This is the complete list of members for Common::FoxPro, including all inherited members.
_fields | Common::FoxPro | private |
_hasIndex | Common::FoxPro | private |
_hasMemo | Common::FoxPro | private |
_lastUpdateDay | Common::FoxPro | private |
_lastUpdateMonth | Common::FoxPro | private |
_lastUpdateYear | Common::FoxPro | private |
_memoBlockSize | Common::FoxPro | private |
_memos | Common::FoxPro | private |
_pool | Common::FoxPro | private |
_records | Common::FoxPro | private |
addField(uint8 size) | Common::FoxPro | private |
addFieldBool(const UString &name) | Common::FoxPro | |
addFieldDate(const UString &name) | Common::FoxPro | |
addFieldInt(const UString &name) | Common::FoxPro | |
addFieldMemo(const UString &name) | Common::FoxPro | |
addFieldNumber(const UString &name, uint8 size, uint8 decimals) | Common::FoxPro | |
addFieldString(const UString &name, uint8 size) | Common::FoxPro | |
addRecord() | Common::FoxPro | |
checkName(const UString &name) | Common::FoxPro | privatestatic |
deleteRecord(size_t record) | Common::FoxPro | |
FoxPro() | Common::FoxPro | |
getBool(const Record &record, size_t field) const | Common::FoxPro | |
getDate(const Record &record, size_t field, uint16 &year, uint8 &month, uint8 &day) | Common::FoxPro | |
getDouble(const Record &record, size_t field) const | Common::FoxPro | |
getFieldCount() const | Common::FoxPro | |
getFields() const | Common::FoxPro | |
getInt(const Record &record, size_t field) const | Common::FoxPro | |
getInt(const byte *data, size_t size, int32 &i) | Common::FoxPro | privatestatic |
getLastUpdate(uint16 &lastUpdateYear, uint8 &lastUpdateMonth, uint8 &lastUpdateDay) const | Common::FoxPro | |
getMemo(const Record &record, size_t field) const | Common::FoxPro | |
getRecordCount() const | Common::FoxPro | |
getRecords() const | Common::FoxPro | |
getString(const Record &record, size_t field) const | Common::FoxPro | |
hasIndex() const | Common::FoxPro | |
hasMemo() const | Common::FoxPro | |
kTypeBool enum value | Common::FoxPro | |
kTypeCurrency enum value | Common::FoxPro | |
kTypeDate enum value | Common::FoxPro | |
kTypeDateTime enum value | Common::FoxPro | |
kTypeDouble enum value | Common::FoxPro | |
kTypeFloat enum value | Common::FoxPro | |
kTypeGeneral enum value | Common::FoxPro | |
kTypeInteger enum value | Common::FoxPro | |
kTypeMemo enum value | Common::FoxPro | |
kTypeNumber enum value | Common::FoxPro | |
kTypePicture enum value | Common::FoxPro | |
kTypeString enum value | Common::FoxPro | |
load(SeekableReadStream *dbf, SeekableReadStream *cdx=0, SeekableReadStream *fpt=0) | Common::FoxPro | |
loadFields(SeekableReadStream &dbf, uint32 recordSize) | Common::FoxPro | private |
loadHeader(SeekableReadStream &dbf, uint32 &recordSize, uint32 &recordCount, uint32 &firstRecordPos) | Common::FoxPro | private |
loadMemos(SeekableReadStream &fpt) | Common::FoxPro | private |
loadRecords(SeekableReadStream &dbf, uint32 recordSize, uint32 recordCount) | Common::FoxPro | private |
save(WriteStream *dbf, WriteStream *cdx=0, WriteStream *fpt=0) const | Common::FoxPro | |
saveFields(WriteStream &dbf) const | Common::FoxPro | private |
saveHeader(WriteStream &dbf) const | Common::FoxPro | private |
saveMemos(WriteStream &fpt) const | Common::FoxPro | private |
saveRecords(WriteStream &dbf) const | Common::FoxPro | private |
setBool(size_t record, size_t field, bool value) | Common::FoxPro | |
setDate(size_t record, size_t field, uint16 year, uint8 month, uint8 day) | Common::FoxPro | |
setDouble(size_t record, size_t field, double value) | Common::FoxPro | |
setInt(size_t record, size_t field, int32 value) | Common::FoxPro | |
setMemo(size_t record, size_t field, SeekableReadStream *value=0) | Common::FoxPro | |
setString(size_t record, size_t field, const UString &value) | Common::FoxPro | |
Type enum name | Common::FoxPro | |
updateUpdate() | Common::FoxPro | private |
~FoxPro() | Common::FoxPro |