[xoreos-devel] Question about Xoreos

Sven Hesse drmccoy at drmccoy.de
Thu Feb 14 14:36:47 CET 2019

(Resend with a CC to the OP, because they're not subscribed to the
mailing list)


On 2019-02-14 13:34:45 +0200, Fares Moukaddem wrote:
> 1- What exactly are you doing?

We're reimplementing the engine, basically replacing the executable
file, the EXE.

We're not remaking the game itself, the game assets. Anybody who uses
xoreos to run the games need to have a valid legally bought copy of
the game.

As such, we're comparable to other game implementation projects, like
OpenMW, ScummVM, GemRB, CorsixTH, etc.

As for why we're doing what we're doing, see our FAQ:

> 2- Also what are the statuses of the games?

For all supported games (see https://xoreos.org/games/index.html ), we
have at least:
- The game data files are detected and loaded
- The campaign, module and area files are loaded
- A starting area is displayed, with background geometry and object
- You can fly around inside the games in a sort of first-person
  spectator mode
- The script subsystem is initialized and starting scripts are
  executed stubbily

For most games we have:
- Intro videos are playing
- Background music plays

For Neverwinter Nights, we additionally have a mostly working main
menu, conversations, moving from area to area (first person spectator
mode). See https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vInkatsPTB0

For KotOR/KotOR, we also have a somewhat working main menu, walking
around, and the initial part of the tutorial section on the Endar
Spire. See https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gh7shS90wSw

For screenshots, see https://xoreos.org/screenshots/index.html

> and what help do you need exactly?

See https://wiki.xoreos.org/index.php?title=TODO and
https://github.com/orgs/xoreos/projects for some non-exhaustive,
rambly TODOs.

In general, we need help with everything. :P

But please do talk to us before tackling anything. For some tasks, we
already have people working on them, or have initial ideas or even
code that can serve as a starting point.

Do also have a look through our wiki, especially the Developer Central
page: https://wiki.xoreos.org/index.php?title=Developer_Central , see
if you can understand the logical structure of the main xoreos
repository, and get xoreos itself to compile and run.

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