEngines::NWN2::Waypoint | |
▶CEngines::DragonAge2::ScriptContainer | |
▶CEngines::DragonAge2::Object | |
CEngines::DragonAge2::Area | An area in Dragon Age II, holding all objects and rooms within, as well as general area properties like the current background music and ambient sounds |
CEngines::DragonAge2::Campaign | |
CEngines::DragonAge2::Creature | |
CEngines::DragonAge2::Placeable | |
CEngines::DragonAge2::Waypoint | |
▶CEngines::KotOR2::ScriptContainer | |
▶CEngines::KotOR2::Object | |
CEngines::KotOR2::Area | An area in Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II - The Sith Lords, holding all objects and rooms within, as well as general area properties like the current background music and ambient sounds |
CEngines::KotOR2::Creature | |
CEngines::KotOR2::Module | |
▶CEngines::KotOR2::Situated | |
CEngines::KotOR2::Door | |
CEngines::KotOR2::Placeable | |
CEngines::KotOR2::Trigger | |
CEngines::KotOR2::Waypoint | |
▶CEngines::Jade::ScriptContainer | |
▶CEngines::Jade::Object | An object within a Jade area |
CEngines::Jade::Area | An area in Jade Empire, holding all objects and rooms within, as well as general area properties like the current background music and ambient sounds |
CEngines::Jade::Creature | |
CEngines::Jade::Placeable | |
CEngines::Jade::Trigger | |
CEngines::Jade::Waypoint | |
CEngines::NWN::ScriptName | |
CEngines::Witcher::ScriptName | |
CEngines::KotOR::ScriptName | |
CEngines::KotOR2::ScriptName | |
CEngines::NWN2::ScriptName | |
CEngines::Jade::ScriptName | |
CAurora::NWScript::ScriptState | |
CCommon::PEResources::Section | |
CSound::Segment | |
CSound::ASFStream::Packet::Segment | |
CGraphics::Shader::ShaderDescriptor | |
CGraphics::Shader::ShaderInstance | |
CGraphics::Shader::ShaderMaterial | |
CGraphics::Shader::ShaderMaterial::ShaderMaterialVariable | |
CGraphics::Shader::ShaderObject::ShaderObjectVariable | |
CGraphics::Shader::ShaderRenderable | |
CGraphics::Shader::ShaderSampler | Shader sampler is used to bind a texture to a texture unit |
CGraphics::Shader::ShaderSurface | |
CGraphics::Shader::ShaderSurface::ShaderSurfaceVariable | |
CGraphics::Shader::ShaderUBO | |
CAurora::GFXCharacter::Shape | A shape character, which is a static image shape with bounds |
CAurora::GFXCharacter::ShapeRecord | A record for a shape |
CEngines::NWN::SkillItem | |
CGraphics::Aurora::ModelNode::Skin | |
CEngines::Trigger::SlopeData | |
CAurora::Small | |
CSound::WwiseSoundBank::Sound | |
CAurora::SSFFile::Sound | A sound in the sound set |
CAurora::FEVFile::SoundDefinition | A sound definition |
CEngines::NWN::Spell | |
CAurora::GFXCharacter::Sprite | A sprite character, which is basically a container with control statements and other characters |
CAurora::Lua::Stack | A Lua stack wrapper |
CAurora::Lua::StackGuard | Lua stack guard |
CGraphics::Aurora::Model_Sonic::StackMix | Structure we use to represent the parameters of a LoadStack bone command |
CGraphics::Aurora::Model::State | A model state |
CSound::QueuingAudioStreamImpl::StreamHolder | We queue a number of (pointers to) audio stream objects |
CCommon::StreamTokenizer | Tokenizes a stream |
CCommon::StringListMap | A map to quickly match strings from a list |
CAurora::GFF4File::StructTemplate | A template of a struct, used when loading a struct |
CEngines::KotOR::Menu::SubMenu | |
CCommon::Huffman::Symbol | |
CAurora::TalkManager::Table | |
CAurora::Lua::TableRef | A reference to a Lua table |
CEngines::NWN::TalkAnim | |
CEngines::NWN::TalkAnimationName | |
CEngines::KotORJadeWidget::Text | |
CAurora::NSBTXFile::Texture | |
CAurora::TextureAtlasFile | |
CGraphics::Aurora::TextureHandle | A handle to a texture |
CGraphics::Aurora::ModelNode_Witcher::TexturePaintLayer | |
CAurora::TheWitcherSaveWriter | |
CEngines::NWN::Area::Tile | A tile |
CEngines::NWN::Tileset::Tile | |
CEngines::NWN2::Area::Tile | A tile |
CEngines::NWN::Tileset | |
CEvents::TimerHandle | |
CEvents::TimerID | |
CCommon::Timestamp | Timestamps allow specifying points in time and measuring time intervals with a sub-millisecond granularity |
CVideo::QuickTimeDecoder::TimeToSampleEntry | |
▶CVideo::VideoDecoder::Track | An abstract representation of a track in a movie |
▶CVideo::VideoDecoder::AudioTrack | An abstract representation of an audio track |
CVideo::XboxMediaVideo::XMVAudioTrack | An XMV audio track |
CVideo::XboxMediaVideo::XMVAudioTrack51 | An XMV 5.1 audio track |
▶CVideo::VideoDecoder::VideoTrack | An abstract representation of a video track |
CVideo::QuickTimeDecoder::VideoTrackHandler | |
▶CVideo::VideoDecoder::FixedRateVideoTrack | A VideoTrack that is played at a constant rate |
CVideo::Fader::FaderVideoTrack | |
CVideo::XboxMediaVideo::XMVVideoTrack | |
CEngines::NWN2::TRXFile | Loader for TRX, baked terrain files, found in Neverwinter Nights 2 |
CGraphics::TTFRenderer | |
CGraphics::TXI | Texture information |
CAurora::FileTypeManager::Type | File type <-> extension mapping |
CSound::SoundManager::Type | A sound type |
CGraphics::Shader::ShaderDescriptor::UniformDescriptor | |
▶CCommon::UString | A class holding an UTF-8 string |
CAurora::ActionScript::String | |
CAurora::Lua::Variable | |
CAurora::NWScript::Variable | |
CAurora::ActionScript::Variable | An action script variable |
▶CAurora::NWScript::VariableContainer | |
▶CAurora::NWScript::Object | |
CEngines::DragonAge2::Object | |
CEngines::DragonAge::Object | |
CEngines::Jade::Object | An object within a Jade area |
CEngines::KotOR2::Object | |
CEngines::KotOR::Object | |
CEngines::NWN2::Object | An object within a NWN2 area |
CEngines::NWN::Object | |
▶CEngines::Sonic::Object | An object within a Sonic area |
CEngines::Sonic::Area | |
CEngines::Sonic::Module | A Sonic module |
CEngines::Sonic::Placeable | |
CEngines::Witcher::Object | An object within a Witcher area |
CEngines::DragonAge2::Event | |
CEngines::DragonAge::Event | |
CEngines::Jade::Game | |
CEngines::NWN2::Campaign | |
▶Cstd::vector< T > | STL class |
CAurora::NWScript::NCSStack | |
CCommon::PtrVector< T, Deallocator > | A vector of pointer to objects, with automatic deletion |
CCommon::PtrVector< Aurora::TwoDARow > | |
CCommon::PtrVector< byte, Common::DeallocatorArray > | |
CCommon::PtrVector< Campaign > | |
CCommon::PtrVector< Common::MDCT > | |
CCommon::PtrVector< Common::SeekableReadStream > | |
CCommon::PtrVector< const RIMNode > | |
CCommon::PtrVector< Engines::NWN::CharacterInfo > | |
CCommon::PtrVector< Engines::NWN::CharGenBase > | |
CCommon::PtrVector< Engines::NWN::Item > | |
CCommon::PtrVector< GFF3Struct > | |
CCommon::PtrVector< GFF4File > | |
CCommon::PtrVector< Graphics::Aurora::Model > | |
CCommon::PtrVector< Graphics::Aurora::Text > | |
CCommon::PtrVector< Graphics::Aurora::TTFFont::Page > | |
CCommon::PtrVector< Joystick > | |
CCommon::PtrVector< MipMap > | |
CCommon::PtrVector< Room > | |
CCommon::PtrVector< Video::QuickTimeDecoder::QuickTimeAudioTrack > | |
CCommon::PtrVector< Video::QuickTimeDecoder::QuickTimeTrack > | |
CCommon::PtrVector< Video::QuickTimeDecoder::SampleDesc > | |
CEngines::Witcher::LuaBindings::Vector | |
CEngines::KotOR::Version | |
CEngines::NWN::Version | |
CGraphics::VertexAttrib | Generic vertex attribute data |
CGraphics::VertexBuffer | Buffer containing vertex data |
CVideo::Bink::VideoFrame | A video frame |
CVideo::Aurora::VideoPlayer | A video player |
CAurora::VISFile | A VIS, BioWare's Visibility Format |
CSound::XACTWaveBank_ASCII::Wave | |
CSound::XACTWaveBank_Binary::Wave | A wave within the wavebank |
CAurora::FEVFile::WaveBank | Reference to an external wave bank |
CEngines::NWN::GUI::WidgetContext | |
CEngines::KotOR::GUI::WidgetContext | |
CEngines::Jade::GUI::WidgetContext | |
CSound::WMACoefHuffmanParam | Parameters for Huffman'd WMA coefficient codes |
CVideo::WMV2ACCoefficientTable | Parameters for decoding the DCT AC coefficients |
CVideo::WMV2MVTable | Parameters for decoding the motion vectors |
▶CCommon::WriteStream | Generic interface for a writable data stream |
▶CCommon::SeekableWriteStream | |
CCommon::MemoryWriteStream | Simple memory based 'stream', which implements the SeekableWriteStream interface for a plain memory block |
CCommon::MemoryWriteStreamDynamic | A stream that dynamically grows as it's written to |
CCommon::WriteFile | A simple streaming file writing class |
CSound::WwiseSoundBank | Class to hold audio resources and information of a Wwise soundbank file |
▶CSound::XACTWaveBank | An abstract XACT WaveBank interface |
CSound::XACTWaveBank_ASCII | Class to hold audio resource data of an ASCII representation of an XWB wavebank file |
CSound::XACTWaveBank_Binary | Class to hold audio resource data of an XWB wavebank file |
CGraphics::YUVToRGBLookup | |